I know you have heard of superfoods and I am sure you understand that they are good for you. Ever wondered why? Some of these foods serve multiple purposes. Some can fight off disease, keep you younger, improve memory, boost your immune system and increase the funds in your bank account. Well, okay maybe that last one is a little far-fetched but that was only to make sure you were really paying attention.
To simplify things, I have listed these foods below along with what makes them super. Most of these foods are things we already eat. If we eat them more or replace other less nutritious foods with the superfoods, this will help us to live longer, remain young, beautiful, healthy, and keep our weight under control.
These superfoods are not listed in any particular order. So dive in wherever you want and start incorporating these foods into your diet!
A mere 14 walnut halves has more than twice your daily dose of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This omega-3 fat has been shown to improve memory and coordination. They have also been said to reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
This grain is one of the best whole grains you can eat. It is high in protein, fiber, iron, zinc, vitamin E, and selenium. It has been boasted as a grain that can help control weight and lower the risk for heart disease and diabetes. It is pronounced “keen-wah”.
Brussels Sprouts
These mini cabbage looking veggies have more glucosinolates (a compound that combats cancer and detoxifies our bodies) than any other vegetable. What an incredible superfood!
Italian researchers found that kiwis reduce asthma related wheezing. This is due to its vitamin C content. One kiwi has 110% of your vitamin C requirement for the day!
A half cup of asparagus supplies 50% of your daily vitamin K, which is great for bone building. In addition to this, it also serves up a third of your daily folate requirement and it acts as a natural diuretic that eliminates bloating!
Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts have more selenium than any other food. Eat one nut and you have met your daily requirement. Selenium is a mineral that has antioxidant properties and may also help protect cells from damage.
These little blue berries improve memory by protecting your brain from inflammation and boost communication between brain cells. They also are the best source of antioxidants among all the berries. They are rich in vitamins, phytochemicals, and fiber. Oh ya, they are also delicious!
Swiss Chard
These dark vegetables are full of Vitamin A, C, K, and add fiber, calcium and other minerals to the list.
Pumpkin helps lower the risk of various cancers which include lung, bladder, cervical, skin, colon, and breast. Pumpkins are loaded with nutrients for healthy, glowing and youthful skin. You can even make a homemade mask with pureed pumpkin.
Wild Salmon
Wild Salmon is said to lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Sprouts are very nutritious. Sprouts are a great source of protein and vitamin C. Sprouts are full of living enzymes that are lost when we cook our foods. Since sprouts are so high in these enzymes they are much easier to digest than from the seed or bean they originated from.
Aside from peaches being so tasty, they do wonders for constipation and digestion. People who suffer from either may prefer a peach over a gritty and grainy beverage!
Pomegranates can have up to seven times more antioxidants than green tea! In addition, they fight cancer and reduce blood pressure.
Mushrooms have several medicinal uses. Mushrooms can control blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and fight cancer. It has been said that women who eat just one mushroom a day reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Green Tea
Just one cup of green tea a day can help fight cancer, aid in weight loss and battle against strokes.
Grapes can improve circulation, strengthen your eyes, fight cancer and help prevent kidney stones.
Chia Seeds
These seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and protein. They provide a good dose of healthy fats and fiber. They also have the ability of absorbing 9-10 times their weight in water which makes them ideal for hydration with runners. Put a couple of tablespoons of chia seeds into your water bottle and wait 5-10 minutes while they gel up. Drink up and then head out for your run and I bet you will have more stamina! I always notice I have a better run after gulping down a bottle of water plus chia gels! They also are great for controlling blood sugar.
Well, that is my list for now but this is definitely does not contain all of the amazing superfoods you can include in your diet. You don’t have to go buy all of these foods right now and eat everything tonight. Just try to incorporate some of them into your life and the lives of your loved ones!