I’m a petite girl with a very small butt and I want to make it bigger. I think most guys are attracted to a rounder, fuller booty and I want to do whatever I can to get this look. I read in a few fitness magazine that some exercises can increase butt size. Is this true and which exercises do you recommend for helping to make my butt bigger?
The quest for a sexy round butt is the wish of many women who have a flat, skinny rear end. Even some women who already have a nice full backside want to make it even bigger in order to look more attractive. That’s because a big butt attracts a lot of attention, especially from men who cherish voluptuous curves. It’s part of nature why men are engaged by this body type. It’s in their DNA to be attracted to big wide hips and a round, full butt because back in history it was a sign that women could easily bear children which was a key indicator of health and wellness.
However, this isn’t the rule and it’s important to remember that a lot of guys are also attracted to petite women with cute little butts, probably like yours. A lot of it comes down to genetics and your overall DNA makeup.
Your body type is determined by the genes you inherited from your parents at birth. You can have a pear shaped body that stores fat in the butt or a body type that stores fat in the abdomen and hips. Even if you lose weight and reduce body fat, your body type and overall shape usually remains pretty much the same. Genetics, therefore, plays a role in the size and shape of your butt and other muscle groups. This is why you will find some women who have naturally bigger boobs or butts while other girls are flat all over. This being said, there are ways to help add size and muscle mass to your gluteus maximus but it’s probably not going to give you giant round booty like a Brazilian supermodel!
Best Exercises To Build a Bigger Butt
Squats are the absolute best exercise to increase your butt size, period. They are a compound movement that overloads several different muscle groups including your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and lower back. Squats can be performed using dumbbells or barbells and they are the #1 choice for your overall butt building workout.
Dumbbells – Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands and stand with your legs a little wider than shoulder width. Bend your knees ensuring they line up vertically with the toes. Squat down as if you’re sitting in a chair until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Push off with the heels of your feet and bring yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat for 15-20 repetitions.
Barbell – Place a barbell securely on the back of your shoulders along your trapezius muscles. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor while making sure to keep your butt down, chest out and shoulders back. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times and try to use heavy weights in order to build muscle mass in the glutes.
Jump squats – This is a great bodyweight exercise you can do virtually anywhere to help tone up your butt. You should start by lowering yourself into a squat, then explode and jump straight up. Repeat this exercise continuously for 60 seconds and then take a 1 minute break.
Lunges – These can consist of forward, reverse or side lunges and they are excellent for building up your booty! For a reverse lunge, position your left foot a step behind and bend your right knee down to a 90 degree angle. Raise back up by pushing off with your right leg. Move your left leg to the previous position and extend your right leg to repeat the reverse lunge now on the left side. Do a series of 12-15 repetitions for each side.
You can perform a variety of this type of exercise by trying side lunges, lunge jumps, lunges with weights or lunges on an incline. Remember when doing lunges to always focus your attention directly on the butt muscles.
Bodyweight Butt Exercises – Like jump squats, these can be performed anywhere and are perfect for getting a great booty workout in the convenience of your own home. Start by lying down flat on your back with your hands to your sides. With your knees bent, let your feet lay flat on the floor. Press down with your hands and lift your hips up until your body aligns with your legs. Lift and straighten your right leg off the floor. Bring it back to the ground and then lower your hips to the starting position. Repeat this exercise on the alternate side and do 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Cardio – There are specific cardio exercises that help to build up your legs and butt muscles. Activities like sprints, swimming, running stairs, martial arts, skiing and soccer can really help increase the size of your butt by building up the gluteus muscles.
Diet – The foods that you eat also contributes to adding shape and size to your butt. Since you are on the petite side, you will want to increase your overall calories with lean protein, clean carbs and healthy fats to provide the right nutrients to your body to help recover from tough workouts. Foods rich in protein include turkey, chicken, fish and eggs. Quality carbs include whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal and sweet potatoes which are great for energy.
By including many of these exercises into your booty workout plan along with eating a nutrient dense diet you will be able to reach your goals faster. It might take some time so stay focused and don’t get discouraged on your quest for a bigger and rounder butt!
