Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator – How Many Calories Burned?


Find out how many calories your body burns every day by using this calculator so you can get an estimate of your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Simply complete the information below and select the activity level from the drop-down menu that applies to you and click on calculate.


Interesting facts about BMR
Your BMR, or basal metabolic rate (metabolism), is the energy (measured in calories) expended by the body at rest to maintain normal bodily functions. This continual work makes up about 60-70% of the calories we use (“burn” or expend) and includes the beating of our heart, respiration, and the maintenance of body temperature. Your BMR is influenced by a number of factors, including age, weight, height, gender, environmental temperature, dieting, and exercise habits.

Because of the increased activity of cells undergoing division, the younger the person, the higher (faster) the metabolism. And the taller and heavier a person is, the faster their metabolism. Because of the greater percentage of lean muscle tissue in the male body, men generally have a 10-15% faster BMR than women. And when you go on restrictive, traditional diets, your BMR can drop by as much as 20%. People living in tropical or very cold environments generally have BMR’s 5-20% higher than those living in more temperate climates. In general, depending on the intensity and duration, consistent exercise can also increase your BMR.

Disclaimer: The values provided by the BMR calculators are estimates only. These calculators are not intended to be a substitute for medical advice and care.

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