You can have absolutely anything you want in life. You simply need to understand how to produce the desired results. There’s a very simple three-step formula that you can use to create any result you want in life. To illustrate how this process works, we’re going to suppose that it’s your desire to create harmonic health. (If creating health is not something you’re interested in, simply replace health with whatever you desire when following the exercise.)
To have health you must be healthy. Now I know what you’re thinking, “Yeah, that’s right. Tell me something I don’t know. I don’t have health because I’m not healthy.” Your state of being is a critical step in becoming healthy or any other change you make. The next 3 steps won’t work correctly until you can change your state of being.
Think of it this way. The ability to ask for something is really nothing more than an image that you hold of yourself deep inside your mind. You can ‘be’ many things… a football fan, a Christian, a vegetarian, a mother, the list goes on. You know it’s a state of being when you don’t have to think about it and question it all the time – you just know that you are that particular role or attribute.
The problem comes in when we need to change our state of being in order to produce a new and desired result. For example, let’s suppose you’ve been overweight your entire life. In your mind you are a fat person. That’s a state of being. And let’s assume you go on a diet and as you lose weight your body is transformed into a thin and trim picture-perfect model.
Are you a fat person or are you a thin person? Unless you’ve done something more than just go on a diet which only affects your body, you are still a fat person. Given time your body will revert back to its old self. Why? because the change must take place from the inside out. Otherwise, your outer body and your inner self-will be in conflict. The body (the thin person) is fit, trim and full of energy. Your inner self (the fat person) still holds the image of someone who is overweight. Eventually, your inner self-will win the battle and your body will concede.
In order to produce lasting change and create the result that you really want, you must change your state of being. You must erase the old picture and accept your new role or title as what and who you are. The truth is you can be anything you choose to be. Today, right this very minute, you can be healthy. Just decide. You have a right to be healthy. You can be healthy. It’s just a matter of a simple decision. So, be healthy.
You have to understand that asking is nothing more than having an intention to experience something, communicating that intention and expecting a result consistent with your intention. You also have to understand that this process begins with what you think about all day.
This one’s a little bit harder. The first thing you need to realize is that your thoughts create your life. If you don’t believe me, look around right now at your life (where you live, the job you have, the cars you drive, the relationships you have, etc) – all of these things are a direct result of the thoughts you have constantly focused on up until now.
You (and your thoughts!) are responsible for both the good and the bad. Like we mentioned previously, what’s great about this idea is that you can stop living your life as a victim and start taking control and creating the life that you desire. To be healthy you need to begin to think thoughts of health. You must completely eliminate negative thoughts. As soon as a negative thought creeps up on you, squash it! Get rid of it right away.
Begin to think positive and healthy thoughts. Don’t think about not having health or not being able to achieve your ideal weight or not being able to have something you really want. Instead, think only positive thoughts. Imagine every outcome as the best possible scenario. See yourself with an abundance of energy, with more than you need. Not tomorrow – not next week – not next year – now! You must see it NOW!
NOW is the only point of power. Yesterday doesn’t matter, tomorrow doesn’t exist. Only NOW makes any difference. You can eliminate almost 100% of fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, guilt, etc., if you’ll simply refuse to live in the past or predict the future (as far as the negative things that “could” happen.) NOW is all that matters – it’s all there is. Begin to live in the NOW seeing yourself as BEING healthy, as having more than you could ever want or need. If you’ll do that, barring doubt and negative thoughts, you will have it!
What you think about you bring about. If you want to change your life you can only do so by changing your thoughts. So, if you want to be healthy, you must begin to think as a healthy person. The results will follow, I know it’s true.
In order to fulfill the promise of asking and receiving you must believe you have received exactly what you asked for!
Your words are very powerful. They tend to follow your thoughts. Just as with “being” and “thinking”, your words can work for you or against you. The choice, as always, is yours.
You must watch your words because – just as it is with ‘thinking’ – what you talk about, you bring about. This is another immutable law. You can’t change it but you can benefit from it if you understand how to use it properly.
You need to begin speaking yourself into health. Begin using “I am” statements. I am healthy. Not “someday” I’ll be healthy, or I’m going to be healthy. I am healthy – present tense, in the NOW!
Pay attention to what you say. Don’t go around speaking yourself poor, sick, unhappy, etc. Say only positive things. You can literally change your entire life by simply changing what you think and what you say.
I take this very seriously. A rule in my relationships is that everyone must have something good to say, to every person, every time. And no one can walk around saying “we can’t” do something or “it’s too hard” or “we don’t have enough” or “it’s not working” or “I just knew (whatever bad thing) was going to or is going to happen.” This kind of talk is absolutely forbidden.
Watch your words. A good way to really get a handle on how you speak is to get a tape recorder and walk around with it for a few days. Tape record everything you say and play it back at the end of the day. You’ll be shocked, even while knowing you were being taped, what kind of negative, self-defeating and critical words you use in a day.
Change your speaking right away. Practice saying very little and not reacting to any news verbally until you can speak positive, prosperous outcomes in every situation.
The last step in the Creation Process is action. You’re already ‘being’ a healthy person. You’re thinking like a healthy person and speaking like a healthy person. Your last step is to act like a healthy person. How do you act healthy? It’s simple. Go where healthy people go. Visit healthy places. Do healthy things. Read, listen to, and watch healthy information. Saturate your sense with healthy experiences. Rub elbows with other healthy people.
You don’t have to spend money to do this. Healthy people don’t spend every moment of the day spending money. But if you do, spend it with a generous and grateful spirit knowing that you actively confirming by your actions what you want or need.
Start right now. Begin acting like the healthy person that you are. It doesn’t matter if your current surroundings or circumstances make it appear that you’re not healthy. If you will be, think, speak and act healthy, you will be healthy. That’s the 3-Step Formula for creating any result you want in life. It’s a simple process to learn, but it will take some time to do. You have to really be aware and live in the NOW. Don’t let your mind wander off and create scenes of “lack” or “scarcity.” Don’t let your words get away from you and speak in negative or scarce terms. And don’t act in unhealthy ways.
Health is a state of being. As soon as you understand this you will be healthy. This is the reason that a healthy person can become ill and within just a short time be right back on top. You can separate a healthy person from their well-being temporarily but they will always be healthy. And this ability is just a by-product of health.
If you’re serious about creating the life you desire and deserve, then you must check out my showcase page and review my website which has powerful life changing programs.
If you’ll follow these steps and practice positive living every day, your life will be transformed before your very eyes. You have my personal promise!