Anouk Pascale – Fitness Model Statistics
- Name: Anouk Pascale
- Height: 5’6″
- Weight: 112 pounds
- Date of Birth: 1/30/1972
- Hair Color: Brown
- Bust: 34C
- Waist: 24
- Hips: 33
- Location: London, United Kingdom
- Website:
Anouk Pascale – Fitness Model Interview
What is your background?
For the last decade I have had the pleasure of working as a fitness model which has taken me all over the world on fitness and commercial assignments. I have visited some amazing locations including the Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic and Hawaii on both swimwear and fitness shoots. More recently, I have developed my own nutritional supplement range and fitness website where I can use my knowledge from my Degree in Sports Science and nutrition to guide and help people around the world achieve their health and fitness goals. My role is to inspire them in every way possible to be their very best. That’s my passion and my purpose. As a little girl, I would read books on nutrition and exercise, learning the importance of the two working together. Health is the ultimate goal and my job is to share this with others so that they too can enjoy a quality of life that they deserve.
How did you get started in the fitness field?
I’ve just always kept myself fit and healthy from a young age. Exercise is like a religion to me. It’s just something I’ve trained myself to do, it’s a total discipline of mind and body. I love the results it gives and how it makes me feel. When I initially started modeling I was just doing normal fashion and commercial assignments. Agents and photographers would always comment on how fit my physique was, so it was almost a natural progression to go into fitness modeling. I didn’t really decide it, it was just something that happened based on my shape, definition, etc.
What is the #1 thing you like best about being into fitness?
I love feeling great everyday and knowing that my body continues to get fitter and stronger. It is my constant, something that I can do anywhere, and it keeps my mind clear and focused. I just love it!
What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?
My biggest accomplishment probably was doing the cover of Muscle and Fitness Magazine with Frank Sepe, and also an editorial feature inside. Now just being able to help people around the world achieve their fitness goals with my website is also a great passion of mine and overall achievement.
What is the best way to get started in the fitness modeling industry? Should I just contact the photographers directly or should I use an agency?
I think you should find a reputable agency first and go to a recommended fitness photographer who will take the kind of promotional pictures you need. This way ensures you are safe, since you are not just going to any random photographer to have pictures done.
Please describe a typical day for you. What is your daily routine like?
My day is spent going on modeling assignments or doing personal consultations and training. I have to be up very early daily to get my own workout in. Usually, that means getting up around 5:30am and doing my full workout (1.5 to 2 hours). Once that’s done, I’m energized for the day which is good since I then have to do about 2-3 hours of additional training with my clients!
I don’t have that much time during the day to workout, so I really want to burn major calories in a short amount of time. What is the #1 “bang for the buck” cardio exercise I should do to burn serious calories?
Personally, I would go for a stationary bike cardio blast RPM above 105 and varying the intensity between level 9 and 12 for the best bang for the buck exercise.
How much weight (pounds) should I focus on losing every week? What is a safe amount to make sure I keep it off?
I recommend 1-2 pounds weekly as that is safe and realistic. It’s about making a lifestyle change, so this gradual weight loss is what is expected when you do this rather than extreme diets which promise quick weight loss, but then you only end up regaining it all because it is not a diet that is maintainable.
What type of food or supplements should I take before and after my workouts to help me see results in gaining lean muscle and losing fat?
I recommend a high quality protein snack of some sort (lean turkey, chicken, eggs). Or a pure protein shake, but one that is low in carbs and not full of fillers and chemicals. I use my own Reshapeology hemp protein power as a light shake. If you don’t like hemp, then I would only recommend looking for a cold cross filtered whey protein like Energy First.
How do you deal with cravings for junk foods, sweets and salty food? I can stay on a diet for maybe a few weeks but I eventually get really bad cravings and binge on snacks and fast foods.
I don’t believe in dieting in the sense of banning everything from your list. I think denial is what causes the eventual binging because again, it is not something you can maintain. I think I’ve taught myself a very robust sense of self-discipline from an early age. For instance, if I crave chocolate then I will have a piece but just not the whole bar. If I crave nachos I will have a few, but that’s it. I guess I know when to stop. I can do that. This is a discipline that once mastered, allows you to be in control and still enjoy a little of what you want.
I’m trying to create a healthy shopping list to stick with. What are some of the main foods I should include to maintain a lean and muscular physique?
Meats: Lean turkey steak and breast mince, lean chicken fillets, lean hamburger, fillet steak, eggs, egg whites, light unsweetened fromais frais, unsweetened soy and Greek yogurt.
- Carbohydrates: oatmeal, oat bran, quinoa, wild black rice, buckwheat.
- Good Fats: almonds, walnuts, coconut oil, butter, almond butter, natural peanut butter.
- Dairy: semi-skim milk or unsweetened almond or soy milk, cheese, feta cheese.
- Fruits: blackberries, raspberries, apples, oranges, strawberries.
- Vegetables: spinach, kale, asparagus, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, fennel.
I’m about 35 pounds overweight. I have never started an exercise program and really don’t know where to start. What tips can you give me to get started on the right track?
I would really recommend making small changes to start with. Small changes such as walking for 30 minutes 5 times a week and cutting out sugar and refined carbohydrates. Small changes equal big changes and so this is a good way to ease into a lifestyle change if you have never done anything before, without putting too much pressure on yourself. If it’s within your budget, it may be a good idea to meet up with a personal trainer for a month or so, just to get you into a routine and give you some dietary advice and guidance.
I tend to eat out most of the time and really don’t know what healthy foods to order from the menu. What tips do you recommend for eating out at restaurants to make sure my diet will not suffer?
