Name: Heather
Age: 30
Family Status: Married
Occupation: Registered Veterinary Technician and Nail Technician
Hometown: Milan, Indiana
Pounds or Inches Lost: I lost 68 pounds!
Starting Weight: 178 pounds
Current Weight: 110 pounds
Heather’s Weight Loss Story!
I had a goal to lose weight before my October 2003 wedding. Now, when I set a goal, I make sure I reach it! I had always worked out and read numerous fitness magazines. I was at a plateau and needed help. I had been reading about Jen in the magazines for a while. My fiancé, at the time, told me to e-mail her and ask for a one-on-one training. I told him he was “crazy”. She didn’t have time for a “nobody”, like me. He said the worst thing she can do is say NO. So, I e-mailed her and within 1 day she had replied back. I was on my way to Columbus, Ohio. I was so nervous to meet her. The entire time I was driving up there, I kept thinking to myself “what have I gotten myself into now”. I’m actually still saying that! I arrived at the gym a few minutes early. The gentleman at the front desk said she was running a little late. I’ll never forget when she walked through those gym doors. My heart was racing! She welcomed me with open arms like we were long-lost friends. We hit it right off. I trained with her all day. I had discovered that my form “sucked”. It’s hard trying to read something in a magazine and then try to do it correctly. I’m the type that needs someone to show me, hands-on. I remember that I went back to my hotel and called my husband. I told him I was staying another day for more! I explained to him how down to earth she was and helpful. I had learned more from her in those 2 days than I had in 5 years of reading magazines. I left Columbus motivated and with a new diet and training session in hand. She wanted to see me in 5-6 months.
In August of 2003, I was in a severe boating accident on the Ohio River. My husband’s best friend was taking me and 3 others out for a Sunday cruise. The driver’s wife and Kenny stayed back at our campsite to grill hamburgers. We had hit a wake the wrong way and all of us were thrown from the boat. The driver was not found for 3 days. None of us should have survived. I spent some time in the hospital and will never be totally healed. I realized that day, that when God says it’s your time, it’s your time. For some reason it was not my time to go. We did not replace Graham in our wedding, instead we had a picture of him up on the table. Kenny and I lit a candle in his memory. I still had to continue training if I wanted to reach my goal. My best friend brought me tuna to eat at the hospital.
On my wedding day, I was 35 pounds lighter than the first day I met Jen. I looked the best I’ve ever been! My husband was very proud. In December, I took a friend to train with Jen. During the training I asked her if she thought I could ever compete. She replied, “I’ll give you a diet and we’ll see”. In the meantime, Jen had talked to me about hosting a Cincinnati Phat Camp so I did, then she asked me to co-host the Arnold Classic Fashion Show, so I did that also. By March of 2004 I had hosted my first Phat Camp, co-hosted the Arnold Classic Fashion Show and competed in 3 figure competitions. All of these events turned out very successful. I then began “somehow” to take over coordinating all of the Phat Camps. I was then ready to compete in the Fall of 04.
I got my diet and started training. I was 4 weeks out from my show and I quit losing weight. I called Jen in a panic. I was tired, didn’t want to eat and felt like crap. She told me to go to the doctor, so I did. I was 11 weeks pregnant. The weight packed on, a whole 58 pounds to be exact. I then made another goal to myself that I would compete in the fall after having my baby girl. During my entire pregnancy I helped organize an Australian Phat Camp. That was great motivation for me. My husband and I spent 2 weeks in Australia while our Izabella was only 2 months old. While I was in Australia, I promised everyone that I was going to lose this baby weight. I was disgusted with myself. The following week after getting back from Australia I had the Florida Phat Camp. I then became more disgusted with my appearance. On July 5th Jen gave me another diet and now I’m the smallest I’ve ever been. With a newborn at home, going to the gym was out of the question. I belong to a small gym and they do not have daycare. I already had a treadmill, so I went to Wal-Mart and purchased a set of weights. I stuck to the diet Jen gave me and I did the workouts from Phat Camp. I put Izabella in her swing every morning and out to the garage we went. I was going to prove to everyone that I could and would lose this weight! I have competed several times since Izabella. I have been placing in the top 5 of my class. I owe all of my success to Jenny Hendershott. I couldn’t have done it without her motivation, confidence, trust and knowledge. I currently went to work part-time at my veterinary technician job and assisting Jenny the rest of the time. I also am a nail technician, mom and wife. If I hadn’t met Jen, I have no idea what I would be doing today or what I would look like. She has become one of my best friends!
Heather’s Weight Loss Interview!
When did you become unhappy with your weight?
When I was to big to exercise and participate in Phat Camp.
What made you decide to lose weight?
I wanted to look and feel better.
What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
I ate a healthier diet and did more cardio.
What was most challenging about losing weight?
Staying motivated while having a newborn.
How long did it take you to start to see results?
2 weeks.
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
6 months.
How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?
I have maintained my weight for 1.5 years through daily exercise and a healthy, clean diet.
How has your life changed now that you’ve lost weight?
I have motivated “moms” who think they can’t lose the baby weight.
Heather’s Weight Loss Tips!
Weight loss tip #1:
Set a goal and do whatever possible to achieve it.
Weight loss tip #2:
Stay motivated.
Weight loss tip #3:
Be patient.
Weight loss tip #4:
Work hard.
Weight loss tip #5:
Stay positive by being around positive people.
Heather’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!
Eggs whites and water.
Salad with fresh chicken breast and spray dressing, water.
White meat, sweet potato and green vegetable, water.
Snacks or Mini Meals:
Protein shakes, protein bars, animal cookies, fruit.
Heather’s Weight Loss Workouts!
Weight Training:
I train 1 body part a day, 5 times per week. I do 8 different exercises (super set) with 15-20 reps and 3-4 sets per exercise.
I do cardio for 45 minutes, 6 times a week. I will walk on the treadmill, take my baby for a walk in her stroller, ride the bike or head to the local track.