Have you ever been in a bad mood for no reason? I think we’ve all had days where we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe you feel you didn’t get enough sleep or maybe things are just not going the way you want them to go in your life. A great solution is to get in a good workout! Workouts have been proven to increase your mood.
Working out increases our endorphins and has proven effects on putting us in a better mood! Just 30-60 minutes of exercise a day can make you a happier person. There have been times where I have been in the worst mood and decided to go to the gym. I left with a smile on my face and feeling stronger and happier. Exercise doesn’t just physically give us a boost but it mentally helps us as well. You don’t always have to go to the gym to get in a good workout. Try going for a walk in the park and take your dog with you for company. Or maybe an outdoor project with your special someone can boost your mood and your relationship. Being outside and appreciating the beauty all around us helps to make us happier and grateful.
Exercise can help us clear our mind of every day stressors. Sweating it out and listening to good music helps to make your workout more enjoyable. I typically listen to Workout Radio on Pandora. It’s free and they have awesome songs that get me pumped. I also personally like to read a good fitness magazine while on the elliptical or treadmill. I know not everyone can do this because it makes them dizzy but if you are able to do it, I highly recommend it. It not only helps to motivate you but also helps you focus on your fitness goals.
Working out with a friend can also improve your mood. You can have fun getting fit together and strengthen your workout and bond. Studies have shown that people who workout with others are more likely to stick to their daily workouts. It helps us be accountable for getting to the gym. We are more likely to go if we know someone else is depending on us going that day. It can also give you something to look forward to during the day if you workout later in the evening. I have also learned new exercises and had additional motivation from working out with a friend.
One day I worked out with a friend who was previously in the Marines. My friend knew many exercises and was definitely motivating. I remember I was very sore the next day but it was the kind of sore that keeps you going. It was the feeling of accomplishment that kept me going. I still to this day continue to use some of the tips and exercises he showed me in the gym. It’s important to keep adding new exercises and challenges to your routine so you don’t get bored. Boredom is the number one killer of people who cancel their gym memberships each year.
Many people stop going to the gym because of boredom. I always try to find new ways to challenge myself and keep exercise fun. I try to weight train and do cardio at least five days a week. I will also throw in a fun class during the week such as boxing or yoga. I enjoy doing group classes where I can get new ideas and be encouraged by others who want to be healthy. It is important to surround yourself around people who encourage you and help you to achieve your fitness goals.
Just the other day I was feeling down and to be honest, I just wanted to grab a tub of ice cream and watch a movie. I decided to go to the gym instead and I was happy I did. I felt so happy and accomplished after my workout. I knew I was making myself stronger and clearing my mind from my stressors. I also treated myself after to a healthier version of ice cream which ended up being frozen yogurt with fruit. I have been making healthier choices and going to the gym more and I can definitely feel it paying off. That’s what keeps me going every day, how good I feel. I am healthier, happier, and more confident than ever. I also enjoy inspiring others to achieve their fitness goals, which helps me to reach my own goals.
I have learned it also helps to push yourself a little harder each time you workout. This also creates a sense of accomplishment and happiness. You never know how far you can go until you try. The first step is trying and committing to being the best that you can be. I encourage you to keep exercising and eating healthy because your hard work will pay off. It is important to be more physically and mentally fit and it shows in every area of our lives. I have many reasons for being fit ranging from my health, my family, confidence, and happiness.
Many people think that success is the key to happiness, however it is the other way around. Happiness is the key to success. When we are happy we tend to attract more happiness into our life. It isn’t money that brings happiness. Without our health we could never enjoy things that money may buy. Even more so, money can never mean more to us than our health, family, friends, and self-worth. If it does, you may want to rethink your priorities. I challenge you to stick to your workouts and I promise you’ll feel happier and more accomplished every time. The workouts don’t get easier, you just continually get stronger.
Make yourself proud. Don’t go another day wishing you could be healthier and happier. You have the power every day to CHOOSE to make yourself what you would like to be. Choose happiness and a healthy lifestyle. Empower yourself to start living your best life now!