Body Fat Calculator – Calculate Your Percentage of Body Fat


Calculate your body fat percentage and find out if you’re carrying around too much adipose tissue on your physique. Your body fat percentage is simply the percentage of fat your body contains. A certain amount of body fat is needed to carry out bodily functions but having too much becomes a health issue. Knowing what your body fat percentage is tells you more about your body than any other test. It tells you how much fat and how much lean muscle your body has. Knowing these numbers allows you to design an exercise program to maximize your efforts. If you’re interested in getting the most accurate assessment of your body fat levels, look into using either hydrostatic body fat testing or try to find a BodPod which is the gold standard for measuring body composition.

  *To do the skinfold test you must have fat calipers. You can buy them here.
Age:  Years
Chest:  mm
  Measure the fold about halfway between the arm crease and the nipple.
Abdomen:  mm
  Take the fold (vertical) about 1 inch to the side of the navel.
Thigh:  mm
  Take fold half way between knee and hip.
Age:  Years
Triceps:  mm
  Halfway between elbow and shoulder.
Abdomen:  mm
  Take the fold (vertical) about 1 inch to the side of the navel.
Suprailic:  mm
  Take a diagonal fold halfway between hip joint and bottom of rib cage.
Waist: Inches
  Men - measure at the navel
Women - measure between navel & sternum

Body Fat:
Fat Weight:
Lean Weight:
Body Fat Rating Scale
Exceptionally Lean 6-10% 10-15% **
Very Lean 11-14% 16-20% **
Lean 15-18% 21-25%
Moderate 19-24% 26-29%
Overfat* 25%+ 30%+


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