Try to avoid any sauces and casserole dishes and always order simple and clean. For instance, I would choose a grilled salmon or chicken or fillet steak with 1 steamed vegetable. This avoids them putting in too much sodium, and sauces full of bad fats and fillers. Basically, you should be able to “see” what you are eating. Avoid fried foods, pastas, sauces, potato dishes and desserts.
What exercises do you recommend for getting a bigger, rounder and fuller butt?
Lots of plyometric work, squats, lunges, with moderate weights and on the power plate so you are also working against the vibration.
What is the most challenging thing you deal with about consistently staying in top shape?
Probably going out socially and being with people who don’t understand why I’m so careful with what I choose to eat. Also, just working out on vacation when sometimes you would prefer to just lie all day on the beach! It takes discipline and I never have more than 2 days off consecutively, unless I’m ill.
Please describe your normal diet. What do you eat in a typical day to stay in shape?
Breakfast: Scrambled egg whites with spinach.
- Mid-Morning Snack: Reshapeology hemp protein green drink.
- Lunch: Grilled chicken or salmon with Greek salad.
- Mid-Afternoon Snack: Blackberries with handful of almonds.
- Dinner: Reshapeology hemp protein power meal replacement shake or chicken or lean beef stir fry (with just vegetables).
What type of exercises do you include in your routine to stay in shape?
- Strength Training Exercises: Free weight super sets, combined with planks, lunges, plies, high kicks.
- Cardio Exercises: Running, jumping rope, cycling, cross trainer, rowing.
- Additional Training: Power plate vibration training, accessory muscle toning exercises, pilates, yoga, core conditioning moves.
What are the top 5 tips (specific exercises, diet advice, etc) you recommend for developing toned and defined arms?
1. Press-ups with weights.
2. Supersetting with moderate or light weights for 30 minutes.
3. Pushups on the power plate.
4. Eat a clean diet with more protein than carbs to lean up.
5. Jump rope! It’s great for toning your arms as well as fat burning.
What are your top 5 tips for losing unwanted body fat?
1. Limit sugar and artificial sweeteners. Stevia is the only one I will use.
2. Include a high quality from of protein at every meal. Make your carb portion smaller than your protein portion.
3. Take a high quality Omega-3 supplement such as krill oil and astaxanathin. Take 3000 MG of buffered Vitamin C.
4. Combine cardio alongside some dynamic moves featuring free weights and leg work.
5. Drink enough water and avoid alcohol.
What are your top 5 tips for gaining lean muscle mass?
1. Eat high quality protein at every meal.
2. Have a protein shake before and after your workout.
3. Use heavy weights when weight training, exhausting muscles at end of each set.
4. Get enough sleep.
5. Include a rest day during the week.
What are the top 5 tips you recommend for staying motivated on a fitness plan and truly making a healthy lifestyle change?
1. Think of it as a lifestyle change that is going to be an investment in your future. Your payback is a healthy body, longevity, happiness and lots of boundless energy! That’s motivation!
2. The best thing about exercising is that if you put 100% in, you will get 100% back direct only to you. Work hard and be consistent, and you will reap the benefits.
3. Don’t look at exercise or healthy eating as a chore. Start to enjoy having the power to choose and do what’s right for your body.
4. Get enough sleep and don’t overtrain.
5. Clean eating leads to a clear and focused mind. When you eat rubbish, you start to feel and look like rubbish. Allow yourself to become your very best!
What is your training routine like? (Please include a few details – training split, sets/reps, exercises, types of cardio, etc.)
- Monday: 1 hour cardio: bike, jump rope, or treadmill. 25 minutes of core work on the power plate, dumbbell arm work for supersets of 5 total sets of 30 reps.
- Tuesday: Arms and ab work: dumbbells with core moves for 30 minutes (plank alternate arm lifts) for 20 reps. 70 minutes of cardio which consist of 30 minutes of stationery bike, 30 minutes of cross trainer and 10 minutes running at a high incline.
- Wednesday: Jumping rope for 20 minutes, 20 minutes of leg and glute work which includes weighted squats, lunges, boxer kicks, plies. Cardio on bike for 30 minutes. Rebounder for 15 minutes with high kicks.
- Thursday: 40 minutes doing kettlebells, 8 sets of 20 reps for each move. 1 hour of cardio on stationery bike.
- Friday: 40 minutes accessory muscle strengthening work and 30 minutes running. 25 minutes of cross trainer (backwards motion). 10 minutes of dumbbells leg work for 3 sets of 20 reps, squat shoulder presses.
- Saturday: Day off.
- Sunday: 25 minutes of jump rope, 25 minutes of pilates core work and 1 hour of cardio on the stationary bike.
What are the top 5 tips (specific exercises, diet advice, etc) you recommend for losing fat around the stomach and developing a toned and defined midsection?
1. Do cardio 5 times a week.
2. Combine weights with dynamic movements (boxer kicks, lunges, press-ups).
3. Eat a high quality protein at every meal and stay hydrated.
4. Add some pilates based core work into your routines (planks, etc).
5. Avoid sugar, chocolate, potato chips and all refined carbs.
What are the top 5 tips (specific exercises, diet advice, etc) you recommend for toning the thighs, hips and butt?
1. Do weighted squats, plies and lunges.
2. Eat clean and lean protein. Avoid refined carbs and lower your carb intake.
3. Do step-ups to a bench and squeeze your butt at the top.
4. Walk and run at a steep incline. Also, incorporate side stepping exercises on the treadmill.
5. Try using a rebounder and put lots of high kicks into your jumping (its fun too)!