Kettlebell Exercises for Shoulders and Deltoids
Exercise – Arnold Press
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and position the kettlebells at chin level with an overhand grip (palms facing in towards your chest). Press both kettlebells up over your head while rotating your hands during the movement so that your palms are facing out at the top of the movement. Return the kettlebells to the starting position. Remember to keep your back and head straight in a neutral position throughout the movement.
Exercise – Front Raises
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and hold one kettlebell with both hands in front of you with an overhand grip (palms facing in). Slowly raise the kettlebell up to about chin level while keeping your arms in a fixed position during the entire movement (do not bend your elbows). Slowly lower the kettlebell down to the starting position and repeat.
Exercise – Front Raises One Arm
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and hold a kettlebell in one hand in front of you with an overhand grip (palms facing in). Slowly raise the kettlebell up to about eye level while keeping your arm in a fixed position during the entire movement (do not bend your elbow). Slowly lower the kettlebell down to the starting position and repeat. After performing 8-12 reps, repeat the exercise with the opposite arm.
Exercise – Front Raises Two Kettlebells
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and hold two kettlebells using both hands. Position the kettlebells in front of you with an overhand grip (palms facing in). Slowly raise the kettlebells up to about eye level while keeping your arms in a fixed position during the entire movement (do not bend your elbows). Slowly lower the kettlebells down to the starting position and repeat.
Exercise – Seated Shoulder Press
Exercise Advice: Sit on the ground with your legs extended and spread apart. Hold two kettlebells with both hands and position them at shoulder height with an overhand grip (palm facing out). Extend your arms and press the kettlebells up above your head. Slowly lower the kettlebells down to the starting position and repeat.
Exercise – Seated Shoulder Press Alternating
Exercise Advice: Sit on the ground with your legs extended and spread apart. Hold two kettlebells with both hands and position them at shoulder height with an overhand grip (palm facing out). Extend one arm and press the kettlebell up above your head. Slowly lower the kettlebell down to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm.
Exercise – Seated Shoulder Press With One Arm
Exercise Advice: Sit on the ground with your legs extended and spread apart. Hold a kettlebell in one hand and position it at shoulder height with an overhand grip (palm facing out). Extend your arm and press the kettlebell up above your head. Slowly lower the kettlebell down to the starting position. Complete 8-12 reps and then repeat with the opposite arm.
Exercise – Shoulder Press Alternating
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and hold two kettlebells in both hands. Curl the kettlebells up and position them at shoulder level with an overhand grip (palm facing out). Extend one arm and press the kettlebell up above your head to the top position. Slowly lower the kettlebell down to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm.
Exercise – Shoulder Press With One Arm
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and hold a kettlebell in one hand. Curl the kettlebell up and position it at shoulder level with an overhand grip (palm facing out). Extend one arm and press the kettlebell up above your head to the top position. Slowly lower the kettlebell down to the starting position and repeat.
Exercise – Shoulder Press
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and hold two kettlebells in both hands. Curl the kettlebells up and position them at shoulder level with an overhand grip (palm facing out). Extend your arms and press the kettlebells up above your head to the top position. Slowly lower the kettlebells down to the starting position and repeat.
Exercise – Side Lateral Raises
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and hold two kettlebells in both hands. Slowly raise the kettlebells up to the top position which is about shoulder height. Make sure to avoid leaning forward during the movement. Keep your back straight and really focus on using your deltoids throughout the exercise. Slowly lower the kettlebells down to the starting position and repeat.
Exercise – Side Lateral Raises With One Arm
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and hold a kettlebell in one hand. Slowly raise the kettlebell up to the top position which is about shoulder height. Make sure to avoid leaning forward during the movement. Keep your back straight and really focus on using your deltoid muscle throughout the exercise. Slowly lower the kettlebell down to the starting position and repeat.
Exercise – Upright Rows
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and hold a kettlebell using both hands. Let the kettlebell hang down in front of you with an overhand grip (palms facing in). Slowly raise the kettlebell up to just below your chin. You should feel the tension directly on your deltoids and trapezius muscles. Slowly lower the kettlebell to the starting position and repeat.
Exercise – Upright Rows With One Arm
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and hold a kettlebell in one hand. Let the kettlebell hang down in front of you with an overhand grip (palms facing in). Slowly raise the kettlebell up to shoulder level. You should feel the tension directly on your deltoids and trapezius muscles. Slowly lower the kettlebell to the starting position and repeat.
Exercise – Upright Rows With Two Kettlebells
Exercise Advice: Take a shoulder width stance and hold two kettlebells using both hands. Let the kettlebells hang down in front of you with an overhand grip (palms facing in). Slowly raise the kettlebells up to just below your chin. You should feel the tension directly on your deltoids and trapezius muscles. Slowly lower the kettlebells to the starting position and repeat.