It seems like summer time is always quickly approaching which means bathing suit season is almost here! Are you beach body ready? If you are, awesome! If not, don’t panic! You still have ample time to get your physique in beach body condition if you take action now and follow these seven steps, but you must get after it now!
Here’s My 7 Step Guide To Getting Beach Body Ready For Summer!
- ABC (Attitude, Belief and Consistency)
- Mindset and Goal Setting
- Lifestyle and Stress Reduction
- Water, Water and More Water
- Nutrition (Eat CLEAN To Get LEAN)
- Resistance Training
- Metabolic Training
Step #1 – ABC (Attitude, Belief and Consistency)
ATTITUDE! You must have the right attitude from the moment you start. Try to develop a success-oriented attitude and avoid negativity at all costs.
ACCEPTANCE! A is also for ACCEPTANCE. You must accept the fact that fat loss can be difficult. Once you accept that it’s hard, you will take it more serious and commit to your fat loss nutrition and training plan, which ultimately makes fat loss a lot easier.
ACTION! A is also for ACTION. You must take action and apply what you know you need to do because until you do it, it really doesn’t matter what you know. Apply these 7 action steps starting today and start seeing results very soon!
BELIEF! You must believe that you will succeed and attain the beach body you really want this summer. As the saying goes, “You must believe it, if you want to achieve it.” Develop the right attitude and belief that this summer you are going to look your absolute best once you hit the beach and you’ll have the confidence to wear the bathing suit of your dreams.
CONSISTENCY! You must be consistent with your training routine and nutrition plan. Summer season will be here very soon, but there is enough time to make significant changes to your physique, provided you are consistent with your training and nutrition regimen starting now! There’s no room for major errors. Small mistakes will happen, but repeated mistakes or major slip-ups are not acceptable and will only set you back.
Track your exercise with a FREE workout journal so you can document your workouts and be able to look back and see how consistent you are being with your training. This is a very helpful tip so make sure to do it!
Step #2 – Mindset and Goal Setting
Develop a more athletic-based mindset. This is a mindset that focuses on bringing about physical performance improvements, which ultimately leads to improved physical appearance. Focus on getting stronger, faster and more fit (improving your conditioning levels) and you will get a leaner physique.
Set goals that are challenging, but realistic at the same time. The goals you set must require you to work hard and maintain consistency during the run up to summer season. Make sure you write down your goals on paper and look at them for motivation. Review them daily and read them out loud. Keep your goals fresh in your mind and you will eventually achieve them.
Step #3 – Lifestyle and Stress Reduction
As I like to say, you need to sculpt your life in order to sculpt your body. You don’t need training to become your life, but you must lead a lifestyle that is conducive to achieving the fitness and physique goals you want.
Eliminate stress as much as possible. Avoid stressful situations, as well as avoiding negative events and negative people. Don’t stress the small stuff. Stay focused on what you want to achieve.
Step #4 – Water, Water and More Water
I shouldn’t have to tell you to drink lots of water. You should know that already. Try your best to drink at least 3 liters of water a day. Bring your own bottle of water with you to the gym. Even if the gym has a water fountain, carry your own bottle since it will make it much easier to drink more water during your workout.
Water, green tea and herbal tea should be your main sources of beverages during the day. Don’t drink any calories from soft drinks (sodas), fruit juices or milk. Lose the booze from now until summer time or at least cut back significantly on your alcohol intake.
Step #5 – Nutrition (Eat Clean To Get Lean)
You absolutely have to eat clean if you want to get lean, period! You do not need to starve yourself since that will defeat the purpose because you will lose precious muscle tissue which will slow down your metabolism. Be smart with your food choices during the day.
Here’s The Basics of a Clean Diet:
- Eat lean proteins such as skinless chicken, turkey breast and fish
- Eat omega-3 eggs, and if eating cheese, do so in very small amounts, with low-fat options.
- Eliminate or significantly reduce your intake of dairy.
- Eat your greens (veggies) and lots of them. Go raw or lightly steam them.
- Eat your fruit, but don’t overdo it since they have lots of sugar. 2-3 servings a day max!
- Don’t fear fat. Choose healthy fats and consume them each day.
- Time your higher content carbohydrate meals around your workouts (pre and post workout)
- Use a quality fish oil supplement and increase the dosage over time.
- Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time to avoid going without any food.
- Do not diet too strictly and starve yourself!
Step #6 – Resistance Training
Train using resistance training exercises, such as free weights, bodyweight exercises, kettlebells and using medicine balls.
Make sure you perform full body, or upper and lower body split routines, making sure you target all of your body’s “Metabolic Hot Spots”. Your body’s metabolic hot spots are the areas on the body that have the most muscle mass and therefore, greater metabolic expenditure is required to repair the muscle tissue of these areas. The 3 main metabolic hot spots are:
- Chest
- Back
- Legs
Aim for a minimum of 3 resistance training sessions per week.
Step #7 – Metabolic Training
Most people want to be lean and shredded for summer and that means having ripped 6-pack washboard abs! This doesn’t mean you need to start doing tons of abdominal training. Doing hundreds of sets of exercises for your abs will do nothing about that ugly layer of pudgy body fat over your abdominal muscles. So cut back on the crunches and focus on training metabolically in order to get real results!
Getting metabolic means training anaerobically, not aerobically. It means training at higher intensity and for less duration, as well as training for improved conditioning.
The best options for metabolic-type work include supersets, tri-sets, circuit training, work capacity circuits, and interval training. I suggest you use supersets and tri-sets as the method you use on your resistance training days and then on other days, perform some type of circuit training using bodyweight and dumbbells or medicine ball exercises.
If training more frequently, add in a short and intense interval training session at the end of one of your resistance training days and dedicate another day solely to interval training, lasting anywhere from 20-40 minutes, based on your current level of conditioning.
Okay, it’s now time for you to get off your butt and put these 7 steps into action! If I bump into you on the beach this summer, I hope to see you at your absolute leanest while looking and feeling your best!