Name: Rebecca
Age: 27
Family Status: Single
Occupation: Project Manager
Hometown: Londonderry, New Hampshire
Height: 5’1″
Starting Weight: 260 pounds
Current Weight: 152 pounds
Current Waist Size: I’m a size 6-8 in pants
Rebecca’s Weight Loss Interview!
How much did you lose?
I have lost 108 pounds and went from a size 24 to a size 6-8!
When did you become unhappy with your weight?
The first time I was told that I was overweight was around the 4th or 5th grade. I remember my parents and doctor being concerned with my weight and telling me that I needed to eat healthier. This was right around the time of my parent’s divorce, which came totally out of left field for me and was difficult for me to accept and process. My life became split between my two parents and meeting for dinner at restaurants became a common theme. The large restaurant portions and emotional struggles were not a good combination for me. Throughout adolescence, I steadily continued to gain weight. My self-esteem was low and I didn’t believe that I was worthy of happiness or health. I consistently made unhealthy eating and lifestyle choices until I found myself at 260 pounds at the age of 17.
What made you decide to lose weight?
I remember the embarrassment of hiding my waist from flight attendants as they walked by to check seat belts on airplanes because my body was too big for the seat belt to buckle and I didn’t want to have that conversation with them.
What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
I finally came to the realization that weight loss is a matter of self-respect. The first step is to decide that you’re willing to begin showing yourself love and respect. This is not easy because we are so comfortable with being uncomfortable. The second step is forming a list of potential ways that you can begin to show yourself love and respect and then start checking things off the list. Subconsciously, this will be the catalyst for sustainable weight loss. The more things we do to show ourselves love, the more unnatural it feels to eat oversized portions of food.
What was the most challenging thing you had to deal with during your weight loss journey?
I used food as a way to cope with my emotions and provide myself with comfort and joy when I was bored, lonely, happy, sad, etc. When you’re eating to fill emotional voids, it’s very difficult to stop because you are choosing to ignore the body’s hunger signals. The shame, regret and guilt after overeating caused me to stay in a vicious cycle. I developed a, “Well, I already blew it, I might as well…” mentality.
How long did it take you to start to see results?
I lost my weight in segments. I would lose 20 or so pounds and then maintain it for a few years and then repeat the process. It usually took about 30 days to see a difference.
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
It took a total of 6 years.
How long have you maintained your weight loss and what are the most important factors for keeping it off?
I have maintained my weight loss for 6 months. I focus on treating my body with respect. I do this by eating when I’m hungry, stopping when I’m full and choosing not to give food power in my life.
What keeps you motivated to continue your weight loss success?
My blog readers! I have a small following of people who read my daily blog posts and count on me for motivation. I can’t let them down! My blog is called Reverse Your Warrior.
How has your life changed now that you have lost weight?
Here are all the things I can do now that I couldn’t do before:
- Reach my toes to easily paint my toenails.
- Sit in an airplane seat and buckle up without an extra strap.
- Run without feeling out of breath.
- Run without feeling uncomfortable from big blobs of fat jiggling on my body (graphic I know, but hey, I’m keeping it real).
- Weigh less than most men I know.
- Feel my hip bones.
- See my biceps.
- Do yoga poses without my stomach getting in the way.
- Conquer the monkey bars? I haven’t tried this yet as an adult, but I have a feeling I could do it now!
- Shop at literally any store I want. I keep forgetting this! My go-to stores used to be Old Navy, Target, Lane Bryant and Torrid for plus size clothes. I was a size 24 at my highest and then I went through a long phase of being a size 16-18 and then a long phase of being a size 14-16. Now I’m wearing a size 8, but it might be time to try on a size 6 because the 8s are getting a bit loose! I still haven’t really processed this and I can’t believe I’m a size that is in the single digits! I have friends that are super thin looking who are a size 6-8. Woah!
- Do a push-up without my knees.
- Hold a plank position for a really long time pretty effortlessly.
- See my toes when I look down in the shower.
- Easily wrap my middle finger and thumb around my wrist.
- Get up easily from sitting down or laying down. It used to be a whole process to get up out of a chair.
- Ride a bike confidently.
- Take a bath and fit in the tub comfortably.
- Wear shorts.
- Wear clingier clothes and no more big baggy things.
- Fit into high-leg boots. My calves used to be too wide.
- Walk up flights of stairs without feeling out of breath.
- Think I look good in the mirror.
- Feel confident when meeting new people.
- Feel like I know what I’m talking about when I talk about fitness and nutrition. Especially when people come to me for advice! I never thought I’d be someone who people asked for health and wellness advice!
- Walk long distances without getting tired.
- Stand for long periods of time without back, knee, or foot pain.
- Shave my legs faster. Seriously, there is less surface area now!
Do you have any advice for others who are trying to lose weight?
I changed my eating habits and physical activity by focusing on the bigger issues in my life and treating the actual problem, not the symptoms. My poor eating behaviors and lack of physical activity were a reflection of how I felt about myself. What I discovered is that losing weight isn’t about food, it’s about self-love and developing a strong desire to treat your body with respect.
I began filling my life with activities, hobbies and interests that I would have never been open to participating in previously. I began bike riding, appreciating nature, practicing yoga, meditating, jewelry making, participating in tea ceremonies, taking workshops, meeting new people, finding ways to be a part of my community, writing a blog, lifting weights, running, exploring new music, watching new TV shows, trying new foods, and saying “yes” to things that scared me. Overtime, food lost its power. I was too busy building a balanced, full life and gaining self-confidence to dream about bingeing on Oreos.
How did ShapeFit help you reach your weight loss goals? provided me with support and motivation.
Rebecca’s Weight Loss Tips!
Weight Loss Tip #1:
Eat like you love yourself.
Weight Loss Tip #2:
Fill your life with things that make your body and mind feel good.
Weight Loss Tip #3:
Find a form of exercise that you actually enjoy.
Weight Loss Tip #4:
Find a community of like-minded people who you can feel connected to and will hold you accountable.
Weight Loss Tip #5:
Don’t judge yourself, be too hard on yourself, or try to be a perfectionist!
Rebecca’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!
What do you normally eat for breakfast?
Greek yogurt with fruit, chia seeds, coconut, or almond butter and banana on toast, or avocado and egg on toast.
What do you normally eat for lunch?
Salad with veggies, goat cheese, quinoa, avocado, nuts, seeds.
What do you normally eat for dinner?
Protein, veggies and a small amount of grains.
What do you normally eat for snacks?
I try to eat big enough meals so that I don’t need to snack. I find that the snacking behavior doesn’t serve me well.
What type of nutritional supplements do you take?
Renew Life Probiotics.
Rebecca’s Weight Loss Workouts!
What do you do for weight training?
Back squats, bench press and dumbbell arm workouts 3 times a week.
What do you do for cardio training?
Power yoga classes, hot yoga, bike riding, rock climbing, running.