Thoughts on new weight training program

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Thoughts on new weight training program

Post by Sammel85 »

I'm stepping up weight training to 4 days a week alternating upper and lower body rather than 3 days per week of a full body workout.

I'm not sure if what I've got planned is too much. I have a tendency to try and push past limits because I really enjoy the feeling of satisfaction when completing a workout that still has me puffing at the end of it. If I'm not puffing or sweating still, I honestly feel like I haven't done enough.

Currently, I'm looking towards training for karate nationals in 12 months time (although I qualified this year, I wasn't financially able to get there) and going to spend the first 3 months solely on fitness and strength work, then gradually add karate specifics ending with the final three months almost entirely on sparring - for light contact sparring at nationals and a very intense 15-20 x2 minute full contact fights for a grading (different styles).

LOWER BODY (3x12-15):
- Barbell back squats
- Barbell good mornings
- Dumbbell sumo squats
- Barbell straight leg dead lift
- Dumbbell walking lunges
- Swiss ball leg curl
- Barbell standing calf raises

UPPER BODY (3x12-15):
- Barbell bench press
- Barbell bent over rows
- Dumbbell shoulder press
- Barbell upright rows
- Dumbbell flyes
- Dumbbell reverse flyes
- Dumbbell row triceps kickbacks
- Dumbbell bicep curls

Cardio 5 days a week for 30 to 60 minutes
Core training twice a week (love P90X ab ripper program - have never completed it... yet)
Rest twice a week - most likely Saturday and Sunday
Karate training does not start up again for another 6 weeks - will replace 2-3 cardio sessions each week
Weight training wise I am fairly fit - I push myself hard every single session
Cardio in general I have a way to go, martial arts training wise pretty good, consistent fighting needs more stamina
I've aimed to do entirely free weights so I don't have the excuse of not being able to get to the gym

The lower body, I'm not sure if I should add some resistance band training for ab- and adductors (for side kicks)

So, for your thoughts....
- is it too much? not enough?
- are there exercises I should add/change/eliminate?
- other comments?
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