Weight Loss Stories – Samantha Evans Lost 89 Pounds


Name: Samantha
Age: 24
Family Status: Single
Occupation: Health Administration
Location: Bremerton, Washington
Height: 5’10”
Starting Weight: 234 pounds
Current Weight: 145 pounds
Pounds or Inches Lost: I lost 89 pounds and I’m down 12 pant sizes!success-stories-new-layout-samantha-e

Samantha’s Weight Loss Story!

When did you become unhappy with your weight?
I had become unhappy with my weight at a young age. I never really understood why I was bigger than most people my age.

What made you decide to lose weight?
I decided to lose weight because I was tired of complaining about how unhappy I was about it. I decided it was worth going without junk foods and lazy days for a while, and I was right!


What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
The eating habits and exercising were both obvious changes I had to make. My portion sizes are now smaller and I always take the “healthier food choice” options every time I sit down for a meal.

What was most challenging about losing weight?
Eating smaller food portions and incorporating exercise into my daily routine was very difficult for me for the first couple of months. It gets easier if you STICK TO IT! I always had to keep the long-term goal in mind.


How long did it take you to start to see results?
I saw instant results on the scale, but started getting positive comments and compliments about my weight loss after 3 months or so.

How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
It’s been 10 months since I’ve started my new lifestyle!

How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?
I started losing weight in November 2011, and I’m still going! I plan on maintaining my weight until I croak!


How has your life changed now that you’ve lost weight?
I’m definitely a happier, healthier, and more positive person! I enjoy new things in life that I used to hate, and I’ve learned to grow comfortable in my own skin. I’ve also learned that my health is the most important asset in my life and I’m excited for the future!

How did ShapeFit help you reach your weight loss goals?
Any time I would begin to plateau on my diet or I needed some inspiration, ShapeFit’s weight loss success stories helped motivate me to get my butt back on track! ShapeFit.com also helped me with a lot of workouts and eating advice but the success stories are fabulous to look at when I need a pick me up! Thanks!

Samantha’s Weight Loss Tips!

Weight loss tip #1:
samantha-e-weight-loss-story-8Change your outlook and find a good support system. You get what you give!

Weight loss tip #2:
No fast food, sodas, sweets, or grease.

Weight loss tip #3:
Smaller food portions. Eat 5-6 meals a day instead of 3 big meals. You don’t need to be “stuffed” after every meal.

Weight loss tip #4:
Don’t eat any food after 8 PM.

Weight loss tip #5:
Push yourself during workouts and confuse the body.

Samantha’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!

samantha-e-weight-loss-story-91 cup of coffee with fat-free creamer, 2 eggs scrambled with 1 yolk and a piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter. Water.

1/2 turkey or tuna sandwich with fruit. Water.

Baked chicken breast, roasted veggies with parmesan cheese and brown rice with low-fat butter. Water.

Snacks or Mini Meals:
Granola bars, almonds, cashews, apples, pita chips, trail mix, cantaloupe, watermelon, honey dew.

Samantha’s Weight Loss Workouts!

Weight Training:
I usually use strength training equipment at the gym 2-3 times a week. At home I use 10 pound free weights and elastic bands.

I love to jog now and the elliptical machine is always nice to do every so often. I also use workout videos (Billy Blanks Tae Bo) at home when I want to target certain areas to exercise.

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ShapeFit.com is dedicated to providing health and fitness information to people so they can live a healthy lifestyle. ShapeFit has thousands of pages of fitness content with fun and interactive tools to help our visitors lose body fat, build lean muscle and increase their energy levels. We wish you great success in reaching your health and fitness goals!

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