Goldenseal and Echinacea are two herbal remedies that have been used by the Native Americans for years. They are alike in a lot of ways, but are different in a lot of ways. Echinacea , also known as black susan, hedge hog, scurvy root, and snake root is used by people to defend their immune systems from the viruses that cause colds, sore throats and the flu. Echinacea comes in the form of extracts, tinctures, and solid forms like capsules.
When taking echinacea for the common cold, you should start taking it as soon as you see the onset of the symptoms such as runny nose, or cough. You should always purchase echinacea from a reliable source to minimize the risk of contamination. Echinacea can be found in most drug stores and natural health food stores. Echinacea has not been evaluated by the FDA for the purity or safety. Echinacea is not recommended for people with white blood cell disorders, HIV/AIDS, or tuberculosis. If you are pregnant or could become pregnant, or are breast-feeding your bay, you should avoid echinacea at all cost because of your safety. Anyone that wants to try echinacea, needs to consult their physician to see if it would be beneficial for you. The side effects that could come along if echinacea is taken include closing of the throat, and swelling of the lips and tongue.
Goldenseal, like echinacea, can be used for a cold and the flu. It can also be used for bladder infections, fungal infections of the skin, and sinus and chest congestion. Some other names that goldenseal go by include, orange root, yellow root, and ground raspberry. Like echinacea, goldenseal was used back in the early 1800’s by the Native Americans to treat digestive problems, diarrhea, eye irritations, and skin disorders. Goldenseal , like most herbal supplements comes in nutritional supplement form and can also be bought as a cream or ointment to heal skin wounds. Goldenseal can also be used as a tincture or gargle for the mouth for sore throats and even mouth sores.
Side effects of goldenseal include increased nervousness, and irritation of the throat and mouth. Goldenseal, like echinacea should not be taken by anyone that is pregnant. One of the main components of goldenseal is berberine, which has been reported to cause uterine contractions, so for this reason even goldenseal tea should be avoided. Like any other herbal supplement on the market today, you should always contact or get physician assistance from your doctor.
Today, in a health driven industry, with all the anti-aging elixirs, and herbal supplements that make claims for better health, or losing weight, all supplements no matter what they are can have a huge impact on your health in a negative way if these supplements are not researched or talked about with your physician before you take them.. Your physician knows your health and any problems associated with your health, and it’s imperative that they are advised about any supplements that you wish to take, especially not being FDA approved, or any supplements for that matter.
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Great article!