Name: Daniel
Age: 19
Family Status: Single
Occupation: Tutor
Hometown: Artesia, California
Pounds or Inches Lost: I lost 55 pounds!
Height: 5’7″
Waist: 30″
Starting Weight: 200 pounds
Current Weight: 145 pounds
Daniel’s Weight Loss Story!
When did you become unhappy with your weight?
I was always unhappy with my weight ever since high school, but I never had the motivation to do anything about it.
What made you decide to lose weight?
The motivation for me to lose weight was because my ex-girlfriend told me that sometimes she would be embarrassed to be seen with me because I was so fat and that none of her friends actually took me seriously and thought of me as a joke. She also feared for my health and thought that I was going to die in my mid-20’s if I kept living the way I lived. After that conversation the very next day, I called one of my best friends who works out frequently and asked him to help me.
What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
I gave up on fast food and soda. I also started working out 5-6 times a week.
What was most challenging about losing weight?
Giving up fast food and soda. Those two things were my life. Giving it up was a really hard thing for me to do. I also had a hard time running. The first time I ran on a treadmill for 10 minutes I almost passed out and threw up. After about 4-5 months I was able to run 5-6 miles nonstop.
How long did it take you to start to see results?
It took me about 3 months. In 3 months I lost about 20 pounds. People were amazed that I was actually losing weight!
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
About a year and a half.
How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?
A year and half. I maintained by living a healthier lifestyle. To this day I still don’t eat fast food or drink soda. I weight lift 3 times a week with a mini-cardio session. I do push ups, jump rope, pull ups and dips (circuit training) and a 30 minute run, 2 times a week.
How has your life changed now that you’ve lost weight?
My self-esteem and confidence has gone up. I’m doing better at school by being more focused. I have been doing a LOT better with the ladies! I don’t get tired as often, and I don’t sweat as often.
How did ShapeFit help you reach your weight loss goals? helped a lot with my nutrition and gave me a different variety of exercises that I still use.
Daniel’s Weight Loss Tips!
Weight loss tip #1:
Try to stay away from fast food and soft drinks as much as possible.
Weight loss tip #2:
Cardio! It’s a big part of weight loss.
Weight loss tip #3:
Try to eat white meats like chicken or fish. Red meats is ok on occasion.
Weight loss tip #4:
Eat 1 hour before a workout and eat after a workout or replace a meal with a protein shake.
Weight loss tip #5:
Find motivation! Losing weight doesn’t happen overnight so find some motivation that will help you keep going towards your goal because if you don’t have one, you won’t get anywhere.
Daniel’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!
4 boiled eggs. I eat one whole and the other 3 I just eat the egg whites. A bowl of oatmeal, a glass of orange juice and a piece of toast.
I usually have chicken with brown rice and some vegetables on the side. Sometimes I make chicken sandwiches or tuna sandwiches or turn them into salads.
A grilled chicken breast with some brown rice with a baked potato and vegetables on the side. Sometimes I would replace grilled chicken with a steak or some of my moms Korean food which is equally healthy and good.
Snacks or Mini Meals:
I usually have peanuts, apples, peaches and bananas as my mid-day snacks.
Daniel’s Weight Loss Workouts!
Weight Training:
Monday: Back and legs.
Wednesday: Chest and biceps.
Friday: Shoulder and triceps.
30 minutes of push ups, pull ups, dips and jump rope (circuit training). 2 mile run and 6 sets of sprints. Saturday: Circuit training – 2 mile run and 6 sets of sprints. I also run for 20 minutes after a weight training session.