Name: Dione
Age: 49
Family Status: Married
Occupation: Bookkeeper
Hometown: Milwaukie, Oregon
Pounds or Inches Lost: I lost 228.5 pounds!
Height: 5’9″
Starting Weight: 425.5 pounds
Current Weight: 197 pounds
Dione’s Weight Loss Story!
When did you become unhappy with your weight?
I have always been unhappy with my weight but when it really hit home was the first year I was married. I gained 100 pounds that first year and then just kept on gaining as the years went by.
What made you decide to lose weight?
Until 2007 my weight had never affected my way of life but then I went to get a physical. I affectionately call that “the day” since I found out I was dying because everything was wrong with me. My blood pressure was high, my cholesterol was high, my doctor thought I had suffered a heart attack sometime in my life but most of all, I was diagnosed as being borderline diabetic. I am deathly afraid of needles so to me that was a death sentence. My doctor also told me that if I lost the weight, then all these problems would go away. It was now time to do something about it.
What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
First of all I joined TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). The support I received from others at my TOPS meetings was like no other. These are people who do not judge you by your weight but support you no matter what. The second change was I was not going on another diet. This time it was a lifestyle change. If I was going to succeed then I had to change my life. The third thing was portion control. I started weighing and measuring everything that I ate. I was shocked to see what a real portion was. I was eating 3 or 4 times what I should have been eating. Fourth was exercise. I started moving more. I made time for me.
What was most challenging about losing weight?
Staying motivated. I knew I was in this for the long haul so I needed to stay focused and to stay motivated. This was a struggle at first but then when I started seeing the results and more importantly feeling the results, it got easier.
How long did it take you to start to see results?
I lost over 50 pounds before anyone said anything to me about losing weight. It took me a little longer. I think sometimes I will always see myself heavier than I really am. Even now I sometimes walk past a mirror and have to do a double take to be sure it’s me.
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
I started my journey in October of 2007 and reached my goal weight December 27, 2010.
How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?
I have maintained my weight loss since December 27, 2010. I will be honest, it isn’t easy. I have a love/hate relationship with food. Do I always eat right? No, but I do try. I try not to buy or have things in the house that tempt me and I always make time for exercise. It is a learning curve.
How has your life changed now that you’ve lost weight?
My life has changed 360 degrees. I am able to do everything now. My husband and I can do things together now instead of him doing them and me watching on the side lines. I have tons of energy and I’m loving life.
How did ShapeFit help you reach your weight loss goals?
ShapeFit’s weight loss stories are very inspirational.
Dione’s Weight Loss Tips!
Weight loss tip #1:
Eat sensibly. This is a lifestyle change. You have to be able to do this for the rest of your life.
Weight loss tip #2:
Drink water and lots of it. Remember at least eight 8 ounce glasses a day.
Weight loss tip #3:
Move more and eat less. Exercise! Find something you enjoy doing and get out there and do it.
Weight loss tip #4:
Have fun and laugh. Success is about the journey not the destination. Have fun along the way.
Weight loss tip #5:
Stay positive and believe you can succeed!
Dione’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!
Oatmeal with blueberries and 1 cup of 1% milk.
Turkey sandwich with light mayo, mustard, lettuce and an apple.
4-6 ounces of beef, chicken or fish with a big salad and usually some other vegetable. Every now and then I add a small baked potato or brown rice.
Snacks or Mini Meals:
Sugar free popsicles, rice cakes with peanut butter (very little PB), fruit.
Dione’s Weight Loss Workouts!
Weight Training:
Weight training videos with exercise bands.
Walking and swimming.