Have you ever had to drag yourself to the gym? Maybe it took hours or days to get there. The hardest part when it comes to exercising is often motivation. There is a mindset you must have if you want to stick to your exercise and nutritional goals. This mindset is that no matter how you feel you will choose to stick with it. Exercise doesn’t have to be a boring routine or chore in your life. In fact, there are plenty of ways to make exercise fun. Here are some of my helpful tips when it comes to exercising in the summer and having fun!
#1. Go To The Beach
Most people love to go to the beach when it’s warm out! Going to the beach on a nice day for a run can clear your mind and give you a new atmosphere. Reward yourself after with laying out for a while and soaking up the sun. Don’t forget your SPF of course! It is also fun to get a group of friends and play volleyball on the beach. It’s a fun way to stay active and enjoy your summer. I’ve never been the best volleyball player but I still play for fun and to stay healthy. I have so much fun that I often forget I am doing something healthy for my body. Often my friends and I will bring healthy food to eat after a fun game of volleyball. Some suggestions are fruit, lunch meat, or turkey burgers.
#2. Rollerblading
Rollerblading is another fun sport that can be done when the weather is warm. Take a friend with you and roller blade around your neighborhood or even at the beach. This is another fun activity that can get your mind off exercising and just focused on the fun of it. I often go rollerblading with my dog. I would only recommend this if you trust your dog to not take off on you for a squirrel. This has happened to me in the past and I wiped out and have the scar to prove it! My dog is currently up in age and has luckily calmed down a lot so I trust that he won’t push me to the ground or injure me in any way.
#3. Go For a Nice Walk
Sometimes just a nice stroll through the park or even around the block can do wonders for your body and your mind. I love to go to my local park and walk or jog and take in the fresh air. It also allows me to reflect on the beauty of the flowers and scenery. I always take a few minutes to enjoy the nature around me as I go for my walk. It’s important to clear your head and focus on your goals and what really matters in life. You can also walk on your lunch hour and calm yourself during a busy time of your day. Think to yourself how lucky you are to be alive. Look around at the wonderful world we live in and think of all the opportunities and possibilities that lie before you.
#4. Go For a Swim
Swimming is an awesome way to keep fit and healthy. It can also be a nice way to cool off on a very hot summer day. Swimming is another activity you can either do alone or with friends. I recently went on a trip to Florida and spent most of my time in the pool. I didn’t go to the gym while I was on vacation but felt I had some good workouts just swimming in the pool. I also had a nice tan going on while in the pool and was able to relax and cool off.
#5. Take a Fun Class or Have a Hobby
There are so many fun classes and hobbies out there today. There is boxing, Zumba, yoga, spin classes, and boot camp classes. These are just a few fun classes I have taken in the past to keep me interested in fitness. I had a blast while working out with others and pushing myself past my limit. I also was able to meet some new people who were interested in fitness like me. Everyone was so positive and friendly after the classes since our endorphins were up and we were feeling good about ourselves. I recommend to anyone to try something new and step out of your comfort zone! It’s also fun to learn something new and feel confident in how far you have come every day.
I hope these suggestions help you on your fitness journey. You deserve to be fit and fabulous and most of all have fun while doing it. Life is too short to not achieve your goals and be all that you are capable of. Be creative and get actively involved in your life and the lives of others. I love working out with friends and doing some of the above activities together. It feels good to encourage each other and have a good time while doing it. The good thing about doing the above activities is that we are making memories while working on our fitness.
I love fitness and nutrition but I love my family and friends just as much. I love living my life to the fullest and inspiring others to do the same. Every day is truly a gift and we can enjoy that gift so much more when we are fit and in our best health. We owe it to our family, friends, and mostly ourselves to be the absolute best that we can be. From experience I know that things tend to go better in life when you feel better about yourself and complete your goals.
Continue to press on daily and work hard. I can guarantee you that your hard work will pay off. Persistence is important but having fun is also key to sticking with it! Don’t be so hard on yourself that you forget to have fun! It’s nice to arrive at a destination but don’t forget to have fun on the journey.