If you have a petite body and a small butt, won’t some workouts make what you have even smaller? I’m worried about working out because I don’t want to lose what I already have.
Selena – It really depends on what type of workouts you will be doing. If you are running and doing lots of cardio then that type of training will tend to decrease boy fat and make you smaller. However, if you’re doing compound multi-joint weight training exercises like barbell squats, deadlifts and bench press then these mass building movements will help to add size to your physique.
I am a very small person and I’m very skinny. I also had a flat butt and I wanted to make it bigger. I started doing squats and doing butt exercises and it doesn’t make you lose anything! My butt got so much bigger and all my friends were telling me it was way bigger than before! I didn’t lose anything but got nice toned legs, a big butt and a flat stomach! Squats are super good! Do them several times a week and you’ll get a nice big butt too 🙂
How long did that take? I’m a short, extremely flat girl with no butt whatsoever and people criticize me about it. I really want to prove to them and myself that I can have a nice body!
I was always the flattest girl in high school and it does suck when you get critiqued for not having what other girls already have. It took me around 3 months to really see a huge result. However, you need to lift heavy rather than just using excessive reps. I was 87 pounds my freshman year of high school, and now I’m a junior in college weighing 125 pounds. The key is to remember that nobody else’s opinion matters, lift heavy and eat lots of calories. Being small with a super fast metabolism will burn lots of calories and you need them to bulk up.
How long did you train before you noticed results?
I am petite at 5’3″ and 94 pounds. I love chicken, turkey, rice and sweet potatoes. I am allergic to fish, eggs, broccoli and cauliflower. I love walking but I sprained my right ankle. I have never done a squat before and I just want to make sure it will work for me. I am an African American woman who has the butt of an Asian woman. Will doing squats really work?
Hi Dawn – Squats will work but you need to get the technique down so ask a trainer at your local gym if they can assist you so you can learn how to do them correctly. Once your technique is spot-on, you will want to increase your caloric intake by adding in healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, avocados, natural peanut butter and fish oil. The combination of eating extra calories along with performing heavy squat workouts 1-2 times per week should provide you with great results for building up your glutes and lower body so you can get a bigger and rounder booty.
I’m doing squats too but I’m just doing them normally, without any weights. Do you use weights? My booty is okay, but I’m afraid to lose what I already have. Thanks!
Hi Fabyanah – You definitely want to use weights when doing butt exercises in order to tone and build up your glutes. If you don’t have access to dumbbells or barbells, you can use gallon water jugs or other items around your house with a handle to add resistance to your exercises.
How long did it take to realize your butt was big?
With dumbbells, what is a good weight to start with for a petite girl?
Hi Linton – You should start off with the lightest dumbbells available (5-10 pounders) in order to make sure your exercise technique is spot-on and then slowly move up in weight as your strength increases.
I’m a kid (11 years old) and my butt is flat. How can I improve the plumpness in my rear end?
Abbey – One of the best ways to add roundness and size to your butt is by doing weighted squats with either dumbbells or a barbell. You can also try lunges which target the glutes extremely well. Focus on doing 6-8 sets of squats/lunges twice a week and you should start to see great results after about 12 weeks.
If you are skinny and you do squats will your thighs and butt get bigger? I am skinny and I want bigger thighs and butt.
Ashley – It depends on several factors like your overall diet, the amount of weight you lift and your genetics. You can increase the size of the muscles in your legs and butt by adding in heavy squats, lunges and leg press a few times per week. Your diet plays a big role since you need to eat enough calories and proper nutrients (protein, carbs) in order to support the intense workouts and grow from them.
Ashley – I am very skinny! When I started working out my legs got thicker from squats and so did my butt! You get a nice flat stomach also!
I have a really flat butt. All of the other guys are always staring at other girls butts and I was wondering what would be a good start for me. I am only 12 years old. How do I get a bigger and rounder butt?
