Name: Dorraine
Age: 38
Family Status: Engaged to be married
Occupation: Administrator
Location: Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Height: 5’3″
Starting Weight: 180 pounds
Current Weight: 125 pounds
Pounds or Inches Lost: I have lost 55 pounds!
Dorraine’s Weight Loss Story!
When did you become unhappy with your weight?
Although I was never considered a skinny child, I never really had a weight problem. But when I hit my thirties I really just started to let myself go. In my twenties, I used to enjoy running and even participated in a few 10k races, but after a knee injury, I gave that up too. Then the pounds really started piling up! So, due to a total lack of exercise and mindless, uncontrolled and unhealthy eating habits, before I knew it I weighed 180 pounds!
What made you decide to lose weight?
Ever since I started packing on weight, I wanted to lose it. The final motivation that caused me to lose all the unwanted fat, was the fact that I am getting married in December, 2013 and I want to look my best in my wedding dress.
What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
I stopped eating late at night. I also cut out starchy and simple carbs like white bread, pasta, white rice and sweets. I also started exercising every single day. I did cardio and abs in the morning before work on an empty stomach. That really burned the fat off quickly. In the evenings I did strength training with weights.
What was most challenging about losing weight?
I never used to be a morning person, so the most challenging thing about my weight loss journey was waking up while it was still dark outside in the middle of winter and going for my morning run before work. In the beginning, I also found it very difficult to not eat late at night.
How long did it take you to start to see results?
It was a steady weight loss in the beginning. I started seeing results after about 3 weeks. But the most dramatic results I saw was during the past 12 weeks. I did a transformation challenge, just to help me get rid of the last few pounds. Through this challenge, I built a lot of lean muscle and my body completely transformed.
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
In total, it took me about 11 months to lose 55 pounds. I lost 26.4 pounds on my own since July, 2012 and then my weight plateaued for about 3 months. In April of 2013 I decided to do a Body Makeover Challenge. During the 12 weeks I lost another incredible 28.6 pounds!
How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?
I have maintained my weight up until now (July, 2013). I plan to stay at my goal weight, but want to continue to build lean muscle and reduce my body fat percentage.
What keeps you motivated to continue your weight loss success?
I am getting married at the end of 2013 and want to be the most beautiful bride that I can possibly be for my precious husband to be.
How has your life changed now that you’ve lost weight?
I am feeling more energetic than ever before. The most wonderful thing is now I can fit into anything I want to wear. I can now even fit into my matric farewell dress from 1992 and I think I look better in it now than I did back then! I am just so grateful for this second chance that I have been given to be healthy and fit again. I am forever grateful to God for leading and guiding me every step of the way and for giving me the strength to start this life changing weight loss journey and see it through successfully. He really answered my prayers and gave me a second chance on living a healthy, youthful and abundant life.
Do you have any advice for others who are trying to lose weight?
If I can do it, you can do it too! It is just one step at a time into the right direction. Just dream big and then put action to your dreams and see them become a reality, one step at a time.
How did ShapeFit help you reach your weight loss goals?
I enjoy reading up on other ShapeFit weight loss transformation stories. They really inspired me to continually better myself.
Dorraine’s Weight Loss Tips!
Weight loss tip #1:
Do not eat a lot late at night.
Weight loss tip #2:
Do cardio first thing in the morning before breakfast since it will cause your body to dig into the fat stores for energy.
Weight loss tip #3:
Get a training partner, it will keep you accountable.
Weight loss tip #4:
Eat five to six small, healthy and clean meals throughout the day.
Weight loss tip #5:
Prepare your food in advance. It will help you to avoid cheating on your diet.
Dorraine’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!
Protein powder mixed with fat-free yogurt and a small fruit.
Tuna or chicken salad.
Beef or chicken strips with stir fry vegetables.
Snacks or Mini Meals:
Dried fruit, boiled eggs, protein shake.
Nutritional Supplements:
Multivitamin, vitamin C, CLA, Pure 1000 Phedracut fat burner, omega 3 salmon oil.
Dorraine’s Weight Loss Workouts!
Weight Training:
After my running session with my running partner, I go to the gym and do abdominal and back strength training. In the evening, I do upper body exercises on one evening and lower body exercises on the next.
I run about 5k (3.1 miles) every morning between 6-7 am with my running partner.