Some people get bored with their workout routine. If this is the case for you, here is some information and tips to help you. If you are simply burned out and need a new spark, the very first step is to recognize what exactly you’re burned out on. Is it the time of day you workout, the type of exercises you’re doing, the music you’re listening to, or maybe you just need a new challenge in your life.
If you own an iPod, make a custom workout music mix with your favorite songs that will get you amped up and excited. Many times, the music can give you that extra energy and push you need to get through a strenuous workout, so choose your jams wisely and make the music mix long enough to last for your planned workout time.
If your workout is getting boring and you’re using the same exercises day in and day out, then try something different like using none of the cardio equipment in the gym, like the treadmill, elliptical machine or the bike. Take your workout outdoors and run at a local park. Every few quarter miles, stop and do pushups or ab work and you can even setup different workout stations. You can really create some great workouts outdoors.
If you don’t want to head outdoors, you can try different fitness classes at your local gym. Try to think of a different workout you always wanted to try to just do it! The key is to shock the body and keep your muscles guessing. If the time of day you workout is killing you, just change it up. Get up earlier and kick-start your day with a workout and get it out the way. How about getting in a workout during lunch? If you get off work, then go to the gym and you end up getting home too late, then I suggest breaking up your workouts into smaller 2-3 sessions a day like 30 minutes before work, 30 minutes on your lunch break and then 30-45 minutes after work. This way, you can do shorter but more intense workouts.
Make your workouts fun! Set goals and try to reach them from day-to-day, week to week and month to month. Make little games out of it, like you and a friend can have your own lifting and running competition to check your progress so you both can push each other to get better results and become fitter in the process.
You can also change up your workout routines by getting involved in some kind of team sport. There are several choices available to you like baseball, soccer, basketball, and football. Playing as part of a team is not only fun, but learning how to be part of a group working toward a common goal helps you to learn how to work well with others in different situations.
For those of you who have seen success with a certain workout routine but now are at a standstill and you notice that your muscle growth and strength has really plateaued, you can still make adjustments to break this barrier. Remember, the body adapts quickly when you use the same motions, reps and sets. You might want to change exercise angles, the way you grip the weights or try totally different exercises for the muscle group you’re training. This will bring new challenges and shock your muscles. It’s called muscle confusion which means to constantly have your body guessing and never let it get adjusted to the same routine. My final advice is to always remember that if you do the same workouts, you will get the same results! If you do different workouts, you will get different results!