It’s always important to learn from people who are more successful than you. This is true in business as well as in fitness. If your goal is to build the best physique possible then it’s imperative to gain as much knowledge and quality information as you can about nutrition, training, supplementation and recovery. All of the fitness models we showcase have built their impressive physiques with hard work, dedication and discipline. They share their best diet and exercise tips and reveal insider secrets for getting into incredible shape. Their in-depth interviews are incredibly helpful for learning what to do and also what not to do when it comes to building the body of your dreams. We also showcase their sexy and inspirational photos to help motivate you to get on the right track to fitness success!
Female Fitness Models | Male Fitness Models
Have you ever thought about writing articles and sharing your knowledge on the topic of health and fitness to the world? Whether you are a certified personal trainer, registered dietitian, physician, bootcamp instructor, or just someone with a true passion for fitness, you can start writing articles for ShapeFit and help inspire thousands of people every single month to live a healthier lifestyle. Not only will you be seen as an expert in your field but you will also receive amazing exposure with your very own optimized showcase page on and also be featured in our fitness newsletter which goes out to over 150,000 subscribers each week!
Become a Fitness Writer for ShapeFit
Fitness is supposed to be fun, so that’s why we have included several interesting and interactive tools to force your brain to be stimulated and keep you on top of your game. From challenging and inquisitive polls and educational quizzes, you will definitely have your hands full with our fitness games. Just like going to the gym helps to exercise your muscles, you also want to train your mind by doing stimulating mental exercises every day that challenge your knowledge and make you really think. Are you a competitive person who thinks they know almost everything on the topic of health and fitness? Well, this will be the true test to see just how smart you really are!
Our weekly fitness newsletter is the perfect way to stay up-to-date with ShapeFit’s latest fitness articles. We are always updating our site with diet and exercise articles, weight loss information, bodybuilding content, success stories, fitness model interviews and much more so make sure you get the latest updates quickly and easily by signing up for our free newsletter. We only send our newsletter out once per week, so don’t worry about being inundated with tons of emails coming from us. We also make it extremely easy for you to unsubscribe from our newsletter list at any time and we will never share or sell your email address to anyone. Sign up today and start receiving the latest information to help you reach your fitness goals faster!
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We always want to help our visitors get in shape, stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle so we have created a few great fitness products to help you build the body of your dreams. Our exercise bands provide the perfect portable solution to get a great workout anytime, anywhere! If you want an affordable calorie burning and fat blasting cardio workout that you can do in the convenience of your own home, then our jump ropes are the ideal solution for you. Our comfortable and stylish sleeveless workout shirts are great to wear when you’re sweating during a hardcore training session. If you need ideas about new exercises to add to your workout and also want to track your progress then our FitTracker fitness app is an indispensable tool for you since it’s really like having your own personal trainer in your pocket!
Matt Schifferle is one of ShapeFit’s top fitness writers who has contributed numerous health and fitness articles to us. Matt is a certified personal trainer who shares his knowledge and expertise on the topics of exercise, nutrition and also the mental side of being in the fitness game. Matt gives readers a no-holds-barred, gritty and raw approach to his training philosophy to really push people to another level of growth, both personally and physically. His deep understanding and insights on the topic of breaking plateaus are extremely beneficial to anyone who has ever been challenged with these types of roadblocks in their fitness program and who truly want to breakthrough and succeed!