Heaven Ross – Fitness Model Statistics
- Name: Heaven Ross
- Height: 5’2″
- Weight: 105 pounds
- Date of Birth: 11-06-1981
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Brown
- Bust: 34C
- Location: Detroit, Michigan
- Email: heaven.ross37@facebook.com
Heaven Ross – Fitness Model Interview
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Hi, my name is Heaven Ross and I am very delighted to tell you a little about who I am. I started my fitness journey while living in Detroit, Michigan at the age of 11 years old. I loved going to the fitness club (spa) with my dad “Ross” who is no longer living on this present earth at this time. Fitness has also given me an outlet of what the world would call positive energy and I have some good workouts! I have also enjoyed what muscle tone exercise has brought me while also pumping a little iron to bring about some lean muscle to my small frame.
Being a fitness fanatic along with following the right eating habits for me has helped to give me strength and life. “I love you Lord, you are my strength” with all of the benefits that exercise has helped to give me these things have encouraged me to continue even until this day.
I have completed an Associates degree from Washtenaw Community college and I am now pursuing my degree in Therapeutic Recreation and Gerontology (Aging Studies) at a university.
You know I must tell you I also have particular niches within the fitness industry for seniors, and special needs people and people who aren’t defined as having special needs but tend to act or behave in that manner. I am really fond of working with people like this bringing them real hope, and well-being. Not to mention, I will help others in need as well.
How did you get started in the fitness field?
I got started in the field of fitness after battling health problems and my desire to look like the bikini and fitness models I saw photos posted on the wall at my dads job when I was just about 10 years old.
What is the #1 thing you like best about being into fitness?
The best thing I like about being into fitness is it’s a beautiful industry . I like how I get to help people achieve their fitness goals, while achieving my own. Fitness helps me take care of my temple (body) and I get to meet a lot of interesting people.
What has been your biggest accomplishment in the fitness field?
My biggest accomplishment in the fitness field has been being in the Natural Michigan Classic 2002 and placing 5th in both fitness and figure. My other great accomplishment was receiving my fitness certification through AFAA.
What is the best way to get started in the fitness modeling industry? Should I just contact the photographers directly or should I use an agency?
Please describe a typical day for you. What is your daily routine like?
A typical day for me would be I get up 8:00 am, workout by 10:00 am, have breakfast, run errands, go to school, study and then back home to relax.
I don’t have that much time during the day to workout, so I really want to burn major calories in a short amount of time. What is the #1 “bang for the buck” cardio exercise I should do to burn serious calories?
The best bang for the buck exercise is a 20-30 minute jog because it works everything, I mean everything. It also burns calories in the least amount of time and it really gets your heart pumping. For non-runners, I suggest speed walking for 20-30 minutes. If you’re lacking motivation, try group exercise.
How much weight (pounds) should I focus on losing every week? What is a safe amount to make sure I keep it off?
Depends what your goals are. I think about a pound a week is good. Start early for bikini (summer), swim season. No crash dieting because it could only backfire.
What type of food or supplements should I take before and after my workouts to help me see results in gaining lean muscle and losing fat?
Some supplements that are good to take are whey protein (especially after a workout) along with CLA, green tea, a multivitamin, glutamine and L-carnitine.
How do you deal with cravings for junk foods, sweets and salty food? I can stay on a diet for maybe a few weeks but I eventually get really bad cravings and binge on snacks and fast foods.
The way I deal with junk food is I always think how will I feel after eating this, so the answer is always bad. So I try not to risk feeling bad. For sweet food, I eat dried fruit. Kosher and sea salt are the best for when you have salt cravings, they are less harmful.
I’m trying to create a healthy shopping list to stick with. What are some of the main foods I should include to maintain a lean and muscular physique?
Some important food to maintain a lean muscular physique are chicken breast, beans, egg whites, skim milk, vegetables, rice and potatoes.
I’m about 35 pounds overweight. I have never started an exercise program and really don’t know where to start. What tips can you give me to get started on the right track?
I tend to eat out most of the time and really don’t know what healthy foods to order from the menu. What tips do you recommend for eating out at restaurants to make sure my diet will not suffer?
Make sure you choose broth based soup and a good salad for eating out.
What exercises do you recommend for getting a bigger, rounder and fuller butt?
Exercise for the butt would be lunges, squats, walking, leg press and mini kicks. These all develop your butt extremely well.
What is the most challenging thing you deal with about consistently staying in top shape?
The challenging thing I deal with most about staying in shape are sweets. I get a sweet tooth for cotton candy, Butterfinger, and Twizzlers.
Please describe your normal diet. What do you eat in a typical day to stay in shape?
- Breakfast: Oatmeal topped with few nuts and few raisins.
- Mid-Morning Snack: Apple with peanut butter or protein shake.
- Lunch: Chicken breast with vegetables and rice.
- Mid-Afternoon Snack: Handful of baby carrots.
- Dinner: Protein veggies and potatoes.
What type of exercises do you include in your routine to stay in shape?
- Strength Training Exercises: My favorite (bicep curls), chest press and lunges.
- Cardio Exercises: Running, burpees, jumping jacks and high knees in place.
- Additional Training: Dancercize, interval training, Aikido, walking and my other favorite move, twist with lunge.
What are the top 5 tips (specific exercises, diet advice, etc) you recommend for developing toned and defined arms?
2. Use lightweight.
3. Do your cardio.
4. Pushups.
5. Try ballet (guys too)! It elongates and tones the arms.
What are your top 5 tips for losing unwanted body fat?
1. Don’t eat too much dairy.
2. Start away from simple carbs such as sweets and sugar.
3. Do your cardio.
4. Do interval training.
5. Try exercising on an empty stomach early in the morning.
What are your top 5 tips for gaining lean muscle mass?
1. Lift heavy.
2. Stretch.
3. Eat 3-6 times a day.
4. Don’t do too much cardio. If you do cardio, low impact cardio is fine.
5. Keep your workouts for 6 weeks then change your routine.
What are the top tips you recommend for staying motivated on a fitness plan and truly making a healthy lifestyle change?
1. Meditate daily.
2. Think positive.
3. Journal about a healthy lifestyle.
4. Get with a buddy.
5. Plan your workouts. Do what is fun and change your scenery and location every now and then to keep you motivated.
6. Wish the best for others.
7. Keep only good company around you.
What is your training routine like? (Please include a few details – training split, sets/reps, exercises, types of cardio, etc.)
On Monday, my routine is:
- Burpee 3×12
- High Knees 60-120 seconds
- 21’s till failure
- Good morning bend 3×10
- Smashdown 3×12
- Single legged squat 3×12
- Jump squat 3×10
- Bicep curls 3 to failure
- Note: I do this routine 3-4 times a week with 1-2 days of running for 20-40 minutes.
What are the top 5 tips (specific exercises, diet advice, etc) you recommend for losing fat around the stomach and developing a toned and defined midsection?
2. Tone abs with yoga.
3. Do strength training, core stabilization exercises.
4. Hold your abs tight throughout the day.
5. Do some planks.
What are the top 5 tips (specific exercises, diet advice, etc) you recommend for toning the thighs, hips and butt?
1. Lunges.
2. Squats.
3. Kick, front, back and side.
4. Hip shakers.
5. Walking.
All of these exercises are good for toning the lower half. Alternate between reps and set each week to keep the muscles guessing. You don’t want to get bored, just keep it fun and you will see your body tighten up and the fat just melt away.