Front Deltoid Raises – Resistance Bands Exercise Guide with Photos


Muscles Targeted: Front deltoid raises target the anterior (front) and the medial (sides) deltoids. The deltoids are the large muscles of the shoulder and consist of three areas or “heads” which include the anterior or front deltoid head, the medial or side deltoid head and the posterior or rear deltoid head. Front deltoid raises will increase the strength and flexibility of your anterior and medial deltoids as well as your rotator cuffs. The secondary muscles affected by this exercise include the trapezius affecting the base of the neck, spinae which goes through the spinal column ending in the lower back and the muscles of the rotator cuff.

Exercise Instructions: All you need is a small area and a resistance band to perform front deltoid raises. Stand with your back straight and grasp the handles of the resistance band in each of your hands. Step on the middle of the band with one foot with your arms hanging straight down at your sides. Raise your arms upward keeping them straight with your palms down until your arms reach about eye level making them parallel to the ground. Slowly lower your arms back down to the starting position. Repeat the process for as many repetitions that your routine calls for.


Things To Avoid: Front deltoid raises should be performed slowly without any type of fast or jerky movements. Starting out, one should begin with less resistance. When a certain level of progress is reached, you can place both feet on the exercise band to increase the resistance. This will help tone your deltoids and strengthen them even more. This exercise can really build the area positively if done regularly and properly. Front deltoid raises can also be combined with other shoulder exercises into your overall workout routine. However, too much exertion could cause injury so always be careful before combining this exercise with others to avoid overtraining.



The arms should be raised to a level that is parallel to the floor and not too high above your head. Raising your arms above your head greatly increases your chances of injury, particularly to your rotator cuff muscles. While doing front deltoid raises, you should follow a very slow tempo and be careful to avoid any rapid movements that could cause injury.

Reps and Sets: You should begin with 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions per set. As you gain strength and endurance performing this exercise over time, you may increase the number of sets and repetitions to 3-4 with 20-30 reps per set. It is recommended to rest for 1-2 minutes between each set. Train your shoulders 1-2 times per week for the best results.

Other Exercises To Use: Adding other exercises into your overall shoulder workout is important for targeting other areas of the deltoids. Some great resistance bands exercises include the overhead shoulder pressupright rows and rear deltoid rows.

If you have access to other types of fitness equipment, some other effective weight training exercises you can use for targeting the front and middle deltoids include the Smith machine shoulder press, front deltoid barbell press, overhead deltoid dumbbell press, medicine ball front deltoid raises and seated dumbbell deltoid press.

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