The New Year is usually the best time for gyms. People get the weight loss and fitness craze during the New Year and decide their resolution is to lose weight and get fit. However, within a couple of weeks it is back to the same group of regular people. One of the reasons is that people start to get bored. Typically, people start running on a treadmill for a couple of weeks and for a while they may start to see some changes in their bodies. But then their bodies start to adapt and the changes slow down. They see slow progress and begin to get bored with their exercise program. Below we will look into different ways to keep exercise interesting and fun!
The first thing is to get educated. This does not mean a degree in exercise science but just getting to know how fitness and weight loss can be achieved. When a person learns the methods how they can achieve their goals, they become eager to try them. If they can see the result, it will drive them to learn more and consequently will help them to achieve their goals.
Get a workout partner. It should be somebody with the same goals, drive, and determination as you. If your workout partner is somebody you must drag along with you, it will affect the both of you. Many people put ads in the paper to find workout partners. It is much easier to let ourselves down than others. Therefore if we know somebody is going to be waiting for us, we will be more likely to make sure we get our training in with them.
If you typically workout indoors try an outdoor workout. Running on a treadmill inside can get monotonous. Outside there is fresh air and the scenery to give you a break. Many who do circuit training with bodyweight exercises inside can easily get a workout accomplished outside. If moving heavy weight is your thing, you can push your car up and down the road.
Most communities have some type of team sport available. They usually are open to all skill levels. This can put you in a network of people with similar goals, thus increasing your chance of success at your fitness goals.
Try a local competition. If you are into weight lifting, there is probably a weight lifting competition in the area during some part of the year. If you enjoy running or biking, there will probably be a race in the area as well. Competing can lift your workouts to an entirely different level. Before, you were training to reach your own personal goals and it can make it easy to skip a workout. However, if you have a deadline for a competition, it gives your training a real purpose.
Go on a fitness holiday. This is a great way to go on a vacation, eat exotic dishes and see exotic places in the world that you may not typically think of going. A fitness retreat may also offer activities you may not have thought to add into your workout regimen.
Take a class. There are many community activities that offer various activities for groups of people in a class setting. This is true even in a gym. There may be a kickboxing class, dance class, or a Pilates class for you to join.
Get the family involved. It is possible to get loved ones in your desire to get fit by including them in your fitness past time. Kids can get active by employing new video games such as the Wii. Such games will allow you to play along with them. You can spend time with the family as well as get a little activity.
Get some gear. Next time you go shopping, keep your fitness activity in mind. Perhaps buying a new pair of sneakers or a new MP3 player will give you some extra motivation to use them.
Focus on the end result. By now you have seen some progress and have experienced the feel good hormones and chemicals released by the brain when you workout. Focus on those the next time you feel bored.
Keeping boredom at bay may be difficult at times but it is not impossible. Following some of these tips above may help you to fight off boredom in your fitness activities!