Hi Mackenzie – You can start off by doing basic bodyweight lunges and squats in your house. Shoot for 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps. Once you have the proper technique and form down for these exercises, you can start adding some resistance to them using dumbbells. If you don’t have access to dumbbells then you can try using water jugs. Just hold onto them like you would with dumbbells and shoot for 4-5 sets of 8-10 reps for both exercises. This should help strength and develop your glutes (booty) 🙂
Okay, don’t worry since you’re only eleven. Everyone grows at a different pace. Maybe your older sister has a big butt or your friends or whoever. It doesn’t matter if you have a big butt or big boobs, it takes time for your body to mature. You still have a few years to grow. Please don’t worry about getting a bigger butt since you should be focusing on school, friends and family.
Do these exercises really help? I do not have barbells at home. How long will it take to start seeing result? How often do I have to perform these exercises? Can I just do lunges and squats? I am 5’0″ and weigh only 93 pounds with a flat chest and butt.
Hi Trinity – Yes, the exercises work great for developing your legs and butt. Focus on doing a leg/butt workout 1-2 times per week for the best results. You can just do squats and lunges but also make sure to do some hamstring exercises also for the back of your legs to keep everything in proportion.
I’m a 25 year old woman, standing only 5’0″ tall and weighing 93 lbs. I would like to get a bigger butt so I don’t look like a kid. I have measured my butt before and it’s 33″. However, it looks very flat. I have done squats on and off and never really see any improvement. Please help. Thank you.
Hi Trinity – Since you’re very petite, you will need to increase your calories along with hitting the squats and lunges hard. It takes dedication and hard work to add thickness to your booty and legs so it’s probably going to take some time to see noticeable changes, especially with your petite frame and fast metabolism. The key is to increase your calories with quality nutrients. Check out our Nutrition 101 article for some great ideas on healthy foods to include in your diet. Along with more calories and heavy weight training, you should limit your cardio and daily activity outside the gym. Make sure your body only has one main thing to focus on and that’s to grow a big, round and thick booty!
I’m a 21 year old female. My height is 4’9″ and I weigh 99 pounds so I am very petite. I just don’t know where to start to get a big booty. I feel so confused about how I should actually structure my workouts. If someone could just give me a routine that I can start off with, it would really help. Thanks!
Hi Amy – Here is great beginner workout routine to build up your booty! Begin by warming up for 5-10 minutes with a light jog or walk then perform 2-3 sets of dumbbell lunges (12-15 reps), followed by 2-3 sets of dumbbell squats (12-15 reps) and finish with step-ups to a bench (with or without dumbbells) for 2-3 sets (12-15 reps). Make sure to rest for 60-90 seconds between sets and perform this butt workout 1-2 times per week (Monday and Thursday). If you’re sore after your workout then only train your booty once per week.
Thank you very much for your considerate response. I really appreciate it and I am very happy you responded. Should I be eating something or taking some sort of shakes to go with my workout routines?
Hi Amy – Yes, you always want to prime your body with the right nutrients before and after your workouts. This is what’s called taking advantage of the “windows of opportunity”. Read our article about pre-workout and post-workout nutrition for more information.
I’m part asian, so I’m naturally very tiny. No matter how much I eat, I can only gain within 5-10 pounds and then lose weight after that. It never shows anywhere and definitely doesn’t go straight to my butt. When I do squats, I feel like I’m just working my butt bone because there’s nothing there 🙂 Any tips? I’m pretty sure I’m squatting correctly. I was taught by different people who are die hard at working out and they say my form is okay.
When doing squats, make sure to go super deep on the bottom portion of the movement to recruit your glute muscles and try going as heavy as possible in a repetition range of 4-6 per set while maintaining strict form. Walking lunges are also excellent for hitting your butt and if you have not done them in a while, your booty should be super sore 1-2 days after your workout.
I’m a 12 year old girl and I’m super flat with extremely small stick thighs. I’m confused about what type of workout will help me get a bigger butt and what foods I should eat? I’m stuck!
Hi June – In order to gain weight and add size to your lower body you will need to eat a nutrient dense diet and include specific lower body exercises to help you build muscle. The top exercises include barbell squats, lunges, step-ups, leg press and plie squats with a dumbbell. Check out our butt workouts for more help on specific routines. For food, read our Nutrition 101 article to learn which foods to focus on eating to help you reach your goals. Make sure to be patient because it will take some time to see results.
