Start thinking about this one before you even get up from reading this article. We’ll break this into two smaller sections. You’re the one that has to choose the food. If you rely on others to make choices for you, you will most likely fail. You even have to go as far as not telling anyone what you’re doing. Just go and do it. Make it in to multiple steps. You can focus on each one in case you run into a problem.
You have to surround yourself with the right food. Burn your bridges on going back to the bad stuff. At least give yourself a fighting chance and get prepared. Get in the mindset of doing it right, to get the right result. Do a little research on where any and all your foods come from. It’s not as easy as growing it in the back yard anymore. Our foods have GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) chemicals, and preservatives on them. It’s not enough to just say “oh let’s just go organic”. The regulation will still let a lot of them get away with dishonest advertising. Before we go and get too deep, let me make it simple for you. Your local farmer has the best fruits and vegetables. Try to keep all your foods and meats to a local company. If the farm is heavily commercialized it may have lots of chemicals and GMO food. They take a plant seed and put chemicals in the seed. Since they’re only a few years old it is not clear on the outcome of a long-term program. Depending on where you live produce will cost differently. Cold places seem to have more expensive produce. Do a little research on where your food comes from and how they treat the produce.
Keep it simple! Stay to the outside walls of the grocery store. All the processed foods are in the middle. They are not live so they don’t need as much water and refrigeration. That doesn’t mean meat and dairy are top of the list. Before going into the store, have a plan of what you want. I would write the foods down before you go in. Go straight for the foods you came for. Eat a little bit about an hour before going. Start managing your food behaviors. That doesn’t mean you have to become obsessed. Just be aware that your old eating habits didn’t work. I always start with my produce first. It’s very, very, important. Once the produce goes in the buggy, you will be concerned about it getting too hot or warm. That will help with you wandering off into the processed sugar section. Get whatever produce you want if you’re just starting out. Include in this good fats like nuts and avocados. There are many times I never make it all the way around the store.
Once you have the good food in your home it will be a lot easier to not eat the bad foods. This is where being prepared helps so much. If you get yourself into pinch and start desiring foods, the chocolate will mostly outweigh the apple. Don’t put yourself in that position until you feel more confident in your ability to make the right choice. There have been many times when I go into my kitchen looking for sweets. When they are not there I am not real happy. A few minutes go by and I look again. For some unknown reason that pear looks so much better. Once the mind knows it doesn’t get the chemicals, it seems to change a little. After you have eaten your food you should feel complete.
What if you have a family to feed? You’re worried about everyone at least eating something. I would suggest taking whatever food they like and make it the day before. Just stop making everything instant and sugary. Your family loves chicken strips. Then get a good batter and good oil. That is food that does contain a lot of food per bite so you will need to watch your consumption.
Check your measurements every 30 days. I wouldn’t get too obsessed with checking, it can backfire if you do. You want results too fast. Systemize everything! Your grocery shopping will pay off in a big way. Plan your meals before going to the grocery store.