Have you ever felt stuck in neutral? When you think of a car you usually picture it driving down the highway or on the road. Cars are designed to get you from point A to point B. They are meant to be driven and used for transportation and enjoyment. We are designed the same way. We are meant to live and truly drive into everything life has for us. However, we often get fearful to step out of our comfort zone.
Everyone has goals and talents but we often get stuck in the same old pattern or routine. It can be hard and often scary to step outside of the box. In order to grow and become the best person we can be that is exactly what we need to do. People often ask me why they feel stuck or why things aren’t going the way they want in their life. My first question to them is what have you changed? If you keep doing the same things the same way, you are going to get the same results.
Many people tell me they want to lose weight but have no set plan of doing it. They continue to not workout, watch television instead of go to the gym, and not be disciplined. If you don’t purposely change your thinking and your habits, nothing will change. The people who have the bodies we desire and the lives we desire are people willing to do what no one else will do. For example, I love to write and desire to be a great writer. However, I know that if I do not continue to write and continue to publish my books, this dream of mine will never come true. Dreams take discipline, time, and courage to step out of our comfort zone.
This is true for many areas in our life and not just fitness. If you desire to find love but you are always sitting at home and whining about being single, you’re most likely not going to find love. If you are always negative but desire to meet positive people, you’ll most likely stay negative and alone. When you want change in your life you have to realize what has to be changed on your part. In order to lose weight you have to commit to eating healthier, taking vitamins, and working out. Even just thirty minutes a day can go a long way!
The first step to success and getting out of your comfort zone is just that, taking the first step. If you continue to sit around and complain, nothing is going to change. Making small changes day in and day out can have a great impact on your life. Start small and keep going. I have read countless stories about people who were so overweight they couldn’t even run around the block once. Those same people started out slow and started walking just thirty minutes a day and are now running marathons! When you start to truly believe in yourself and apply yourself, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. Stop wishing for what you want and start working hard for what you want.
If you talk to the most successful people in your life or in the world for that matter, you will find it didn’t come easy most of the time. They will tell you it took discipline, courage, strength, determination, belief, and most of all stepping outside of their comfort zone. The greatest people in history had to step outside of their comfort zone and rise up to fulfill their potential. Don’t waste another year sitting around wishing and hoping for your dreams to come true. Go out and make it happen and show yourself you have what it takes. You were created for greatness and this is your time to shine!
Maybe you’re dealing with low self-esteem, depression, heartache or sickness. Whatever you are going through there is no challenge that you cannot overcome. I personally have faced some very difficult challenges and situations. I found myself at my lowest point and ready to give up on life. Sometimes it’s those dark moments in life that can define us. Remember a diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well. You are a diamond and were created to live your best life! Often I have found that my times of darkness have made me stronger when I kept pushing on. My times of darkness have also encouraged others. I don’t mind going through tough times if it pays off in the end. I encourage you to seek help if you are feeling down and keep pushing forward.
Even the darkest nights break through and the dawn shines again! That is a good thing to keep in mind when going through something difficult. No one can change your life or your circumstances except for yourself. No one can make you step outside of your comfort zone and change. Make a decision today that you will no longer be the same. Something that has helped me is writing down my goals and signing my name or initials next to each one. Mentally this lets you know that you are committing to each of your goals. Fitness and goals take more mental effort and discipline than physical discipline.
Just a few years ago I was very unhappy with myself and my body. I made a commitment to get myself in the gym, learn about fitness, change my eating habits, and I’ve never been the same since. Am I saying this to boast about how great I am? No, not at all. I’m saying this to encourage you that if I can do it, you certainly can too. I faced many challenges and negativity along the way but I am continuing to make progress. When you start to see results and the progress you’ve made, it will all be worth it. Make up your mind to change for the better and realize your value and potential. Live a purpose driven life and inspire others to reach their full potential. You’ll realize you should have stepped out of your comfort zone a long time ago!