Exercise Help – Get Workout Tips and Advice To Get Fit


exercise-page-guidesOur exercise guides will show you exactly how to perform over 500 strength training exercises to help you build muscle and increase your strength levels. Our massive exercise database is like having your very own personal trainer. Access multiple styles of training like weight training with dumbbells and barbells, to using kettlebells and resistance bands. Whatever your favorite type of training is, you will always have instance access to learn new and interesting movements to spice up your workouts and add variety to your routines. View Exercise Guides

exercise-page-workoutsWe have designed some great workout routines to go hand-in-hand with our exercise database. Each specific muscle group is covered and we also include different levels of experience from beginner to advanced individuals. You can also use our 3 day split workouts for quick and easy access to an 8-week routine to help you pack on muscle and get strong. Setting up the right routine can be difficult, so pick and choose whichever workout fits into your overall schedule so you can avoid any excuses about why you missed a workout. View Workout Routines

exercise-page-videoOur video guides are an excellent resource for people who like watching different workouts and exercise instructions. These are great for teaching you the proper technique for many of the most popular exercises you see in the gym. We have everything from muscle building weight training workouts to portable exercise bands routines you can do when you’re on the road. We also have some great at-home workouts you can do in your living room to help burn calories and get fit. If you really want to get lean, try out the cardio workouts like jumping rope which will get you sweating and looking leaner in no time. Watch Exercise Videos

exercise-page-makeoversGet inspired to pack on muscle and get jacked by reading our muscle makeover success stories! We feature real people who have made real results with hard work, discipline and dedication. The in-depth interviews will teach you everything about how each person’s diet and exercise plan to explain exactly how they achieved amazing results. Getting motivated is absolutely crucial when it comes to getting started on a fitness plan and sticking to it, so reading these stories will help push you to make the changes you need in order to get the body of your dreams! See Muscle Makeovers

exercise-page-techniquesLearning new training techniques is one of the most important things you can do to mix up your workouts and keep growing. So many people just go into the gym day after day and week after week doing the same exact workout with the same reps, the same sets and the same amount of weight. This is a recipe for disaster! The last thing you want is to do is hit the dreaded plateau where you stop making gains and your progress stalls out. By implementing different workout techniques you will be able to shock your body into growth so you can blast through those plateaus and see some serious gains.

exercise-page-motivationYour mental outlook and the mind muscle connection are very important when it comes to reaching success with your fitness plan. A big part of achieving the results you truly want is by breaking bad habits, learning new healthy ones and focusing your mind on powerful and positive ideas. Your mind is the strongest muscle in your body so make sure to use it to your advantage and optimize it for the best results. Inspiration and motivation are some of the most important components for long-term success so make sure to read these articles so you can learn more and keep improving!

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ShapeFit.com is dedicated to providing health and fitness information to people so they can live a healthy lifestyle. ShapeFit has thousands of pages of fitness content with fun and interactive tools to help our visitors lose body fat, build lean muscle and increase their energy levels. We wish you great success in reaching your health and fitness goals!

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