T-Stabilization Lockout Hyperextension – Core Exercise Guide


Overview: The T-stabilization lockout hyperextension is a great exercise for the abdominals, shoulders, hips and back. It requires no equipment and greatly strengthens the core thus making it a great inclusion in every abdominal workout routine. The T-stabilization lockout hyperextension is an advanced movement so make sure you are capable of performing the regular T-stabilization lockout exercise before trying this one since it requires the shoulders and arms to be pulled back much further at about a 120 degree angle.

Muscles Targeted: The T-stabilization lockout hyperextension targets the abdominal obliques and rectus abdominis muscles, which make up the core. It also engages the quadratus lumborum muscle which is located in the lower back and strengthens the shoulders, hips and arm muscles since the weight of the body is being supported by the arms during the exercise.


Exercise Advice: Start in a traditional push-up position on the ground. Slowly lift one hand off the ground and raise it into the air while rotating one side of your body up until your arm is positioned at about a 120 degree angle. Stabilize yourself at the top position for several seconds (depending on your level of fitness) and then return your arm back down to the staring position. Continue by repeating the movement with your other arm.

Things To Avoid: When you first begin this exercise and are in a push-up position, your hands should be firmly planted on the ground and located directly under your shoulders with your feet wide enough to provide stability when you begin to rotate your upper body. Keep your back straight and hips in line with your upper body. When rotating your hips, ensure your hips, knees and toes all point in one direction.There is a tendency to lose your form while switching hand positions and sliding your feet during this exercise. To avoid this you must make sure that your hips are not rocking forward or backward during the exercise and your hands are kept straight down from your shoulders. Maintain the integrity of the curvature of your spine throughout the movement and avoid excessive lowering or raising of your pelvis during the rotation. Be very conscious of your overall balance throughout the exercise and contract your core at all times. If you have any injuries that may hinder you from doing the T-stabilization lockout hyperextension properly, especially injuries to the spine and shoulders, you should avoid this exercise. As with all exercises, discontinue if you experience pain.

Reps and Sets: The number of repetitions and sets you choose to for the T-stabilization lockout hyperextension should depend on your overall experience and fitness level. Since this is a very advanced exercise, please make sure that you are fully able to perform the regular T-stabilization lockout movement before attempting this one. Beginners should keep the number of reps and sets low when starting out and focus their attention on getting their form and technique spot-on with this exercise before increasing the number of reps and sets. Here is a breakdown of sets and repetitions for beginners to advanced individuals:

  • Beginners: Perform 1-2 sets of 2-3 reps with a 90-120 second rest period between sets. When you reach the top of the movement, try holding the static position for 1-2 seconds.
  • Intermediate: Perform 2-3 sets of 5-7 reps with a 90-120 second rest period between sets. When you reach the top of the movement, try holding the static position for 3-5 seconds.
  • Advanced: Perform 4-5 sets of 8-12 reps with a 90-120 second rest period between sets. When you reach the top of the movement, try holding the static position for 5-10 seconds.

Other Exercises To Use: Once you have mastered the T-stabilization lockout hyperextension exercise, you can kick it up a notch by adding a push-up portion at the end to increase the intensity. Other effective exercises you can add along with this movement include the Bird Dog Extension and the 2-Point Side Bridge. These are abdominal exercises that are sure to strengthen not only your core, but also work on several other muscles in your upper body and improve your overall balance and coordination.

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