Robin Bobbe – Modeling Statistics
- Name: Robin Bobbe
- Height: 5’7″
- Weight: 115 pounds
- Date of Birth: 3-30-1952
- Hair Color: Dark Blonde
- Bust: 34C
- Waist: 25″
- Hips: 35″
- Location: New York City
Robin Bobbe – Modeling Interview
What is your background?
I live in New York City. The first time I stepped foot into a gym I was 47. I couldn’t even do 5 minutes on a stationary bike. In the beginning I was totally overwhelmed and intimidated by the gym but also determined to address my lack of physical exercise. First step was to buy a book so I could at least start to gain some knowledge. I went to Barnes and Noble and found an exercise book that was written by a 50-year-old woman with detailed exercises and photographs. The next year my husband surprised me with a series of sessions with a personal trainer. That experience really motivated me and took me to new levels.
How did you get started in the modeling field?
I was a casting director for print advertising. Last year I was contacted by a very successful New York Photographer’s Agent, who wanted to talk to me about finding new faces for the 50+ market. He said that the advertising agency people were tired of seeing the same old faces and he was interested in a collaborative effort. I thought it was a great idea but in the end he decided to retire and I decided to become one of the new faces. I thought, why not me? I am in great shape. I workout, I do yoga, I run. That decision changed my life and a new me emerged. I felt confident and alive. On my third audition I booked my first print job for a pharmaceutical company. At the ripe young age of 60 I decided to become an actress and commercial print model. I want people my age to know that we have the power to keep our bodies and minds young.
What is the #1 thing you like best about being fit and staying in shape?
I want people my age to know that we have the power to keep our bodies and minds young. Exercise really is the fountain of youth.
What has been your biggest accomplishment in the modeling field?
Being in better shape at 60 than I was at 40.
What is the best way to get started in the modeling industry? Should I just contact the photographers directly or should I use an agency?
You need pictures to be represented by an agency. There are many photographers who are either testing or working on their portfolios and need models to shoot. That is called TFP or trade for pictures. That is the best way to build a portfolio. I do not recommend working with an agency that wants to charge you for pictures.
Please describe a typical day for you. What is your daily routine like?
I usually wake up at 6:00am have my coffee and read The New York Times. Then I get ready for the gym. A typical workout for me is with weights, machines and floor mats for stomach exercises. Then I head for the cardio room and do 35 minutes on the stair master. If I am in the country I do not go to the gym so I run and use my weights that I keep there. I also take a yoga class 2 days a week.
I don’t have that much time during the day to workout, so I really want to burn major calories in a short amount of time. What is the #1 “bang for the buck” cardio exercise I should do to burn serious calories?
It really depends on the person but if time were an issue then I think the best exercise would be running. You can eliminate travel time because you can just walk out your door and run and it is also the most economical since you don’t need to pay for a gym membership.
How much weight (pounds) should I focus on losing every week? What is a safe amount to make sure I keep it off?
I’m not really qualified to answer this question but it’s usually recommended that 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week is healthy. Make sure to check with a doctor before starting any weight loss plan or exercise program.
What type of food or supplements should I take before and after my workouts to help me see results in gaining lean muscle and losing fat?
I’m actually not taking any supplements for those reasons right now. My next goal is to increase my muscle mass and will be looking into ways to attain that goal.
How do you deal with cravings for junk foods, sweets and salty food? I can stay on a diet for maybe a few weeks but I eventually get really bad cravings and binge on snacks and fast foods.
First I must say that I do not believe in diets. I believe that one must adopt a healthy way of eating everyday. Now, having said that, I also believe in a balance. I eat healthy all week and then on the weekends I allow myself to indulge in some fun meals like a hamburger and french fries or some ice cream. But I am not talking McDonalds. I shop at Whole Foods so even the “bad food” is “good food”. That way I never experience cravings. I also maintain my weight. So if I gain a pound or two on a weekend, I take it off immediately.
I’m trying to create a healthy shopping list to stick with. What are some of the main foods I should include to maintain a lean and muscular physique?
Again, this is not my expertise but in order to maintain my weight, I buy lean poultry, meats and fish for protein. Leafy green vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and only use olive and canola oils. There are lots of great simple low-fat recipes out there today on how to create tasty meals. Take advantage of what is available to you and you will not only learn how to eat healthy but you will enjoy your food.
