Weight Loss Stories – Kim Weaver Lost 84 Pounds


Name: Kim
Age: 42
Family Status: Divorced
Occupation: Waitress
Location: Mesa, Arizona
Height: 5’3″
Waist: 28″
Starting Weight: 233 pounds
Current Weight: 149 pounds
Pounds or Inches Lost: I lost 84 pounds!success-stories-new-layout-kim-w

Kim’s Weight Loss Story!

When did you become unhappy with your weight?
When I started gaining weight I was always unhappy. Hitting 40 years old was my trigger to change.

What made you decide to lose weight?
Becoming 40 and health issues.

What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
I stopped eating processed fast food and stopped buying unhealthy foods.

What was most challenging about losing weight?
kim-w-weight-loss-story-1Everything. I think the excess skin was a challenge and emotionally its been weird.

How long did it take you to start to see results?
It honestly took about a year to see changes.

How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
It took 2.5 years to reach my current weight.

How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?
I have maintained for 6 months but I want to lose 20 more pounds.

What keeps you motivated to continue your weight loss success?
My daughter and my health. I got very ill last year so I needed to change to a healthier lifestyle.

How has your life changed now that you’ve lost weight?
I can wear clothes now and I don’t worry about hiding my weight. I think being able to breathe better is also great.

Do you have any advice for others who are trying to lose weight?
Don’t give up. Food can be your best friend or your worst enemy. I think enjoying healthy foods is the key. Don’t buy junk food you don’t need. Try to make it hard to cheat.

How did ShapeFit help you reach your weight loss goals?
Having ShapeFit.com as a fitness resource is awesome. I started looking at weight loss pictures first but then I began reading the tips and recipes. I love all the different resources and the success story photos really inspire me.

Kim’s Weight Loss Tips!

Weight loss tip #1:
kim-w-weight-loss-story-2Eat small meals.

Weight loss tip #2:
Make working out a part of your every day life.

Weight loss tip #3:
Focus on natural foods, raw sugars and salts.

Weight loss tip #4:
Be human! I love soda so sometimes I will drink it.

Weight loss tip #5:
Weigh yourself and be accountable for what you eat.

Kim’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!

I’m not big on food in the morning but sometimes I eat some eggs with toast and tea along with some flax.

A sandwich with some pasta and a tea or natural soda. I also love fruit with hummus and water.

I make a lot of different soups and stews for my meals. I also love cooking in the crock-pot and stir-frying (no beef).

Snacks or Mini Meals:
I love fruit, hummus, peanut butter, cream cheese, flax and chia chips. I eat modified nachos and dark sea salt chocolate is my favorite treat!

Nutritional Supplements:
I take Lady’s Mantle herbs and vitamins.

Kim’s Weight Loss Workouts!

Weight Training:
I lift weights (5 pounds) every other day doing my arms and legs.

I do cardio on the treadmill and walk everyday. I love to hike in Arizona and I swim every day during the summer.

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ShapeFit.com is dedicated to providing health and fitness information to people so they can live a healthy lifestyle. ShapeFit has thousands of pages of fitness content with fun and interactive tools to help our visitors lose body fat, build lean muscle and increase their energy levels. We wish you great success in reaching your health and fitness goals!

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