Name: Mara
Age: 30
Number of Children: I have 1 child and I’m expecting my second in May, 2011!
Occupation: Stay at home mom
Location: Mountain Lakes, New Jersey
Height: 5’4”
Wbaist: 29″
Pregnancy Weight (max): 153 pounds
Current Weight: 113 pounds
Pounds or Inches Lost: During my first pregnancy, I gained 40 pounds, my hips were 40 inches, my waist was 40 inches. Six months postpartum, I lost all 40 pounds and my waist is now 29 inches and my hips are 34 inches!
Mara’s Fit Moms Success Story!
How many children do you have and what are their ages?
I have one daughter who is 18 months with a second child due in May, 2011!
How much weight did you gain during your pregnancy(s)?
I gained 40 pounds.
What types of cheat foods did you crave during your pregnancy?
Chocolate pancakes!
How much weight did you lose after your pregnancy(s)?
I lost 40 pounds.
Did you exercise during your pregnancy?
Yes, I did pilates, yoga, strength training and swimming.
What made you decide to get back into shape after your pregnancy?
Overall health and well being and the strength to care for a baby without injuring myself. Also, a vacation scheduled when my daughter would be 6 months old. I wanted to wear my bikini!
How long did it take you to start to see results?
A few weeks.
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
6 months.
How long have you maintained your weight?
I maintained my weight for 1 year before I became pregnant again.
How many days per week do you workout now?
2-3 times a week.
What were the most important changes you made to lose the weight?
I changed my eating habits and focused on strengthening my body rather then losing weight.
What was the biggest challenge about losing the weight?
The demands of motherhood. Simply finding the time to make proper meals and workout. I also breastfed my daughter until she was 10 months old which meant I was on demand many times throughout the day.
How has your life changed since losing the weight?
I was able to wear a bikini at my vacation when my daughter was 6 months old and I was very proud to be a healthy mom.
What advice can you give moms about losing the baby weight?
Don’t focus on the weight, focus on strengthening your body for motherhood.
How has ShapeFit helped you reach your fitness goals? has great fitness articles about staying fit through pregnancy and beyond.
Mara’s Fit Moms Tips!
Fit Moms Tip #1:
Stop overeating like you’re pregnant!
Fit Moms Tip #2:
Maximize your free time.
Fit Moms Tip #3:
Being fit will decrease the feelings associated with sleep deprivation.
Fit Moms Tip #4:
Workout with your children.
Fit Moms Tip #5:
Seek professional help if you need assistance.
Mara’s Fit Moms Eating Plan!
Cottage cheese and fruit, glass of milk.
Tuna fish sandwich and glass of orange juice with one cookie or half of a brownie!
Piece of chicken breast, cranberry jelly sauce, corn on the cob, small salad and glass of juice.
Snacks or Mini Meals:
Baby carrots, granola bar, fruit smoothie, dried cranberries, hot chocolate.
Mara’s Fit Moms Workout Routine!
Weight Training:
One hour workouts include 5 minute warmup on cardio machine and then 30 minutes of strength training exercise. I finish with a 10 minute stretch series. I also take exercise classes for pilates, yoga and toning.
30 minutes of Zumba.
Daily vitamins.