Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You – #1
Taking medications, prescription or otherwise, actually shorten your lifespan.
The FDA has warned that psychiatric drugs cause heart attack, stroke, suicidal and homicidal behavior, diabetes, psychosis and sudden death. In 2006 the FDA announced that they received 51 reports of sudden death from ADHD drugs such as Adderall.
Today, however, we’re living in the Dark Ages of medicine. We’re still living in the chemical-based medical society where everybody says that chemicals are the solutions to health problems.
Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You – #2
There are “all natural” solutions to nearly every medical condition that are safer alternatives, actually improve your health, and are void of ALL of the side effects of traditional medication.
Natural Cures and Gentle Medicines are available everywhere, if you know where to look! But, why choose to treat with natural medicine? Because, natural medicine has an 80% cure rate while traditional allopathic medicine has a 25% to 40% cure rate.
The Modern Traditional Westernized Medical World chooses to treat with both prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications that set the body up for more serious problems such as cancer or autoimmune diseases.
But, there are some legitimate, effective, and inexpensive alternatives. Natural Medicine (aka Alternative Medicine) chooses to work the opposite. It works to help the body heal the problem and balance out the whole body with herbs, minerals, vitamins and food! That means that you may be able to relieve the disorders commonly treated with synthetic drugs without the dangerous side effects.
Eating lots of fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains helps open the door to your storehouse of memories. These foods contain powerful antioxidants, like vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, and selenium. Research shows as the level of antioxidant nutrients in your blood rises, so does your mental function.
- Feeling blue? Whether from PMS or menopausal hormonal fluctuations, certain snacks can boost your mood. Bananas, tomatoes, walnuts and carbohydrates, such as bread with jam, help the body raise levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that regulates mood. Depending on the severity of your depression, changes in diet may offer some relief and can also work well in conjunction with other remedies, such as antidepressants or therapy
Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You – #3
You Can Live Healthy and Never Have to be Sick or Unwell!
Thanks to the discovery of some new Anti-Aging Prescriptions, you can eliminate most of the common symptoms that would have others running to their Doctors. This includes things like a cold, the flu, or headaches. I’m talking about things like insomnia, depression, menopause, and chronic pain.
To ease the feelings of insomnia and mild depression that frequently accompany menopause, consume foods high in tryptophan, such as milk, poultry, and nuts. This amino acid is converted into the brain chemical serotonin, which promotes relaxation and rest. Tryptophan may also help reduce feelings of mild depression. Complex carbohydrates, such as beans, potatoes, and grains, may be helpful as well because they are believed to enhance the bioavailability of tryptophan in the brain.
Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You – #4
Cholesterol can be treated with Two Very Simple additions to your diet!
Before the popularity of routine testing for elevated cholesterol and treating it with statin drugs, there was a very simple solution for this concern. Aside from the risks and side-effects of the statins, they are ineffective in dealing with the three faces of cholesterol. Most statins are effective in temporarily lowering one or two of the three damaging lipids, but none addresses all three.
Total cholesterol, depressed HDL’s and elevated LDL’s can all be effectively managed if you begin to include two things everyday in your diet.
- Niacin or nicotinic acid – One of the water-soluble B vitamins, improves all lipoproteins when given in doses well above the vitamin requirement. Nicotinic acid lowers the total cholesterol, “bad” LDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, while raising the “good” HDL-cholesterol level.
- Soluble fiber – When regularly eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol, has been shown to help lower blood cholesterol. Foods high in soluble fiber include oat bran, oatmeal, beans, peas, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, strawberries and apple pulp.
Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You – #5
Top 5 Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk without drugs.
Doing just one of the anticancer steps is better than nothing. But do all of them and you’re cancer risk could drop by as much as 30 percent.
- Don’t smoke (a no-brainer).
- Limit red meat, alcohol, fat, and salt.
- Eat fruit, veggies, and whole grains — lots of them!
- Exercise regularly.
- Watch your weight
Although there is no surefire way to prevent cancer, making healthy choices in your daily life may reduce your risk. If you don’t feel capable of following all the anticancer guidelines, at least choose to do the ones you know you have a good shot of sticking to.
Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You – #6
Osteoporosis is preventable and reversible without drugs!
In an ideal world, replaced bone, that is, bone tissue that is broken down, would equal absorbed bone. However, there are a few things that influence this process:
- Hormones and other body chemicals.
- Exercise helps build new bone tissue.
- Calcium, vitamin D, and other vitamin and mineral intake.
- Toxic waste accumulated in the body.
An imbalance in any of these three can set up your skeleton to start losing bone tissue.
Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You – #7
Menopausal symptoms are not inevitable!
Synthetic hormones don’t work as predicted and they pose a health threat to women. Research has proven this to be true! Now millions of women concerned about aging are looking for alternatives to HRT and finding them in natural hormones.
The three basic questions you need answered before you are on your way to hormone balance are:
- Are my symptoms caused by a hormone imbalance?
- Which hormones do I need to regain hormone balance?
- How do I use the hormones for optimal health and balance?
For more information regarding the decision between Natural or Bioidentical Hormones please see my article dealing with the facts about natural hormone replacement therapy!
Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You – #8
You may not be depressed! You may just be unhappy!
Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert says that you ‘synthesize’ your happiness. That you have a ‘psychological immune system’ that helps you change your views about your world, in order to feel better about the world in which you find yourself.
Health, like happiness, can be optimized by limiting your options to that which is natural, and realizing there’s no “magic pill.” For more details about “how to get and stay happy”, please see my article dealing with “the three steps to having everything”.
Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You – #9
THE DEADLIEST THREAT TO YOUR HEART is not what you’ve been told!
Risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease may be categorized either by relative significance or modifiability.
Your Doctor has been told that the major independent risk factors are:
- Cigarette smoking
- Elevated blood pressure
- Elevated serum total (and LDL) cholesterol
- Low serum HDL cholesterol
- Diabetes mellitus
Other Risk Factors are even more numerous and include such things as:
- Obesity
- Physical inactivity
- Family history of premature coronary heart disease
- Psychosocial factors
- Elevated serum triglycerides
- Small LDL particles
- Elevated serum homocysteine
- Elevated serum lipoprotein(a)
- Inflammatory markers (e.g., C-reactive protein)
Are these really causes or effects?
The Framingham Heart Study:
Fifty years of data collected from residents of Framingham have produced over 1,000 scientific papers and identified the major risk factors associated with heart disease, stroke and other diseases.
When we pull back the curtain on these results we find TWO THINGS that persist as the underlying cause of all of these perceived risk factors.
- Job Satisfaction
- Self Satisfaction
It appears as though all of the other risk factors arise from these two issues in that they lead to behaviors that produce effects that put us at risk in an attempt to resolve our satisfaction with our jobs and ourselves.
Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You – #10
The truth about diet and supplements!
Most of us are chronically deficient of some nutrient or other. Why? Because our modern diet is far from ideal, and intensive farming has depleted many essential trace elements from the soil. This chronic shortage takes a long time to show because your body uses up the last of these nutrients before deficiencies start to reveal themselves.
Common Drugs, Common Problems
A lot of drugs also interfere with nutrient absorption or with their metabolism, storage, transport, or use by cells. Because the initial signs of nutritional deficiency are subtle, cells and organs may become prone to disease conditions before the need for supplements is recognized. Medications that interfere with calcium absorption, for instance, can lead to osteoporosis.
Many medications can contribute to making the body too acidic, a condition in which opportunistic diseases can take hold and in which cancer cells can thrive. The typical Western diet, rich in meat, dairy products, sugar, alcohol, and processed foods, already tends to make the body acidic; medications may compound the problem.
Correcting the Problem
Many health problems can be alleviated through methods other than prescription drugs. If you choose to try alternatives, be certain to consult with a health professional before stopping any current prescription medication, and continue to take nutritional supplements to counteract the existing deficiencies. For more insight into how to create a healthful diet please see my article entitled “Top eight tips for improving your diet“.