If more people took their nutrition seriously, we would all be much healthier. There are so many foods packed with preservatives, high in fat and calories that are available everywhere and that are very unhealthy for us. I see programs on the news all the time questioning why there are so many people overweight. It amazes me that so many people are still questioning why they are still overweight. The reasons are obvious! It’s all the fast food, processed foods, lack of exercise, poor eating habits and lack of knowledge when it comes to nutrition and exercise.
Knowledge will go a long way in everything we do in life. We can’t expect things to just happen without any effort. We truly will get out of life what we put in it.
As an athlete, I put as much emphasis on my nutrition as my training. I would implore everyone to do the same. If you focus on your diet, you will get much better results from your training and also be a healthier person. If you need to lower your body fat, then lower your calories and fat intake gradually and exercise on a regular basis. If you want to gain strength, then consuming enough quality nutrients on a daily basis is vital. Quality nutrients being protein, complex and simple carbohydrates as well as some healthy fats. Let’s not forget quality drinking water.
Days before I compete in a lifting event, I will make sure I carb load with pasta and keep my protein and water intake up as long as I’m at the body weight I desire. I have been competing the past 13 years in the 220 pound class, weighing between 203 and 210. I have never had a problem making weight so it’s easier for me to keep my nutrition intake high as I get close to my event.
I helped a member at the gym who wanted to take off 35 pounds. She said she could never take the weight off and get rid of the cellulite no matter what she did. After speaking with her in-depth regarding her workout and nutrition history, I guaranteed her she could get to the desired weight she wanted if she followed the training and nutrition program I designed for her.
After 4 months, she reached her goal and she has stayed there the past 3 years. She told me she was very unhappy with herself before and that she did not like how she looked or how she felt. Now, she feels like a new person. She said that she never believed she could look like she does today! Those comments made me feel good and they also told me she had no confidence before which I imagine many people who are unhappy with themselves, have those same feelings .
To be the best we can in life, we need to arm ourselves with good food choices and good life choices which consists of regular exercise, limiting alcohol and staying away from drugs and cigarettes. We should also not be involved in negative behavior, pornography, hate, revenge, gossip, animosity, greed, lust or anything else that can be self-destructive.
We all need to strive for a winning attitude. If we believe in something, it will be much easier to achieve it. We should all be thankful that we have the opportunity to improve our health to live a healthier life. When making healthier food choices, we should not have the negative thoughts like “I have to diet”. Eating healthy is not dieting! It’s making good food choices. Never use the word “diet” because it sets us up to fail. Why is this? It’s because when people think that they are restricting something they are not allowed to have, it makes it difficult to maintain good food choices. By just thinking of it as eating healthy, it remains positive. When we choose to eat healthy, we can consume some things we enjoy on a limited amount and still reach our goals.
Here are some suggestions of foods to pack your kitchen with in order to start eating healthy. Lean meats such as turkey breast, chicken breast, cod, tilapia, healthy fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grain products, whole wheat products and quality drinking water. Keep healthy foods in the house and you will be less tempted to eat poorly. Be accountable to yourself and write down your daily food intake in your nutrition journal. With the right amount of calories, protein, carbs and good fats in your nutrition plan, you will be healthier and get the results you’re striving for!
A final note: Make sure you bake, broil, grill or rotisserie your meat products. Go skinless and do not use any breading when preparing your meals.