I am 18 years old, 5 feet tall and I’m on the thicker side. A lot of people say I have a really big butt, but I don’t think I do. How can I get a bigger butt while maintaining a flat stomach and firm thighs?
Hi Tascian – It sounds like you already have an ample behind so you’re probably blessed with the right genetics for a round booty. The key now is to get the rest of your body toned up and firm. Your diet is the key to losing excess body fat, so read up on our Nutrition 101 article to learn which foods to eat. It’s also important to include cardio 5-6 days per week to burn off excess calories. Shoot for 30-40 minute cardio sessions and make sure you sweat during your workouts. Also, remember to include weight training to tighten up your thighs, butt and the rest of your body. Lifting weights 3 days per week should work great. Don’t rush it and be patient while you transform you physique. It might take 12-15 weeks to see changes. Stay focused and you will get there!
I’m a 20 year old girl and I have a very flat butt. If I do squats and lunges, how many days or weeks do I need to do them before I see improvement in getting a bigger butt?
Hi Belinda – It might take up to 12 weeks for you to see any changes in your glutes when you’re focusing on specific exercises to build the area. Stay disciplined and workout with heavy enough weight when doing these key exercises in order to overload the muscles of the butt, thighs and legs. This will allow you to shock the area and make your booty grow!
Upon completing this (apart from the barbell exercises) how long do you think it will be before you see a difference?
Hi Ayesha – You should begin to notice some changes in your butt and legs within 12 weeks of hard and dedicated training. However, results will completely depend on your current physique along with your genetics, training, diet and cardio program.
I’m 15 and weigh 135 pounds. I have really big thighs but absolutely no butt. I don’t have any barbells but I really want a bigger butt. What exactly should I do to get that and tone up my belly?
Hi Aurianna – You can do the exact same exercise and use dumbbells. If you don’t have any equipment, try using 1 gallon water jugs or anything else that weighs 5-10 pounds and you can safely hang onto while performing the exercises. For your stomach, focus on cleaning up your diet and doing cardio. Your first priority is to lose body fat in order to tone up a flabby stomach and that’s done through diet and cardio.
I’m not too thin but I’m not big either. I have big boobs and a small butt. I need advice on what to do.
Hi Precious – Our advice is to follow the tips in the article and really work hard on those great butt building exercises like squats and lunges to help build up your booty.
I’m 17 years old and I have a really small butt that’s flat. I’m only 4’9″ and weigh about 100 pounds. I really want to be able to get a big butt but I don’t know where to start and what kind of food I should eat. I’d be grateful for any tips or advice 🙂
Hi Nish – Check out our Nutrition 101 article to learn about which foods to eat. The best way to pack size onto your booty is by overloading your legs and butt with muscle specific exercises like heavy squats and lunges along with movements like step-ups to a bench or chair while holding dumbbells. You need to really stimulate the gluteal region in order to force it to grow and get bigger. Heavy weight training along with increasing your calories with nutrient dense whole foods will be the key factors for getting results.
What circuit of exercises would you recommend? As in how many squats a day and lunges and so on? Thank you 🙂
Hi Nish – Focus on training your glutes and legs once per week for the best results. If you train hard enough, you will need the extra days for rest and recovery. For specific exercise routines, shoot for 3-4 sets of squats and 3-4 sets of lunges (12-15 reps per set) per workout. Make sure to also train your hamstrings (back of your legs) for overall balance and symmetry. Romanian deadlifts and lying leg curls work great (3-4 sets for each exercise with 12-15 reps). Your complete butt workout should take you 45-60 minutes to finish.
Can squats alone make my butt bigger?
Hi Emydear – Squats are the king of all lower body exercises and they will help build up the muscles in your glutes. If you can only do that one specific exercise, then shoot for 6-8 heavy sets of 8-10 reps per set and train your legs/glutes once per week. If you have access to a barbell, you should also try to include lunges for your butt and Romanian deadlifts for your hamstrings. These movements can all be performed with a basic barbell.
How do I go about gaining weight the healthy way? My metabolism is average and I could gain weight quickly and lose it quickly. I currently weigh 105 pounds and I’m 5’1″. I used to weigh 120 pounds but I started eating better and lost weight. I want a bigger butt and thighs.
