Over the years, I have heard so many people make statements like, “I can’t afford healthy foods”, “I can’t afford a fitness membership”, “I don’t have time” and “I don’t know how to eat right or workout”. Let’s just put a stop to this nonsense right now! We can’t afford not to exercise and eat healthy, period! It’s just that simple. Isn’t it time we all take some responsibility and quit making excuses? Isn’t it time we quit expecting our doctor to find a magical feel good pill for us that will solve all of our problems?
Living a fitness lifestyle will make you healthier, both physically and emotionally. Eating healthy is not more expensive because when you eat healthy you’re not buying all the junk food and that saves you money. For example, by cutting out chips, cookies, ice cream and pop every month, you will save anywhere from $15-$50 depending on the size of your family. When you cut out the visits to the fast food restaurant, you will save another $20-$80 every month which again depends on the size of your family. You can apply that extra money to healthy foods such as fish, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, skinless chicken breast, skinless turkey breast and quality drinking water. You can also apply that money to a fitness membership.
So every time you stop at a gas station and grab a candy bar, pop, coffee or some other little treat, start adding that money up for a week and see how much you can save. These savings will help you eat healthier and afford a fitness membership. A trip to the movies for two people is $15-$20 to just get in the door. If you add refreshments and candy, you will spend another $15-$20!
It really all comes down to our priorities. If we want to do something, we will do it. If we don’t do things we know are good for us and know we should, we will continue to make excuses about why we are not and many times either try to laugh it off or have a pity party. Many times, we tell ourselves that we just don’t have the money or the time.
No time, really? There are 24 hours in a day. Most of us work 40 hours a week and some of us work 60 hours a week. I would implore everyone to understand the importance of healthy eating and exercising so that they can schedule their lives around working out and eating healthier instead of making excuses. We can all be healthier by just committing 45 minutes a day, three times a week to exercise. Also by taking the time to make healthy food choices when we go to the grocery store and when we eat out. Isn’t it time we all start taking responsibility for our own health?
Not knowing how, is another cop out. All the information is out there for us. There is a lot of information here on ShapeFit.com, so use the search feature at the top of this page to start reading different articles on nutrition and exercise. How many of us are just plain lazy? How many people just go through life like a horse in a race with blinders on thinking they are supposed to feel tired, have no energy, be overweight and eat anything they want while expecting their doctor to give them that magical pill to fix everything?
It’s time we all wake up and make a small investment in our future that will pay off in a big way now and as we get older. Fitness and healthy eating are truly the fountain of youth, so start today and you will never regret it!