If you are a person that has never really worked out on a regular basis then hearing GET FIT- IMPROVE HEALTH- EXERCISE just seems overwhelming. As a 20+ year fitness buff, even I have had long periods of time where I just didn’t workout at all. It IS overwhelming – it DOES take time. Who needs that?
Whether you consider exercise for overall fitness & health or you want to shed some weight or you want to sculpt beautiful muscles and tone, exercise in some shape or form simply has to happen.
Here’s My Beginners Guide To Ease Into The Process:
Find your current situation and start at that point in this flow chart. After the 2 weeks of success you’ll move to the next level for 2 weeks. The goal is to get in formal exercise time at least 5 days a week. We take it in 2 week increments.
If you accomplish your goal week 1 but not week 2 – START THE SAME 2 WEEKS AGAIN! Do not pass go, do not collect $200! I advise my clients to do it this way because we must establish the foundation! You can never have a solid fitness lifestyle if it’s built on a cracked foundation!
I Currently Never Exercise
For 2 weeks schedule 1 day per week – 30 minutes that is your appointment with exercise. This could be a home DVD, a class, a session with a trainer. Just ONE!!! Make it the same day of the week and the same time. – We’re working on creating a scheduling pattern as well as a habit. (Think about getting the kids to school. You HAVE TO DO IT at a specific time, it’s a no brainer. You just do it no matter how you feel about it)
I Currently Exercise 1x Per Week Faithfully
For 2 weeks schedule 1 additional day that is 2-3 days away from the one you currently do. Just ONE additional day to your regular workout.
I Currently Exercise 2x Per Week Faithfully
First CONGRATULATIONS! You are ahead of 80% of the world’s population! For 2 weeks you’ll add a 3rd exercise session to your schedule. Start thinking about being flexible with your planning. We can get tunnel vision about “I work out in the PM or morning” If your life is like mine your schedule isn’t linear. I can’t do all AM workouts or all PM workouts. Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays I workout at 10:30am. Tuesdays & Thursdays it has to 6:00am and Saturdays its always after 2pm. What’s your weekly schedule going to be?
I Currently Exercise 3x Per Week Faithfully
WooHoo! Its going to be great from here! It gets easier on all levels now because you have the discipline, you are seeing results and your body is conditioned so you aren’t achy & sore all the time! You’ll now schedule a 4th workout time for 2 weeks. You’ll also start to set some more specific goals. When you workout 4x per week you can start doing your strength training AND your cardio. You’ll triple your results with just 1 extra day’s effort and goal focused workouts.
I Currently Exercise 4x Per Week Faithfully
This is where you show yourself that you are serious about health & fitness. This is where you challenge your mind and body; this is where your entire lifestyle starts to change. You are now going to live your life as a fit person! You are focused, you are now committed! Add that 5th workout day for 2 solid weeks! You’ll actually feel excited to do it!!!
I Currently Exercise 5x Per Week Faithfully
FANTASTIC! From this point you are now all about specific goals… When / if you add in a 6th workout it will be from the energy rush it gives you or from the power you feel when you lift weights or kickbox or whatever! This is where you have to look at your body and health and say “What am I working towards”? This is where trained professional advice can help you move mountains!
If you started from the very first level (NEVER EXERCISE) you are now at least 10 weeks into your plan for a healthy & fit mind and body and you are working towards more specific goals. You may not be at your ideal weight or body fat or perfect muscle tone but you are right there, you are MORE healthy, you are MORE fit and chances are you are eating better without even thinking about it, you have changed your lifestyle!