A beginning golfer struggles with the basic strokes, angles, and frustrations of failure. The intermediate golfer grapples with the complexities of a game he thought was within reach of mastering. The advanced golfer thinks not only of refining his or her shots and strategies, but of unlocking the secrets that can make their play brilliant. Here are some general “Do’s and Don’ts” for improving your golf game!
Tip #1 For Improving Your Golf Game – KNOW YOUR GOLF GOALS
A player without a game plan is like a hockey player without skates. Consider the skills and strategies that will help you achieve your goals. For example, you might need to spend one month concentrating on chip shots and another month focusing on putting. The game plan might not work perfectly but at least you will have a plan of action. Remember, a plan does not have to be complex, but it needs to be simple, easy and realistic to execute. Most people will not stick to a plan if the goals are unrealistic and too hard to follow.
Tip #2 For Improving Your Golf Game – KNOW YOURSELF
Examine and understand your basic strengths and weaknesses. Mold your game around your strengths, then plan your practice sessions around your weaknesses. Choose a strategy that fits your personality. For example, if you’re the quiet, analytical type then choose a conservative plan. If you are a go-getter, choose an aggressive plan. Know when to go for the cup and when to lay it up short. Take mental notes of the results you get with each club. Part of your success is knowing what you can do with each club. For example, if you are more comfortable with your nine iron from 100 yards out versus using a pitching wedge, then use the 9 iron.
Tip #3 For Improving Your Golf Game – BE CREATIVE
Rules of thumb, principles, and techniques should never be viewed as rigid and absolute. Try to remain mentally flexible. Occasionally reevaluate the basics of shot making strategy. Be creative but don’t jeopardize yourself. Stick with sound principles during the progress of a round, and be alert to situations when exceptions may apply. For example, if the greens are firm, then maybe it would be best to run your ball up onto the green instead of trying to shoot for the pin.
Tip #4 For Improving Your Golf Game – EXPERIMENT
Try new shots and new techniques. This will help you develop a feel for unexpected shots that may arise in a round. The time you spend practicing new shots and techniques will eventually prove beneficial. “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”
Tip #5 For Improving Your Golf Game – PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT
Practicing shots and strategies is an art. Keep trying. Practice executing good habits. Shots must come naturally and comfortably to be effective under tough conditions. The best approach to take is to spend quality time trying to work out problems. If you still don’t feel right, move on to something else and come back to it at another time.
Tip #6 For Improving Your Golf Game – CONCENTRATE WHILE PLAYING
Sharpen your concentration skills by focusing on the task at hand, one shot at a time. Stick with a simple strategy and play with confidence. Remember, golf is not a game of speed. If you need to pause and regroup to gain clarity and focus, do so.
Tip #7 For Improving Your Golf Game – LESSONS
Lessons from a pro will improve your game by providing you with someone who is able to objectively evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. It is also good practice to film your swing and evaluate it as well. It is sometimes hard to see what you need to work on if you do not have a visual reference. A great golf swing app for your phone is called “V1 Golf” which allows you to analyze every aspect of your swing in slow motion.
Learning about your swing and the game of golf is always on-going and improvement in a certain technique or strategy is always fun to work on. Success is the result of many small steps, some forward, some backward, but always one at a time. Don’t try to do too much at once. Give yourself a chance to succeed. When success comes easily, raise your goals. Have fun and good luck with your game!