Jacqueline Lewis-Lyons is a Clinical Psychologist and Life Coach (member of the International Coach Federation) with over 20 years of experience working in private practice and community service. Jacqui and her husband, George Lyons, a successful attorney, are active in their community and church and have dedicated themselves to making a difference in the lives of others.
Dr. Jacqui has had first-hand experience working with troubled adults and children within the criminal justice system, children’s services department, adoptions, and inpatient/outpatient treatment programs. She has compassion and experience to help clients achieve positive transformation.
Dr. Jacqui is especially excited about the field of Life Coaching because it offers clients the opportunity to learn and develop their God-given individual strengths and talents to create lives that are more successful and meaningful. Life Coaching is a process involving teamwork between the client and coach to identify goals and put a plan into action. Life coaching from the perspective of utilizing your greatest strengths allows the client to enrich their total life experience, not just offer a temporary solution to a problem.
“Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to see my clients fulfill their life long dreams by gaining confidence and self-assurance, “said Dr. Jacqui during a recent interview with Purpose magazine. “Sometimes a person cannot handle the challenges that cause stress because of low self-esteem or the inability to take proper care of themselves. For some, just being able to say “No, I can’t” without feeling guilty is major step toward self-care and stress reduction. I help my clients understand their worth outside of working and doing chores. During my coaching sessions, by phone or in person, I help keep the client focused so that their desired goals are achieved. Many people are blocked by hidden challenges and it requires insight, encouragement and inspiration to help open those doors. This is the work that I believe God has called me to do and I love it!”
My Articles:
- Plus Sized Women – Being Fit At A Size That Is Right For You
- Five Year Fitness Plan – Create A Plan For A Healthier Lifestyle
- How To Go From A Stressed Out Failure To A Self Actualized Winner
- Weight Loss Criticism – How To Deal With Criticism From Others
- What Is An Athlete – Anyone Who Is Willing To Put Forth The Effort
Contact Information:
Jacqueline Lewis-Lyons, Psy.D.
Personal Wholeness Solutions
1425 East Dublin-Granville Rd.
Suite 213
Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 433-7040