Making the decision to get fit is really more about deciding to go on a journey to reach a specific destination. There is so much more to achieving and maintaining a fit lifestyle that you might think.
One of the most important keys to living a fit lifestyle is to learn how to transform yourself from the inside out by discovering capabilities within yourself that you didn’t know existed. Each step you make can truly take your fitness journey beyond what you could imagine.
So how would you feel about discovering the five keys to fitness success that can help you lose weight, tone up or improve your overall health?
First, you have to decide exactly what the goal is and why you want to achieve it.
The motivation has to be so powerful that if you don’t make it, you will feel it deep inside. For instance, you need to lose 15 pounds in order to fit into your favorite pair of jeans. There, that’s it! That’s the motivation, to lose 15 pounds. Everything must center around this motivating factor. It is one, singular goal, with no attachments, just to lose the 15 pounds. Now, you may proceed to the next step. How to lose the 15 pounds.
You must first believe that you can and will achieve the goal of losing the 15 pounds. Your unwavering belief and faith that you are able to achieve this goal will lead you to success. Don’t allow excuses or reasons why not to settle into your mind. You must say to yourself, “Yes, I can!”
You are well on your way. You know why you are doing this and you know that you will not allow anything to stop you, now you must commit yourself fully to this journey. It won’t always be easy or straightforward and you will have to put in some work, but it will be worth it in the end. You have to think each day, that each productive thing that you do or don’t do is bringing you closer to your goal.
As the saying goes, “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” Everyday must be planned out in advance:
- When will you exercise? How long will each session last?
- What will you eat and at what times?
- What time will you cook and how often?
- How much food do you need to purchase to stay on track?
- What exercises will you do each day?
- When will you fit in family time, “me” time?
Look at these questions as milestones on your road to success. Each one must be answered. The more time you take to really answer the questions honestly and proceed to create your plan around them, the less time it takes to actually do them consistently.
A Sense of Humor
This is the final key to fitness success. You have to have and maintain a sense of humor. Why? Because not only does laughter burn calories, it also allows you to laugh at yourself. When you can do this, you can find humor and opportunities in the things that will go wrong on this journey.
I didn’t say that it would be perfect. Your journey will be sprinkled with missed workouts, non-functioning equipment, uncooperative time schedules, non-supportive friends and family and even a few “I just don’t feel like it” blues. But, if you maintain a sense of humor, you will end up with pearls of wisdom to pass on to the next person who needs a good laugh to get to the next step on their journey.
When you put all five keys together, success is guaranteed. And since you worked so hard to achieve this success, maintaining your fit lifestyle will be a piece of cake.