Rear Deltoid Rows – Resistance Bands Exercise Guide with Photos


What are deltoids? They are the large triangular muscles covering the shoulder joint and serve to extend and rotate the arm. Each of the deltoid muscles blanket the surface of the shoulders. The deltoid consists of three heads which includes the front, medial and rear portions. These 3 areas of the deltoid muscle perform different functions. Unfortunately, the rear deltoids are the least trained of the 3 heads. It’s very important to train the rear deltoids because this maintains the overall balance of the entire muscle group. Avoiding specific rear deltoid exercises may lead to shoulder injuries down the road due to imbalances in the region.

Muscles Targeted: This exercise primarily target the muscles of the deltoids (shoulders) while the secondary muscles are the biceps, trapezius and upper back. People usually forget or neglect this type of exercise for the rear portion of their shoulders. Keeping in mind the three heads of the shoulders, proper symmetrical strength and overall development is crucial.


Exercise Instructions: To perform rear deltoid rows, grasp both handles of the exercise band with both hands. Step on the middle of the band with one foot. Bend over at about 90 degrees and let your arms hang naturally down to the sides. Slowly pull the bands up while keeping your elbows out to your sides. If you keep your elbows in, you will put more emphasis on your back versus your rear deltoids. You will feel the back part of your shoulder muscle being engaged when this exercise is performed correctly. You can also spread your legs out to create more space in order to build up additional tension in the band. If you want a little variation, move the band out instead of doing it vertically. This will be performed more like a fly versus a rowing movement. Make sure to breathe out (exhale) as you exert force and raise the bands up toward the top position and then breathe in (inhale) as you lower the bands back down to the starting position.



Things To Avoid: If you feel any pain or discomfort in the shoulders while performing this exercise, stop immediately. You need to make sure that you have warmed up your shoulders and rotator cuff muscles properly before performing this movement. If you don’t have enough tension in the band to properly stimulate the rear deltoids, switch to a thicker band or try placing both feet in the middle of the band to create more tension. Do not allow your arms to come in close to your sides as you row up to the top position. Make sure to always keep your elbows out to your sides to properly place all of the tension on the rear deltoids. This exercise does not need to be performed with heavy weights, so a basic medium-sized exercise band should be enough to get a good workout.

Reps and Sets: You can perform this deltoid exercise by doing 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps for beginners. Higher reps of 20-30 reps with 4-5 sets are adequate for more advanced individuals. Rest for 60-90 seconds between sets to fully recover. Focus on training your shoulders 1-2 times per week for great results.

Other Exercises To Use: It’s important to include several different movements in your overall shoulder workout. There are other resistance bands exercises that you can perform and they include front deltoid raisesside lateral raises and the overhead shoulder press.

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