Boxing isn’t feminine, it’s too aggressive, too dangerous and its a man’s sport. These are just a few misconceptions from women that have never boxed. I honestly have sympathy for those ladies dragging themselves to the gym to get on a treadmill day after day with little or no results. I often wish I could take each of them by the hand and open the window that boxing can provide for them. There truly are very few ladies that can endure the conditioning of competitive boxing and still be successful in the ring, for the following information is primarily to educate the benefits of the boxing workout.
Boxing is so rare in that it works your entire body, its aerobic and anaerobic and it holds your attention unlike being on a cardio machine for an hour. It will increase your coordination, strength, speed and endurance. There’s no comparison to hitting a target or heavy bag as hard as you can to relieve stress, certainly a step-aerobics class cannot hold a candle to boxing where that’s concerned. You can essentially spend half the time you did working out by trading it in for a 45 minute boxing session.
For beginners, there’s two things to consider. Are you looking for a better workout or are you looking for a workout along with learning some boxing skills as well? Most local gyms have a boxing or kick boxing class which are typically between 30-45 minutes long. There’s an instructor usually demonstrating basic punches that the students practice with a partner in the class or on a heavy bag. Let me emphasize that by no means are these classes dangerous! There’s no contact in these classes, nothing to be cautious of. If you fall into that “just trying boxing for the workout” category, then these classes are the best way to start. You won’t be stuck in a gym membership if you are just trying out classes, so always try a few before committing to a year-long enrollment. To learn some boxing skills, start off with the classes for 3-4 weeks see the transformation your body is making and make it slowly. Next I’d look into a trainer, one that you’re comfortable with and someone who understands your boxing needs. Depending on the expense of it you can do 2 classes per week then 1-2 sessions with the trainer. A one-on-one training session is going to be more challenging and also allow the trainer the time to dedicate to correcting your form like keeping your elbows in, your feet in the right position and things of that nature.
After completing some boxing training, the best part of having these skills is that you can do it at home! As a mother of three, I can attest to not having time or a sitter to get to the gym however, I can always get in a boxing workout at home. It’s very inexpensive to purchase a heavy bag and hang it up in your garage. Pick up a heavy bag and some sparring gloves, which should be 12 ounces and up depending on what you can handle. Hand wraps are critical and I cannot stress the importance of these! They are only a few dollars and your knuckles need to be tied together to prevent injury.
I also tell women to take baby steps. If entering a boxing class is too intimidating then get online for ten minutes and look up how to throw basic punches like a jab, cross, hook and upper cuts. Get in front of a mirror and try it out. Getting familiar with the sport and shadow boxing is a great calorie burner. This will also provide you with some self-esteem when walking into a class since you will be a little more knowledgeable.
Boxing is a total body workout that enables you to burn fat quickly. It builds confidence and is very empowering. Learning self-defense that will keep you safe is a pretty good bonus that no other workout can provide.