Fitness Models – Photos and Interviews with Figure Competitors

Here are photos and interviews with many of the top fitness and swimsuit models in the world! It’s always important to take advice from people who are at the top of their industry and when it comes to getting into amazing shape, the fitness tips and secrets featured in this area will definitely help you reach your goals! Our fitness models provide incredibly helpful advice for toning up, building lean muscle mass and losing unwanted body fat. They also provide diet tips and tricks for eating clean so you can achieve a rock hard body! Click on the profiles below to learn more about each fitness model, see their photo galleries and read in-depth interviews. You can also see our male fitness models to learn more about how the guys get ripped! If you’re interested in becoming a ShapeFit model, please click on the button below and complete our fitness models submission form and then email us 8-10 photos of yourself (swimwear, fitness, workout shots).

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