FreeMotion Two Arm Cable Curls – Biceps Exercise Guide


Muscles Targeted: The FreeMotion two arm cable curls exercise is a nice alternative to using free weights like barbell curls and dumbbell curls. This exercise targets the biceps brachii muscle which is referred to as the biceps. This muscle lies on the upper arm between the shoulder and the elbow. The main function of the biceps is to rotate the forearm and to flex the forearm at the elbow. The primary aim of this exercise, and, indeed other types of curls, is to strengthen and add size to the biceps. Different types of curls vary slightly because each type usually targets a specific head of the muscle. The biceps muscle has two heads (long and short). FreeMotion two arm cable curls target the long head, which is the outer area of the muscle and it also hits the forearms as a secondary muscle group.


Exercise Instructions: Using the FreeMotion machine, position the machine’s arms low to the ground and securely grasp the handles with both hands. While standing straight up with a stable stance, slowly curl the cables up using your biceps and make sure to flex for a peak contraction at the top of the movement. Keep your elbows close to your sides throughout the entire movement. Lower the cables back down to the starting position with a slow and controlled tempo.

Why This Exercise is Important: This exercise helps to strengthen one of the most important muscles which is involved in functional movements and everyday activities. Having upper body strength, especially in the arms, is extremely important for many different sports from football and baseball to tennis and golf. Along with helping to excel in athletics, having strong biceps are important for daily chores like working around the house, moving furniture, picking up groceries and holding onto various items. Along with these functional movements, having big biceps is also a great aesthetic to shoot for. Bulging biceps on men is a very masculine look and for women it’s always nice to have lean and toned arms when wearing short, sleeveless shirts.

Things To Avoid: Working out using cables and machines is safer than with barbells and dumbbells due to the fact that free weights can cause injuries at a higher rate (dropping the weights). It is, however, paramount to ensure that you proceed with caution even as you practice this movement and always adhere to strict form and technique.

First, you must make sure to maintain proper posture before grabbing the cables. Always focus on standing upright with your feet apart to guarantee maximum stability. Avoid swinging your body or bending over at the waist while doing the curls. This will ensure that your biceps work hard to complete each rep resulting in a more effective training session. While standing straight up with a flat back and a stable stance, make sure to keep your shoulders back and your chest out while performing this exercise. Do not hunch your shoulders over or arch your back when lifting the cables up and down. Keep your elbows close to your sides and avoid letting them flare out away from your body. Your elbows should be in a fixed position so make sure you don’t raise and lower them when lifting the cables up to the top. You want to place all of the tension on the biceps and if you start moving your elbows up and down, it will activate your front deltoids more than your biceps.

Reps and Sets: The recommended repetitions for an effective workout with this exercise should be in the range of 8-12 reps and about 2-3 sets. A total of 6-8 sets for your entire bicep workout is all that’s needed to make great gains in size and strength. A proper warm-up set of 18-20 reps is very important before you move into heavier weights since you want to rush blood into the muscle and get your body ready to take on more resistance. Ensure that you rest for 1-3 minutes in between sets. If you are just getting started working out, do not rush it and be patient. Always proceed at your own comfortable pace. Do not go way beyond the recommended limits in order to avoid overworking your muscles. The best approach for a great workout is by adopting a regular routine. For instance, implementing a habit of hitting the gym 3-4 days per week is a great place to start. Doing the same workout, week in and week out, causes the body to get used to the stimulation and it will eventually plateau and stop making gains. Make sure to only train your biceps 1-2 times per week for the best results (once is usually all that’s needed to grow).

Other Exercises To Use: Other exercises that can be used to complement this biceps exercise include, but are not limited to, barbell curls, preacher curls and alternating hammer curls. View our extensive database of exercise guides for a comprehensive list of exercises that target the biceps.

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