Arm wrestling has always been popular with young kids, athletes and older guys who want to show off their strength and power. I remember when I was a kid I always asked for arm wrestling matches with my dad and uncles. I never won any matches but it was useful training and helped to strengthen the joints in my arms. By my teens, I was able to arm wrestle any girl and most guys in my age range. To see a big guy lose to a little girl with strong arms was amazing and it was a real confidence builder!
Making a quiet renewal among those with fetishes toward muscular and strong women, these interesting voyeurs are requesting to see more arm wrestling matches with beautiful females. Worshipers of muscular and strong biceps absolutely love watching two women try to wrestle the other girl’s arm to the table. Some of the most popular requests online is for websites featuring buff girls arm wrestling while showing off their bulging biceps and impressive power.
The sport of arm wrestling is usually performed on a table but can also be executed on your belly while laying on the ground. I do not arm wrestle much any longer since I got into women’s fitness and figure contests and have noticed some of my joints loosened up from my earlier days in gymnastics. I began thinking that if I wanted to arm wrestle again for fun I would need to practice. What specific exercises could I do in the gym to make the process easier and help me dominate my opponent?
Adding certain forearm and wrist exercises is critical and will need to be implemented into my strength training routine to build up arm, grip and forearm strength. Rotational strength will also have to be considered for both the elbow and wrist joint. Time rather than overall reps is key so I would need to train holding my repetitions for certain lengths of time during my workout.
I would apply barbells, dumbbells and bands to my training regimen. I can also rig up a weight plate with rope attached to a bar and practice winding up the rope. I do this by bringing up the weight with overhand and underhand rotation with the bar. This is a very old school exercise and is fantastic for building strength and power in the forearms.
Forearm curls and wrist curls performed in both directions with a pronation and supination of the wrists with both the bands and the dumbbells will definitely be included. I would also add some boxing for isometric spurts of repetitive wrist strengthening movements.
Using squeeze balls and hand grippers will be a great addition to complete my strengthening program. All of these exercises will be beneficial to my arm wrestling training routine to help me build powerful biceps, strong forearms and increase my overall grip strength to help me win my matches.
So the next time you want to challenge someone to an arm wrestling match you can prepare ahead of time using some of these strength training ideas and surprise your opponent with your tremendous power when you get to the table.