Name: Fredylyn
Age: 27
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Occupation: Records Clerk
Height: 5’2″
Waist: 24″
Pregnancy Weight (max): 160 pounds
Current Weight: 105 pounds
Number of Children: 1
Fredylyn’s Fit Moms Success Story!
How many children do you have and what are their ages?
I have a 2-year-old boy.
How much weight did you gain during your pregnancy(s)?
45 pounds.
How much weight did you lose after your pregnancy(s)?
55 pounds.
How long did it take you to start to see results?
4 weeks.
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
1.5 years.
How long have you maintained your weight?
A couple of months.
What made you decide to get back into shape after your pregnancy?
I didn’t like feeling fat. I lost my confidence. The father of my son lost interest in me and starting cheating on me.
What were the most important changes you made to lose the weight?
The choices of food I ate.
What were the most challenging things about losing the weight?
Eating clean and making time for my son. After work I pick up my son from the day care then take him home to feed him. After that I take him with me to the gym where there is a day care service.
What types of cheat foods did you crave during your pregnancy?
Chinese food, anything greasy and oily, salty.
Did you exercise during your pregnancy (what types of exercises)?
On the first and second trimester. I was still training at the gym. I do my normal strength training with lighter weights.
How many days per week do you workout now?
4-5 days.
How has your life changed since losing the weight?
I gained back my confidence. Since the break up between me and my son’s dad early this year, I thought everything doesn’t go my way. I decided to compete in a local bikini model show. I didn’t make it to top five (out of 22) but losing weight was already an accomplishment.
What advice can you give moms about losing the baby weight?
It is hard but it is not impossible.
Fredylyn’s Fit Moms Tips!
Fit Moms Tip #1:
Stick to your schedule. Don’t make excuses.
Fit Moms Tip #2:
Always remember that you are doing it for yourself and no one else.
Fit Moms Tip #3:
Stay focused.
Fit Moms Tip #4:
Take care of yourself the most.
Fit Moms Tip #5:
Be organized. Don’t forget the people around you (kids and husband).
Fredylyn’s Fit Moms Eating Plan!
2 ounces of oatmeal, 8 egg whites with 1/2 can tuna omelet.
Chicken stir-fry, 1/2 cup of rice.
Grilled chicken, cup of spinach.
Snacks or Mini Meals:
Banana and protein shake, almonds.
Fredylyn’s Fit Moms Workout Routine!
Weight Training:
Monday: Shoulders and triceps
Tuesday: Legs and calves
Wednesday: Abs and cardio
Thursday: Chest and biceps
Friday: Back
Saturday: Abs and cardio
Sunday: Off
30-60 minutes of elliptical.
Thermogenics, CLA, B100, calcium and magnesium.