Muscles Targeted: Reverse grip barbell rows is a compound exercise which means it uses multiple joints and includes multiple muscle groups which allows maximum muscle stimulation and growth. The primary muscles targeted when doing bent over reverse grip barbell rows are the latissimus dorsi as well as the rhomboids and trapezius muscles. The secondary muscle groups involved include the biceps as well as the hamstrings which are activated when the body is in a bent over position. This exercise also targets the rear deltoids when performing the rowing style movement.
Exercise Advice: Your overall exercise technique is vitally important when doing this movement and doing it without using the correct form may cause injury. The first thing you need to do is to grab a barbell using an under hand grip (palms facing up) making sure that your back is completely straight as you position the weight in front of your body before you begin the exercise. Slowly bend over at the waist with a slight bend in your knees and position your back as parallel to the ground as possible.
While bent over, make sure that your head as well as your neck are always in line with your spine as you are looking forward. Try to keep the barbell only a few inches away from your knees allowing your arms as well as the weight to hang freely towards the floor.
When you are in the bent over position, start the lift by drawing your shoulder blades together while trying to pull only with your back muscles. During the movement you will actually be pulling the weight with your biceps also but it’s critical to focus your attention on making sure the big muscles of your back are working as the primary pulling muscles. Also, try to keep your elbows tucked into your sides as you row the weight up to the top position. Make a full contraction at the top of the movement and pause briefly before slowly lowering the weight down to the starting position.
You should always concentrate on breathing correctly when performing this movement. You should breathe in as you lift the weight up to your sternum and then slowly breathe out as you lower the weight back down. The general rule is to always breathe out on exertion.
Things to Avoid: When performing this exercise for the first time you may be tempted to raise upwards with your torso as you row the weight up to the top position. Try to keep a parallel and fixed position with your back as you row the weight up and then back down.
Reps and Sets: When you are able to do this exercise correctly, you can increase the weight being used in order to build up strength and size in your back muscles. You should start off with 3 or 4 sets of 8-10 reps and then you can increase the weight and lower the overall reps to around 6-8 per set to build maximum amount of muscle mass in the target area.
Other Exercises To Use: There are countless different exercises that you can use to train your back. Below is just a brief list of a few of them that you can select from. Combine 3-4 different exercises to create a solid muscle building back workout routine:
- Close Grip Front Lat Pulldowns
- Smith Machine Bent Over Rows
- Seated Cable Rows
- Pull-Ups
- Straight Arm Pull-downs
- One Arm Dumbbell Rows
- Underhand Cable Pulldowns
- Bent Over Two Dumbbell Rows With Palms In
- V-Bar Pull-ups
- Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns
- Bent Over Barbell Rowss