Muscles Targeted: Dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts is a compound exercise that works the hamstrings, gluteal muscles, and the lower back. The primary muscles targeted by dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts are the back of the legs (hamstrings), and the butt. The secondary muscle group involved is the lower back, including the large latissimus dorsi muscle group, as well as the multifidus spinae, which support the entire spine. This is a great exercise to increase strength and tone in the legs and back.
Exercise Advice: Proper form and technique are imperative to safety and getting the most out of dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts. Allowing one’s back to arch when pulling the weights up, or making a yanking motion with heavy weights may cause painful injury to the muscles in the back, which can involve a long recovery period.
To begin, hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your hands in front of your body and your feet shoulder width apart. Slowly bend forward at the waist, being mindful to keep your chest and shoulders straight and pulled back. Do not attempt to reach your feet with the weights.
Rather, bend forward just enough to have your spine and head at about slightly more than a forty-five degree angle. While bending over, if you feel a slight pull in your lower back, that is too far. You should only feel your hamstrings beginning to stretch. Keep your legs fairly straight, but not completely stiff; this will isolate the hamstrings. Then, slowly straighten and raise your back up to the start position. Inhale as you bend down, and exhale as you straighten back to the start position.
Things to Avoid: After performing dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts a handful of times, or when leveling up to heavier weights, it may be tempting to let your back arch while lowering the weights. Allowing this to happen takes the stress off of the hamstrings and places it on the back, making you less stable and more vulnerable to injury.
Also, avoid letting your shoulders, chest, or neck bend while lowering the weights. It may be tempting to take a look to check on your form, so while you are learning how to properly execute dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts, use a mirror or have a friend observe. Lastly, avoid letting the weights swing out too far in front of your body while bending over.
Reps and Sets: When you are learning to properly execute dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts, start with weights that you are comfortable with. When you can successfully complete the exercise, performing 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps is a good place to start before increasing the weight. At that point, you may consider reducing the number of reps to 6-8, resting for about 60-120 seconds between sets.
Other Exercises to Use: While dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts are a wonderful exercise to strengthen and build your hamstrings and lower back, there are a number of other exercises to consider including in your hamstrings routine. Click on any of these links to learn more: