Name: Robanne
Age: 40
Family Status: Married with 3 kids
Occupation: Registered Nurse
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Height: 5’7″
Waist: 28″
Starting Weight: 300 pounds
Current Weight: 150 pounds
Pounds or Inches Lost: I lost 150 pounds!
Robanne’s Weight Loss Story!
There is a lot of negativity about bariatric surgery and the social stigma attached to it. Personally, I hear more stories of bariatric surgeries gone bad and stories of noncompliance with people regaining all of their weight, than I do of long lasting success with weight loss. Bariatric surgery is by no means a quick fix, or the easy way out of fatness. I contemplated my own surgery for several years before I did it. However, my story is one of hope and success that has blown my mind and exceeded my wildest expectations. I hope by sharing my own experience with you, it will help you find your way. I am by no means an expert on all things bariatric. My surgery was just under three years ago.
My journey began many years before that. I was always a chunky kiddo. I could look at an apple and gain 5 pounds. I remember being called “thunder thighs” pretty much all through childhood. I was always insecure about my weight and have been all of over the map with weight and eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia, and morbid obesity. I felt very out of control with food most of my life, but particularly the last decade when I was morbidly obese the entire time (1999-2009). I was a hot mess. Food consumed me. I was always planning my next food binge which was daily at that point. I did not exercise and was not able to participate actively with my children. I sat on the sidelines of life watching and wishing I could join in. I sat on the bench and watched the kids play at the park. I could not run around and chase them, I couldn’t even climb the stairs in our house. I sat on a lawn chair at the pool, fully clothed. I would not go in the pool, and sure as heck would not put on a bathing suit (most of the time).
So, what happened to me? In a nutshell, I had to go to the emergency room twice within a 6 month period. My resting heart rate on the first trip was 201, and 206 on the second. It’s scared the ba-jeezus out of me, and I knew at that moment I had to do something, and I had to do it SOON! I was already on Metformin for my high blood sugar and blood pressure medications were coming soon. I was always short of breath and sweaty without much effort. I had tried every diet out there during that 10 year period with no success. More accurately, I deprived myself off and on under the guise of calling it a diet, but I was never able to maintain it and I never changed my lifestyle.
Fast forward to August 4, 2009. On that date I had a laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure. Since that time I have gone from 300 pounds to my current weight of 150 pounds, which I have been at for a year and a half now. It has not been without its struggles and a ton of work. Like I said earlier, there is no quick fix or magic pill. I only had to change one thing and that one thing was EVERYTHING! I made the required dietary changes, I started exercising and I had to change my thinking. Just because you have a surgical procedure that makes your stomach smaller, you are still left with your “fat thinking” and therefore the accompanying bad habits that got you in that shape in the first place.
I currently workout 5 days a week and eat small meals throughout the day. I choose protein over carbs as often as possible, although I don’t agree with giving up carbs. Your body needs them, it just doesn’t need the white rice and 2 plates of pasta kind of carbs (that I used to consume all the time). I go for whole grain carbs, and I start everyday with oatmeal.
Now I can fully participate in my own life as well as the lives of my children. We run, we play, we ride bikes, and guess what, we go to the pool and I rock a bikini these days. I am an example of healthy living today. For that, I am truly grateful. You couldn’t have told me 3 years ago I would be sharing my story with helping to motivate others with their weight loss journey. I had all but given up on ever getting out of that fat body, and I had been eating myself to death for a decade.
I should also add, that I have had some plastic surgery on my tummy and buns to remove excess skin. I also got my boobs done and put them back in the northern hemisphere where they belong. I would have never told you I would EVER get plastic surgery, until I experienced what is was like to have all of that hanging skin. Think about it, once you deflate a 300 pound balloon to half its size, you are left with a lot of sag. To my surprise however, I haven’t had anything done to my arms. Yes, they are all me. My message to anyone struggling with weight is that no matter how you achieve your weight loss, you will not be able to maintain it unless you change your lifestyle. You can do it! Never give up. I almost did, and look what happened to me!
Robanne’s Weight Loss Interview!
When did you become unhappy with your weight?
More than 10 years ago.
What made you decide to lose weight?
2 trips to the emergency room with a resting pulse greater than 200.
What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
It started with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in August of 2009 and ever since I’ve had to change everything about my lifestyle. Other than making obvious diet changes, exercise has been extremely crucial in keeping the weight off and achieving a whole new toned, fit body.
What was most challenging about losing weight?
Just because you have had your stomach surgically made smaller, it doesn’t change your old habits. It doesn’t make you exercise or make good choices. The most challenging thing about losing the weight has been changing my lifestyle, eating right and exercising consistently and also not slipping back into old, unhealthy patterns of obese behavior.
How long did it take you to start to see results?
The weight started to come off about 20 pounds a month, but the real transformation with toned and cut muscular definition took close to a year.
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
1 1/2 years.
How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?
I’ve been at my goal weight for 1 1/2 years as a result of consistent exercise and eating a healthy diet.
How has your life changed now that you’ve lost weight?
I am active and able to fully participate in life. I now set a healthy example for my children and help to inspire others who are considering bariatric surgery or those who have had it and are struggling.
How did ShapeFit help you reach your weight loss goals? has allowed me to share my weight loss story to help others.
Robanne’s Weight Loss Tips!
Weight loss tip #1:
Regular exercise.
Weight loss tip #2:
Increase protein intake.
Weight loss tip #3:
Whole grain sources of carbs.
Weight loss tip #4:
Small meals throughout the day.
Weight loss tip #5:
Change your exercise routine to prevent boredom and to challenge your body.
Robanne’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!
Oatmeal with splenda. 2-3 hours later I’ll have a Greek yogurt with a handful of nuts.
I call it “saladizing” my meal. I will take a small chicken breast and put a small bit of cheese on it, maybe a few tortilla chips and then I saladize it! Basically, I take my favorite veggies (lettuce, nappa cabbage, tomatoes, carrot shreds) and I put it on top of whatever I eat. I use fresh salsa as a dressing. It’s delicious!
Lean slices of chicken, a hard boiled egg, steamed broccoli, and a few whole grain crackers.
Snacks or Mini Meals:
I always have Greek yogurt on hand (high in protein) and I drink a whey protein shake with 2% milk twice a week. I also like cherries, strawberries and almonds or cashews in small amounts and baked chips.
Robanne’s Weight Loss Workouts!
Weight Training:
Light weights (as not to build bulky manly muscles). I use controlled resistance machines like Cybex. Once a week, I work with a personal trainer and use kettlebells and do TRX training.
I take hip hop hustle exercise classes 3 times a week. I walk uphill on the treadmill for 2 miles twice a week. I take yoga once a week, and I sometimes swim laps in the pool.
I’m truly grateful. You couldn’t have told me three years ago I would be sharing my story with I’d all but given up on ever getting out of that fat body. And I’d been eating myself to death.
This is so timely. My husband is prepping for bariatric surgery in May. He’s lost 30 pounds just eating a ketogenic low-carb diet. He was 290 pounds and is looking to drop a total of 100 pounds. I’ll forward this article to him!