Several people have recently asked me how I stay so toned and fit. Diet and exercise is what I always say. There is not a magic diet trick or magic anything that keeps me fit and trim. Instead, it takes a lot of hard work at the gym and dedication to eating the right foods. If you want to get toned and fit, then this article will help jump start, and hopefully motivate you to do just that.
As a half marathon runner, I am by all means a lean body type. I run on average about 8-10 miles per day and this does not vary. I keep a strict routine in place and this strict routine helps keep me motivated on days when I would prefer to skip a workout or prefer to lay in bed and not exercise at all. We must mentally psych ourselves up in order to get that full intensity body workout, in my opinion. I start saying to myself before I even hit the gym, that my workout is going to be awesome and I imagine myself running and running faster than the day before. I am always trying to cut my run times and boost my metabolism at the same time.
Along with running I am into lifting light weights. Light lifting has many benefits. Light lifting tones your arms, legs, core and glutes. Something we are all trying to do, but some of us just do not know how. Light lifting for me means using free weights and doing squats. Free weights can be found in any gym and there is not a size that matters as long as you can feel that you are working your muscles. I typically stay between the 8-10 pound range in free weights. I am not about bulking up, but instead toning up. With the use of free weights, you are free to do many different exercises. There are three ways free weights can be beneficial:
- Muscle Strength: 5-8 reps, 1-3 sets.
- Muscle Endurance: 15-20 reps, 1-3 sets.
- Muscle Power: 3-5 reps, 1-3 sets.
There are also certain muscle groups that you will want to train, the first being your upper body which includes the front and back of your arms, chest, shoulders, and upper back. Second, your torso which is where your abs, lower back and obliques are located. Lastly, your legs which include the front and back of your legs, thighs and glutes. Now, with light lifting there are three different exercises that I do:
- Upper body: Bicep curls, tricep extensions, shoulder press, bench press, and bent over rows.
- Torso: Abdominal curls (hands across chest), “Bird-Dog” (on hands and knees, lift opposite arm and leg 5 – 10 reps, then opposite arm/leg), and side-planks.
- Legs: Squats or lunges, and heel raises.
When it comes to squats, there is a lot of technique involved. I will go through how to do an effective squat which can do killer things to your abs, thighs, hips and glutes:
Stand with feet hip distance apart with your toes, knees and hips in a straight line.
- Pull your belly button towards your spine and contract your abdominal muscles. Breathe in!
- Slowly lower your body, as though you are sitting in a chair. Make sure you maintain your balance and always use a spotter.
- If you can, go down until your butt is in line with your knees (knees at 90 degree angles). If you can’t go down that low, go as low as you can.
- Take a moment and look down make sure your knees are behind your toes.
- Keeping the weight in your heels, slowly push your body back to starting position.
- At the top of the movement, do not lock your knees. Keep a bend in them.
- Repeat the movement 10 to 15 times, performing 1 to 3 sets. For each repetition, count to 3 on the way up and on the way down to ensure you’re not going too fast.
- Rest 30 to 60 seconds in between sets.
Remember to watch your technique when it comes to using free weights! In order to do so, you must learn the proper technique before starting the exercise. Once you have learned the proper technique, make sure you exercise both sides of your body. Remember to breathe and to exhale when you are working your hardest and inhale when you are working the easiest. Breathing is really important when trying to keep your posture correct. Remember to move in a controlled manner. You must be moving the weight, not the weight moving you. If the weight seems to be moving you, drop down to a lighter weight and continue.
So far, this all seems fairly easy and getting toned and fit really is. The most important factor, along with coming up with a workout plan, is that you keep your diet regulated as well. One question I always get is how to avoid snacking. To avoid snacking, do not have the snacks in your house. Plain and simple advice which I hope you will take. Keeping those sweets in the house will only make you want to binge and this will not help your diet or keep you toned and fit. I do recommend keeping gummi bears around the house and here is why. Gummi bears have no real nutritional value but they do help spike the blood sugar back up after a hard workout. You must eat something within the first hour after working out. A small snack of something sweet always spikes your blood sugar back up to the normal range. If you are not a gummi bear person, try fruit snacks. They come in 90 calorie baggies and are great to keep in your purse or in your briefcase when you are on the go.
These are just some of the ways you can stay toned and fit. I am always up for more questions so don’t hesitate to e-mail me and ask for advice. Staying fit and trim is something we all should do because there are so many health benefits which include a lower chance of diabetes, lower chance of obesity, keeps your blood sugar levels in the normal range, which means avoiding diabetes, a boost in mood, and a chance to drop a little weight and gain that extra self-confidence you have always wanted!
Is there anything specific I should avoid eating to keep from getting toned. Thank you for your help!
Hi Michael – Yes, there are several things you should avoid if you’re trying to get toned and fit. These include fast foods, sugary foods, processed foods, sugary drinks and alcohol. For a list of healthy foods to include in your diet, take a look at our Nutrition 101 article for more information.