Hi Isabel – The best way is to slowly increase your calories each week along with bumping up your protein intake. Make sure to choose nutrient dense whole foods and avoid eating sugar laden, high fat junk foods. Along with increasing your calories, it’s crucial to include heavy weight training into your fitness regimen. Try including some of the best multi-joint compound exercises like squats, deadlifts and bench press. These will help you build lean muscle and give you the shape you’re looking for.
I’m 15 years old and weigh 106 pounds and my height is 5’4″. I workout once in a while and I’ve tried many things to get a bigger butt like doing squats and lunges. I have fat thighs but my butt is not that big.
Hi Cyn – You mentioned you workout “once in a while” and that is most likely the problem. It takes consistent training to achieve the physique you desire. That means investing the time in the gym that is needed to build up your butt and other muscle groups. Stick with heavy squats, lunges and step-ups to a bench for great exercises to build up your booty but the most important thing is to be consistent and train your lower body 1-2 times per week. Make sure to remember to also perform hamstring and calf exercises to target all of the muscles in your legs. Romanian deadlifts are excellent for hitting both the hamstrings and the glutes.
I’m 17 years old, 5’6″ and 220 pounds. Lots of people tell me I don’t look that size at all. When I look in the mirror it’s a different story. I have read everything you’ve told these skinny girls and women. My question is today I started my day off with a bottle of water and did 2 sets of 20 basic squats. I think I’m going to have a banana for breakfast. I’ve went to the gym on and off since last October, but never seem to have enough motivation in myself to keep going. I have some plumpness in my booty, but my sides are so big and wide that it looks like I have no booty! I need to know what kind of squats should I be doing? I don’t have equipment but I can use a gallon of water. Also, what exercises should I do to lose my big hips and big tummy while at the same time working on my booty? I would love to have pretty curves. Thick thighs are always great but mine are huge! Both my hands and my boyfriend’s hands can wrap around one. I don’t want to lose them, I just want to tone then up. Also, what foods should I be eating? I have a stockpile of canned veggies, fruit and pastas in my family’s pantry. Please help!
Hi Sarah – It sounds like you need to tone up and lose the extra fat from around your entire body in order to get the athletic and lean look you’re after. The first thing is that you should be eating the banana along with some protein before you’re weight training workout. You should not perform resistance training on an empty stomach. You need the carbs to fuel your body and the protein for your muscles. If you’re currently not doing any cardio, make sure to add 30-40 minutes per day to burn off any excess calories. Checkout our Cardio Guide for ideas. For your diet, read our Nutrition 101 article for all of the specific foods you should be eating for results. In terms of specific exercises, you can use the ones in this article (squats, lunges, etc.) but your main focus needs to be on cardio and diet. Doing squats and other leg exercises are not going to give you the results you’re after unless you reduce your body fat percetnage and that’s done by eating clean and being consistent with your cardio routine. Stay focused and determined and you will reach your goals but it will take a lot of hard work and discipline.
I’m 15 years old and wanted to know if I’m too young to work on getting a bigger butt?
Hi Neyla – You can start weight training at your age and begin working on your lower body with the exercises outlined in this article to help build up your glutes.
I’m 13 years old and people make fun of me for having a small butt and guys are always looking at my butt. My parents think that exercising and working out to get a bigger booty is a waste of time. Is there anything I can do to train my butt if I don’t have any dumbbells or water jugs available?
Hi Natalia – Yes, you can do bodyweight exercises to target your booty. Try doing 5 sets of 15-20 reps of bodyweight squats, lunges and step-ups. You can do these in your bedroom and perform the step-ups on your bed or a chair. Just make sure to watch your balance at all times to be safe. If you have a back pack that you use for school, load it up with some books and strap that on your back to give you more resistance while you’re doing the butt exercises.
I’m 16 and 5’2″. My butt is not flat but almost. I have back dimples and I’m scared to lose them. I’m skinny but not too skinny. What exercises do y’all recommend to get a bigger butt?
