There a several things you can do for fitness success. Here’s some things you can do to get started!
#1. Stay Motivated
It is great help to have a fitness partner or group that not only supports you but is active in staying fit as well. Meeting for a run, a game or a walk with someone else can increase your motivation to staying fit. Also, knowing that someone is watching what you do may also be motivation to keep up with your fitness regime to stay active.
#2. Set Healthy, Realistic & Attainable Goals
Be sure to think realistically about what you want to accomplish on your road to fitness. If it’s to lose 5 pounds, run faster or play ball with your child, make sure to take it one day at a time. The healthiest way to lose weight is through exercise and good nutrition. If you are consuming half a gallon of soda each day, cut back. If you are not exercising at all, start walking after dinner.
Small steps add up and when you are ready, increase your activity and modify any unhealthy eating. You want to adopt a plan that will work for your entire life so be thoughtful about what changes you make and how they will impact your future.
#3. Keep a Positive Attitude
If you love your body, your body will love you. It’s amazing what a positive attitude and body image will do for you. Through my own experience, I’ve enlisted a positive attitude and body image when I had just started working out again regularly. Before I knew it, along with lots of eating well and working out, I was feeling better about myself! I truly believe your body responds to your thoughts – negative or positive. Treat your body well, no matter what size.
#4. Decrease Stress in Your Day
Starting your day with a little music, your favorite shirt or blouse or a scenic drive to work can help keep the stress away. Doing things you enjoy can also decrease the level of stress you feel. It’s important to decrease stress levels because feeling stressed can increase the possibility of unhealthy eating which in turn can decrease your energy level. Next time you are feeling stressed, take a step outside or change what you are doing for a moment to decrease your stress level. If you are in a meeting, ask for brief break to get your stress level back under control. Just a minute or two can do wonders, so give it a try.
#5. Drink Water
Our bodies are composed of a significant amount of water, so drink as much water as you can to keep your body hydrated. To make sure you are drinking enough, drink a glass of water in the morning, before bed and after every meal and snack. When we exercise or exert ourselves, we are losing fluids that need to be replaced. It is important to drink water before, during and after strenuous activities including exercise. Just get moving! And remember, I’m pulling for you!