These are just a few of the physical side effects of anabolic steroid use. There is also a very serious area which is usually not covered much which is the mental side effects and destruction the drugs cause. Many people have already heard about the “roid rage” stories about people going crazy while being on steroids, but a more serious issue is with depression, muscle dismorphia and addiction from anabolic steroids. There is a vicious cycle that is created when someone gets addicted to anabolic steroids. These individuals gain unheard of strength and muscle mass in a very short time when they are on a steroid cycle and once they get off, they usually crash hard and completely lose all of the size and strength they once had. This can cause serious depression and self-esteem issues with many users. The majority end up getting right back on another cycle of “juice” because they can’t handle looking small and feeling weak. When they are on the “juice”, they probably hear so many comments in the gym like, “Wow, you’re huge!” or “I can’t believe how strong you are!”. However, when they are “off cycle”, many “juicers” quit training altogether because they are too embarrassed to be seen in the gym. This turns into an eventual lifelong cycle of steroid abuse and truly reeks havoc on the body and mind.
So, I would highly recommend not using any type of anabolic steroids. With the right training and proper nutrition, you can build an impressive physique which you can maintain for a lifetime. You will also know its 100% natural and you got there with hard work, discipline and determination!