Hi Celina – Starting out with the exercises in this article will be a great start for adding size to your butt. Just remember to not be afraid of using heavy weight for the exercises since this is what will build up your glutes and give you the size you’re looking for.
I’m 5’10” and I want to gain more fat in my butt area. But it never seems to work. I want a bubble butt, but I feel I can’t get one because I’m too tall.
Hi Aeriel – Do you want to gain fat or muscle on your butt? Hopefully it’s muscle since that will create a round, full and rock hard booty. You can still get a bubble butt even though you are on the taller side. It just comes down to incorporating the right butt exercises into your routine along with progressively adding more weight to those movements.
I don’t know if it’s helping. Will I see results after 3 weeks?
Hi Amely – It’s important to take weekly photos and measurements of your butt/hips in order to track your progress and see if your workouts and training are producing results.
I’m 17 years old and I have big boobs, skinny arms and legs, a very flat butt and a flat stomach. I live in an area where there is no access to gyms or dumbbells. What type of squats do you recommend for me?
Hi Baby – Take two gallon jugs of water or milk and use them as dumbbells. Just make sure whatever you choose has handles or something you can hold onto. You can perform all of the exercises in this article by using normal household items to create weight resistance.
I’m 15 years old at 5’5″ and 112 pounds. I’m a track and field athlete and I’m very thin and my butt is small. If I do squats and other exercises will that make my butt bigger?
Hi Lily – Since you’re thin and run track, you will need to consume more calories along with adding in heavy squats and lunges to build up your butt. It sounds like you have a super fast metabolism, so make sure to eat a lot of quality calories each day and train hard with butt specific exercises. It might take some time to add size to your glutes but it is doable. Be patient and stay focused 🙂
I do a lot of sit ups but I don’t see any change around my stomach. Can you tell me how I can lose belly fat faster and how many times can I train them per week to see results?
Hi Enku – Train your abs no more than 2-3 times per week. Like any other muscle, they need time to recover. Read this great abs article to help you learn how to lose belly fat.
Girls, remember that more reps will not do the trick. In order to get a fuller, rounder and great looking butt, you need to lift heavy! Lifting heavy for about 12-10-8 reps with 4-5 sets will work much better versus using less weight and more reps.
I want to know whether the results are permanent.
Hi Mamtha – They will last as long as you continue working out. If you stop exercising then your muscles with atrophy (decrease in size) and you will lose most of your gains.
I’m 5’11” and weigh 220 pounds. I had a baby in June and can’t seem to lose the baby weight that I gained during pregnancy. I want to lose weight but not my butt! Should I start running and doing exercises for my butt?
Hi Kris – It’s takes time to lose the baby weight after pregnancy, so be patient. It’s important to hit it from all angles when your goal is to lose weight and tone up. The 3 main areas include diet, cardio and weight training. All 3 factors should be the focus when you want to follow a solid program that provides long term results. Try starting with 30-60 minutes of cardio in the morning before you eat any food (fasted cardio). This helps to burn maximum body fat. You can sip on a BCAA drink (branched chain amino acids) but avoid eating any food before your cardio session in the morning. This way you can tap directly into your fat stores without needing to burn any carbs first. You should also do weight training exercises for your entire body (not just your butt). Your nutrition plan is the most important part of your program so read our Nutrition 101 article to learn which foods to include in your diet for the best results in building lean muscle and losing excess body fat.
I really want to ask, what exactly should I eat to get enough calories to support the exercises? I don’t have dumbbells, so I’ll settle for the gallon water jugs as weights. If I have to increase the weights, would it be okay to get a bigger jug?
Hi Jay – You can read our Nutrition 101 article to learn about which foods you should be eating. For your water jugs, you can choose larger jugs but make sure they don’t interfere with your exercises and get in the way of the movements. You can also choose other heavy household items that you can grip easily. Look around your house and you might be able to find some interesting things that you can use to add additional resistance.
What if you are a man? I have no butt! It’s so embarrassing. Sometimes I don’t even like to go in public if I don’t have the right pair of jeans that make my butt look okay.
