Weight Loss Stories – Jose Lost 124 Pounds in 8 Months


Name: Jose
Age: 38
Family Status: Single
Occupation: Fleet Compliance Manager
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Pounds or Inches Lost: I lost 124 pounds and 18 inches!
Height: 5’7
Waist: 32
Starting Weight: 304 pounds
Current Weight: 180 poundssuccess-stories-new-layout-jose

Jose’s Weight Loss Story!

When did you become unhappy with your weight?
August 13th, 2006.

What made you decide to lose weight?
I stepped on a scale at it said 304 Pounds!

What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
Eating 6 small frequent meals per day. Steady pace cardio and HIIT 5 through 6 days per week. Weight/Resistance training 4 days per week. Mental training when needed.

What was most challenging about losing weight?
The mental part.

How long did it take you to start to see results?
8 months.

How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
8 months.

How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?
1 Year. I changed my lifestyle. I call it “My Healthy Living Lifestyle”.

How has your life changed now that you’ve lost weight?
My metabolism is turbo charged. Women that didn’t even bother looking at me when I was fat can’t keep their eyes and hands off me, lol. I feel and look great. I have more energy and way too much more to write here.

How did ShapeFit help you reach your weight loss goals?
The fitness articles are really informative.

Jose’s Weight Loss Tips!

Weight loss tip #1:
jose-weight-loss-success-storiesIt all starts and ends in the mind.

Weight loss tip #2:
You could workout like crazy but if you don’t break your meals down to 5 or 6 meals per day of quality starchy carbs, fibrous carbs, healthy fats in small amounts and lean protein, your efforts will be in vain.

Weight loss tip #3:
You must do cardio and weight training.

Weight loss tip #4:
The combination of proper nutrition, cardio and resistance training along with mental training has a synergistic effect matched by none.

Weight loss tip #5:
There is no better time to start than right now.

Jose’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!

1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 medium banana, 1 teaspoon natural peanut butter, 1 scoop whey protein mixed up in a blender. 6:00am and 9:00am.

1 cup broccoli, 1 cup mushroom, small serving avocado, 4 oz grilled chicken breast. 12:00pm and 3:00pm.

Large green salad with olive oil, 1/2 cup brown rice, 6 oz piece of lean beef.

Snacks or Mini Meals:
1 scoop of whey protein, 1 teaspoon of natural peanut butter with 1 medium banana mixed up in a blender.

Jose’s Weight Loss Workouts!

Weight Training:
Full body workouts.

Steady pace cardio for 45 minutes or 30 min of HIIT on a stationary bike, regular bike or treadmill. I change up my cardio every 12 weeks.

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About Author

ShapeFit.com is dedicated to providing health and fitness information to people so they can live a healthy lifestyle. ShapeFit has thousands of pages of fitness content with fun and interactive tools to help our visitors lose body fat, build lean muscle and increase their energy levels. We wish you great success in reaching your health and fitness goals!

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