I’m about 35 pounds overweight. I have never started an exercise program and really don’t know where to start. What tips can you give me to get started on the right track?
You should start by walking.
I tend to eat out most of the time and really don’t know what healthy foods to order from the menu. What tips do you recommend for eating out at restaurants to make sure my diet will not suffer?
It takes great discipline. Choice of restaurant is very important. Do not go to restaurants where the food is processed. Stay away from fried foods and sauces. Ask for salt free or low sodium foods. Order salads without dressing and instead use oil and vinegar or fresh lemon wedges. Skip dessert or have fresh fruit.
What is your secret? How do you look so good and stay so fit at 60?
It really isn’t a secret. The information is everywhere. You must commit to exercise and eating healthy. It is a struggle in the beginning like anything that is new or foreign. So do things in small steps. Go slowly, otherwise you will become paralyzed attempting to do too much at once. If you fall into old patterns don’t beat yourself up. Get back on the horse and take up where you left off. You will start to feel better about yourself and that will give you a new confidence to maintain your new routine.
What is the most challenging thing you deal with about consistently staying in top shape?
I think my challenge is to relax a bit more and not put so much pressure on myself when I miss a day at the gym.
Please describe your normal diet. What do you eat in a typical day to stay in shape?
Breakfast: Steel cut oats.
- Mid-Morning Snack: An apple.
- Lunch: Salad.
- Mid-Afternoon Snack: Slice of bread with peanut butter.
- Dinner: Low fat protein, vegetable, green salad.
What type of exercises do you include in your routine to stay in shape?
- Strength Training Exercises: Combination of free weights and machines.
- Cardio Exercises: Stair master and running.
- Additional Training: Yoga.
What advice do you have for other women in there 60’s that feel its impossible to look good and feel sexy again?
If you don’t feel good about yourself on the inside you will never be sexy or attractive to other people. That is key. Confidence is a real turn on. How you get to that place is everything I have been talking about. Exercise, healthy eating and keeping yourself active. Keep growing. Learn new things. What are you passionate about? If you don’t know then try new things until you figure it out. It can be done because I did it at 60!
What are your top 5 tips for losing unwanted body fat?
1. Diet.
2. Cardio.
3. Weight training.
4. Determination.
5. Discipline.
What are your thoughts on menopause and how do you deal with this (take any medication, hormone therapy, etc)?
Unfortunately I have been diagnosed with Osteopenia. I was taking Fosamax for about 4 years but am off of it now. Yoga and weight training are excellent ways to straighten your bones.
What are the top 5 tips you recommend for staying motivated on a fitness plan and truly making a healthy lifestyle change?
Working out is like a drug. Once you get hooked you can’t stop!
1. Give yourself small goals.
2. Be patient.
3. Workout with a partner.
4. Think positive.
5. I find listening to my iPod very helpful.
What is your training routine like? (Please include a few details – training split, sets/reps, exercises, types of cardio, etc.)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday I do weight training, machines and cardio. Tuesday and Thursday I take a yoga class. My 35 minute cardio workout is on a StairMaster. I love it. I also do:
Hip abductors (inner and outer) set at 115 lbs
- 17-½ lb free weights for bicep and shoulders
- Tricep press machine set at 100 lbs (I have good triceps!)
- For back I use the row rear deltoid set at 65 lbs and modular assist machines
- Fly machine for chest set at 65 lbs
- Chest press for upper chest set at 55 lbs
- Seated leg press set at 85 lbs
- Leg extension set at 85 lbs
- Seated leg curl set at 65 lbs
- Stomach exercises:
- I use the ab bench
- I use the captains chair
- On the mat I do a Pilates exercise called the hundred
What are the top 5 tips (specific exercises, diet advice, etc) you recommend for losing fat around the stomach and developing a toned and defined midsection?
1. Do sit-ups on a decline bench and hold a plate near your chest as you go up and down.
2. Same as above only twist for obliques.
3. Vertical leg lift machine.
4. Crunches on an exercise ball.
5. Pilates mat stomach exercise called “The Hundred”.
What are the top 5 tips (specific exercises, diet advice, etc) you recommend for toning the thighs, hips and butt?
1. Squats.
2. Lunges.
3. Leg press.
4. Hip abductors.
5. Leg extension.