Hi Breyman – Squats, squats and more squats! That’s the key exercise for adding size to your booty 🙂
I’m 15 years old and I’m 5’6″. I am very thin and flatter than a pancake in my rear end. I have been trying out things for about 2 years now. I’ve been changing my diet a lot and doing all the exercises out there to help me get a bigger butt. I workout regularly so I am in shape. But I have not added any size to my butt. I have 3 older sisters who have very round and full butts, and my mother has the biggest butt ever! What have I been doing wrong? I know for a fact that it’s not genes because everyone in my family has a big butt. Please help me to try and figure out what the problem is. Thank you!
Hi Crystal – Genetics don’t always mean you will have the same body structure as your siblings. There are many people who have a brother or sister that is the complete opposite when it comes to physical characteristics (height, weight, body type). You have a very thin and lean physique (ectomorph), so you will need to really focus on your food intake and increase your calories in order to shock your system to stimulate growth. Along with your food intake, you need to add compound, multi-joint exercises with heavy weight and low reps in order to build size. For your legs and butt, your go-to exercise should be barbell squats. Don’t be scared to pack on the weight either, since you really need to overload your muscles in order to force them to grow. If you’re currently doing any cardio, cut it out and focus all of your energy on eating a lot of nutrient dense foods and lifting heavy weight.
I’m a 20 year old girl with big boobs but a flat booty. I don’t want to lose weight, but I certainly want a bigger and rounder butt! How do I go about it?
Hi Peace – Are you currently doing any type of resistance training? If so, please explain your typical weekly workout with specific exercises you use for your lower body.
I’m 14 years old and have a slim body. I want a big butt, a flat stomach and big thighs. What exercises should I do?
Hi Princess – The exercises you should do are the ones outlined in the article on this page. A lot of girls want what you do and you will need to work very hard in the gym to get the physique changes you’re striving for.
I’m petite, 4’11”, 105 pounds, and 19 years old. I have an extremely flat butt and want to make it bigger. I don’t really have a flat stomach, but I would like to get toned. I am willing to change my diet and I’m not allergic to any foods. Where do I start for the fastest and best results?
Hi Gabbi – Remember that changing your physique will take time so be patient and don’t expect to get results in a matter of days or weeks. It usually takes up to 3 months (90 days) to make an impressive transformation. For your diet, take a look at our Nutrition 101 article for more information about which specific foods you should include in your diet. For training, stick with the exercises in this article as a guide map and don’t be afraid to lift heavy weights since this is what will help you build the muscle you need to add size to your booty 🙂
It’s so sad and disappointing that this is all geared towards having a good body for a MAN! Do it for yourself if for anyone. Why would you ever put in that much work and dedication and sweat just to be noticed by guys? Do it to feel better about yourself and your body, to feel healthy and happy with yourself. Also, this whole thing implies that you want to draw attention to your butt specifically for the benefit of men? I’m sorry, but that is messed up! This is what makes guys think they can cat call and smack girls butts or come up from behind you and dance on you in a club. This is what is setting feminism back, for men who are good and respectful already and for women who are empowered.
I have a small butt and I want to make it bigger. I have been doing calisthenics for a year and that has given me a very muscular upper body but my butt is still the same. I do a lot of normal squats and pistol squats. That has given me muscular thighs but no change in my butt size. Are there more difficult bodyweight exercises for butt? Or is it because I am a boy?
Hi Vish – Heavy squats is probably your best bet to add size to your glutes (butt). Shoot for lower reps in the range of 6-8 (after warmup) and try to do legs twice per week maximum.
I’m thirteen and that might seem very young to want a bigger butt, but the stares I get at my school start to get to me so I just want to know if I’m too young to build my glutes and if that will stop me from growing taller.
Yes, you can start doing weight training specific exercises to help build up your glutes. This type of training will not stunt your growth and is fine for you to perform. The best exercises for you to build up your booty will be squats and walking lunges.
I’m sixteen and I’m not skinny. I’m 5’3″ and 145 lbs. I’m well shaped I think, except for my butt. My friends say I’m thick, but my thighs make my butt seem deceptively normal. I actually have a very flat butt. I’ve been wanting to lose some weight but also build up my butt to even out the overall weight on my body. How can I lose weight while also building up my butt?